Why does the instruction ‘say,’ ‘and you shall say,’ repeat itself here?
What do we derive from the repetition of ‘the Kohanim,’ ‘the sons of Aharon’?
Who are the seven relatives to whom a Kohein may become tomei?
What is added here in the prohibition of creating a bald spot for the dead?
What new fact is stated here about the prohibition of shaving?
What kind of woman may a Kohein not marry?
“You shall sanctify him.” How is this done?
What is the special treatment we give to Kohanim due to their holiness?
Is the punishment different for a daughter of a Kohein who commits adultery?
in what instance may a Kohein Gadol become tomei to a dead person?
Can any Kohein do his services in the Beis Hamikdash on the day his parents died?
May a regular Kohein marry a widow? A divorcee? May a Kohein Gadol marry these?
Give six examples of physical defects (blemishes) that disqualify a Kohein.
Prove that other blemishes (besides the listed ones) also disqualify a Kohein.
If and when the defect heals, does the Kohein become kosher for avodah? Proof?
Kohanim who have defects, can they eat terumah? korbanos? Proof?
When may a Kohein who becomes tomei eat from the above-mentioned things?
Prove your answer to question 19 from a Mishna text.
May the Kohein’s family members eat terumah? His workers? His cattle?
May a Kohein’s daughter who is married to a Levi eat terumah? When?
If a non-Kohein eats terumah, beshogeig or bemeizid, what happens to him? Can he atone for it in some way?
What kind of korban may be accepted even with blemishes? Proof?
Give five examples of blemishes that disqualify korbanos.
If a non-Jew brings a korban, is it accepted? With a blemish?
Which two animals cannot be slaughtered on the same day?
What must one think while slaughtering a korban?
“And I will be sanctified,” etc. (22:32) What mitzvoh do we get here?
What is the incorrect way of attempting martyrdom?
What proof does Rashi bring from the three greats, Chananya, Michoel, and Azarya?
What would be a good reason to make a leap year?
Why is Shabbos mentioned among the other holidays?
What does the word Pesach mean in the Torah?
What kind of work is permitted on Chol Hamoed but not on Yom Tov?
Why did the Kohein have to wave the Omer (up and down, etc.)?
“In all your settlements” (23:14). What are the differing opinions among the Sages concerning the interpretation of this phrase?
Why is it best to count Sefirah at the start of night not later?
What kind of an offering was the Omer? Why its name?
Which Yom Tov is not mentioned by name (or title)?
Why are the gifts of the poor mentioned in the midst of [yomim-tovim]?
Does Yom Kippur atone for those who don’t repent? Proof?
How do we sanctify Yom Kippur? And the other [yomim-tovim]?
Why is the name Atzeres given to the last day of Sukkos? The example for it?
Why is the esrog called pri eitz hadar?
Why was the western light of the menorah called ‘testimony’?
Who ate the lechem hapanim? What part was burnt on the altar?
Prove that through modesty a person is saved from indecent behavior.