“And it was on the eighth day,” etc. Which day of the month was it?
What was happening during the seven previous days?
“That day took ten crowns,” etc. What kind of crowns?
Moshe called the elders of Israel. What for?
Why did Aharon have to offer a calf for a korban?
Why did Moshe have to urge Aharon, “Come to the mizbeyach!”?
After the korbanos were offered, what kind of blessing did Aharon give?
After that blessing Moshe and Aharon went into the ‘holy tent’ again. What for? (Two reasons.)
How did the people react after they saw the Heavenly fire come down?
What was the blessing that Moshe and Aharon gave to the people?
Why did the people feel embarrassed as long as the Shechina (Divine Presence) didn’t come?
How is the ‘wrong service’ of Nadav and Avihu described in the posuk?
What are the opinions of Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yishmael about the wrongdoing?
Hashem’s name was going to be sanctified in public on this great day. What did Moshe expect?
What did Moshe find out about his greatness (and Aharon’s) after the tragedy?
How did Aharon react to his sons’ death? How was he rewarded?
How does Hashem’s name become sanctified through the punishment of tzadikim?
Who were these people: Mishael, Eltzafan, Uziel? What were the first two asked to do?
The usual observances of mourners were prohibited to the survivors. What are they? Are these observances kept today?
Prove that the suffering of a Torah scholar must be shared by all.
Prove that when a Kohein drinks wine, his avodah becomes posul.
Who else was prohibited from drinking wine? What if he did? Proof?
How do we know that Aharon’s other two sons might have died too? What saved them?
Which korban was burnt? Why was Moshe upset about it?
What were the reasons for burning this korban? What reason did Moshe suggest?
To whom was Moshe complaining about the burning? Who answered him? Why him?
Moshe liked the answer he was given. What was that answer? What were Moshe’s comments?
How were Aharon’s sons Elazar and Issamar rewarded for accepting the tragedy properly?
Why did Hashem put restrictions on the Jewish nation but not on other nations?
How did Moshe explain to the people about the kosher and non kosher animals? Proof?
What are the two traits that identify the kosher animals?
How is a kal v’chomer used to determine the status of certain animals?
How does the Torah teach us about the obligation of cleansing ourselves before Yom Tov?
What are the signs of kosher fish? Kosher birds?
Are people allowed to feed non kosher meat to small children? Proof?
Carrying a sheretz (rodent) is worse than just touching it. How? (Difference between tumas magah and tumas masah.)
A person who has a sheretz for a pet, is he tomei (impure)? Proof?
A wooden dish that became tomei, how is it purified? And earthen vessels?
Prove following:
Food (grain, etc.) cannot become tomei unless it first becomes wet.
In addition to water, food can be made tomei by wine, oil, etc.
A vlad hatumah (second level tumah) cannot bring tumah to keilim, only to food.
Water causes food to absorb tumah only if it got wet after it was detached from the ground.
Why does it mention here that Hashem took us out from Mitzrayim?
What special parsha is read this Shabbos? Why at this time?