
  1. What proof is there that the first posuk here refers to toiling in Torah?

  2. How is the above connected to the next phrase, “You shall keep My mitzvos”?

  3. The rain comes in the right (convenient) time if it comes…​ when?

  4. What special blessing is given about certain trees? About eating bread?

  5. Which blessing equals the goodness of all other blessings combined?

  6. “And a sword will not cross your land,” etc. Isn’t this a repetition of the peace blessing?

  7. The enemy will “fall by the sword,” in a special, miraculous way. How?

  8. “Five will pursue 100, and 100 will chase 10,000.” What is the difficulty in this posuk? And the answer?

  9. “And i shall turn to you,” etc. What kind of reward is promised here?

  10. What kind of family and personal (physical) blessings are mentioned here?

  11. “And I will establish my covenant with you.” Didn’t we already have one?

  12. How does the Torah describe the large harvests that will come as a reward?

  13. Name two spiritual blessings mentioned here.

  14. Why does Hashem mention here the fact that He took us out from Mitzrayim?

  15. There are seven aveiros which follow one another. Which are they?

  16. Why do the punishments come in sets of seven? (See posuk 18.)

  17. Lack of rain is a punishment. How is the one here worse than the one Moshe said in the punishments of Ki Savo?

  18. What kinds of bad attitudes are described in posuk 21?

  19. There is a specific punishment about baking bread. What is it?

  20. In posuk 32 there is a punishment that is also a comfort. Explain.

  21. Which sin is atoned for by the punishment of the land being desolate?

  22. How many years after the exiling of the ten tribes did the total destruction come? Which were the last two tribes to be exiled? Where did they go?

  23. Give the count which explains the reason for the 70 years of Galus Bavel (Babylonian Exile).

  24. How do we see that the Torah holds each Jew responsible for his friend’s sins?

  25. In posuk 37 there is a comforting promise made to the exiled Jews. What is it?

  26. What kind of a ‘letter’ exchange is there between Yaakov and Eliyahu? What for?

  27. “My covenant with Yaakov,” etc. Why are the names of the Avos mentioned in reverse order?

  28. Why is the word ‘remembrance’ not mentioned in connection with Yitzchak’s name?

  29. “And the Torahs which He gave,” etc. Why is it written in plural form?

  30. How is the value of a person estimated for purposes of tzedakah (hekdesh)?

  31. On which difficult word does Rashi say, “I don’t know where it comes from”?

  32. How do we see that old age affects a man more negatively than it does a woman?

  33. What is the saying brought from the Gemora, describing the above conditions?

  34. What is done when a contributor cannot afford to pay the full value?

  35. Can a person donate just the foot of an animal to the Beis Hamikdash? Explain.

  36. How do we know that we may not exchange one animal (donated for a korban) for another, even one of equal value?

  37. Can a donated animal that became blemished be redeemed? Explain.

  38. How do we estimate the value of a field for redemption purposes?

  39. What kind of donated (hekdesh) field returns to the owner in Yovel? Which doesn’t?

  40. What kind of kosher and healthy animal cannot be donated to hekdesh? Why?

  41. If a person donates a tomei (non-kosher) animal to hekdesh, what is done with it?

  42. When a person donates his possessions without specifying to whom it is given, who gets them? (Two opinions.)

  43. Sometimes donating the value of a human to hekdesh is ineffective. Why?

  44. What kind of maaser must be eaten in Jerusalem? How is it stated in the posuk?

  45. What difference is there whether one redeems his own maaser or someone else’s?

  46. What kind of maaser is designated by using a whip? What is done with this maaser?

  47. If the tenth animal has a blemish, what is done with it?

  48. Where is there a hint in these pesukim about Yud Shevat?

  49. Who gets the of aliyah of the Tochecha (curses, punishments)? Is he called up?

  50. Why do we say ‘Chazak’ at the end of every Chumash?