
  1. “And He called,” etc. Why did Hashem call Moshe before speaking to him?

  2. How was the appearance of Hashem to Moshe different than to Bilam? Why?

  3. Who else calls one another? Why? Where do we mention it in davening?

  4. What were the breaks? Their purpose? Was Moshe called at these breaks? Why? What do we derive from this about our learning?

  5. “And Hashem spoke in him.” Who is excluded here?

  6. Was the voice of Hashem high? How far did it reach? Who didn’t hear it?

  7. Why is Adam mentioned in connection with the korbanos?

  8. There are six categories of pesulim‎ in korbanos. Which?

  9. If an Olah gets mixed in with other sheep, what happens?

  10. If a person promises an Olah then refuses to give it, do we force him? Proof? How do we force him? (See Rambam, Laws of Gerushin 8:2.)

  11. If we do force him, how can the korban be ‘according to his will’?

  12. For which kinds of sins does a korban Olah atone?

  13. Can a non-Kohein slaughter the korban? Take the blood? Proof?

  14. “They should put fire,” etc. But wasn’t there a fire sent from heaven?

  15. if a Kohein is ‘too well dressed’ or ‘not so well dressed’ his avodah is posul. Explain and give proof.

  16. What are the requirements for a korban of fowl (pigeons, doves) to be kosher?

  17. Why are the insides (intestines) of fowl thrown out, and not those of sheep?

  18. Why are the doves burned on the mizbeyach with their wings?

  19. Regarding both sheep and fowl, it says, ‘Reyach nichoach laShem.’ What does this teach us?

  20. Why does it say ‘Venefesh ki sakriv’ only in reference to a Korban Minchah?

  21. Which parts of a Korban Minchah could be done by non-Kohanim? Which part must the Kohein do?

  22. The fistful is called a reminder. For what?

  23. Did the Kohein Gadol and regular Kohein get the same portions? Explain.

  24. What are the two opinions concerning the application of oil on a Minchah?

  25. What kind of oil is kosher for Menachos? Proof?

  26. What two items cannot be brought with a Korban Minchah?

  27. All korbanos required salt.Why is this called bris‎ (covenant)?

  28. Most Menachos are voluntary except one. Which?

  29. Why are certain korbanos called Shlomim? (Two reasons.)

  30. The daily Tamid had to be the first korban of the day. Proof?

  31. For which kind of sins is a korban Chatos required?

  32. If a person writes part of a word on Shabbos, does he bring a korban Chatos? Proof?

  33. When a Kohein Gadol sins, why is this called the ‘guilt of the nation’?

  34. What kind of situation is described in posuk 4:13?

  35. Prove that Hashem loves Am Yisroel (the Jewish nation) more than He loves the Kohein Gadol.

  36. What kind of aveiros (sins) are described in pesukim 5:1-3?

  37. Which kind of korban do all those people (in question 36) bring?

  38. When an Olah and Chatos are brought, which goes first? Why?

  39. If a person was rich when he sinned, and then became poor, which kind of korban is he required to bring? (And if vice versa?) Explain.

  40. What kind of aveiro is described in posuk 5:15?

  41. What kind of korban Asham is mentioned in posuk 5:18? Its purpose?

  42. For which kind of aveiros does this Asham atone?

  43. What kind of lessons do Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Yosai, Rabbi Yosai Haglili, and Rabbi Eliezer learn from here?

  44. According to Rabbi Akiva, why is one who denies a deposit worse than one who denies a loan?

  45. What kind of aveiro is described in Chapter 5, posuk 22?

  46. How many kinds of korbanos are mentioned in this Parsha?

  47. There are two very famous maamorim in Likutei Torah on this Parsha on Chapter 1, posuk 2, and Chapter 2, posuk 13. See what it says there.

  48. Which korbanos from this Parsha are mentioned in the daily korbanos portion of Tfilas Shacharis?


  1. What do we have today instead of the korbanos (two general things)?

  2. How does the maamar Bosi Legani of Yud Shvat explain the subject of [avodas-ha-korbonos-b-ruchnius]?

  3. Why is aleph in the word 'Vayikra' a small one?

  4. How many mitzvos asei and mitzvos lo ta’asei are mentioned here?

  5. What other name is given to this Chumash? Why?