All the Mitzvos were given at Sinai. Why then is Sinai mentioned specifically in relation to Shmittah?
Which types of agriculture (work) are forbidden during years of Shmittah?
There is a mitzvoh of counting (Sefira) mentioned here. Explain.
How is the year of Yovel announced? And sanctified? In which month does it begin?
What happens to fields and servants during Yovel? Are all servants alike?
Do we blow the shofar anywhere on Rosh Hashonoh that comes on Shabbos? Proof?
How many Shmittah years are there between two Yovel years?
Why is the prohibition against unfair pricing written near the Yovel?
Is there a mitzvoh to do business with a Jew? Proof? Even if it’s overpriced?
Twice it is mentioned not to be unfair to another person. Why?
What is the official punishment for violating the mitzvoh of Shmittah? The reward?
“If you shall say, ‘What will we eat on the seventh year?’” What are they asking here?
What promise does the Torah give them? Sometimes the promise is bigger. When?
Which reason is given to comfort the people for having to return the field to the owner?
Prove that a man should not sell his field except in poverty.
Do houses also return to the original owner during the year of Yovel?
When a field that was sold is redeemed by a friend, how is it done? And by the owner?
Can one redeem part of a field? Proof?
How long after it was sold may a field be redeemed?
A house within a walled city cannot always be redeemed. Explain.
What is the status (for redemption purposes) of a house in an open city?
How many cities belonged to the Levi’im? Were all their cities walled?
Are their rights to redeem fields and houses different than others’? Explain.
If a Levi donated his field to the Beis Hamikdash treasury, can he redeem it?
When no one redeems the Levi’s field, what happens at Yovel?
When is the best time to give a person a hand (tzedakah)? What is the example from a load on a donkey?
Why does it say “and you shall Fear Hashem,” regarding the prohibition against taking interest?
Why is the fact of redemption from Egypt mentioned in connection with interest?
What reason is mentioned here for giving us the land of Eretz Yisroel?
How does the Torah compare living in Eretz Yisroel to leaving the land?
What must we avoid in the employment of a Jewish servant?
What is prohibited when selling a Jewish servant?
What reason does the Torah give for the above prohibitions?
Then how can Jews in Eretz Yisroel get servants for heavy work?
Can a Jew employ a Canaanite person? Why? A son of a Canaanite?
In posuk 47 the Torah describes a rich person and a poor one. Why are they so?
Which kind of a Jewish servant is it a mitzvoh to redeem? Why?
What reason is given for the fact that a servant is freed in Yovel?
Why is there a prohibition against idolatry at the end of this parsha? (How is it connected here?)
Rashi tells us that the subjects here are arranged in a sequence. How?
What kind of activity is permitted only in the Beis Hamikdash?