According to Rabbi Shimon, why does it say here ‘tzav’ (command) instead of ‘daber’ (speak)?
What does posuk 2 tell us about the fats and limbs?
If something became posul, does it still burn on the mizbeyach?
What was the avodah of terumas hadeshen? When did the Kohein change garments?
Where was the fire for the menorah lighting taken from? Proof?
There were two general kinds of Korban Minchah that the Israelites brought. Which?
If the kometz from the above Menachos was taken without kavana (intention), is it OK?
Can blemished Kohanim eat from the Menachos? Proof?
There was a certain korban that regular Kohanim brought during their dedication and the Kohein Gadol brought every day. Which was it?
Who ate the Korban Minchah that Kohanim brought? Proof?
What can we learn about koshering earthenware and metal dishes from that which is written regarding the korban Chatos?
Which of these are kedoshim kalim and which are kodshai kedoshim: Chatos, Olah, Asham, Shlomim, Minchah?
When is eating a korban punishable by koreis?
What is the punishment for eating cheilev (forbidden fats)? Blood?
On which commandments does Rashi comment: “There is not (necessarily) a chronological order in the Torah”? Why here?
“Take Aharon,” etc. How is Moshe supposed to take him?
“And gather the community at the door of the Ohel Moed.” What for?
What special miracle occurred at this gathering?
Why does Moshe repeat here: “This is the thing that I was commanded to do”?
On which activity does Rashi remark, “I don’t know where he was commanded on it.”
The mizbeyach was cleansed and sanctified. Why both things?
Besides the shemen hamishcho, what else was put on Aharon and his sons?
One part of a korban was burned on the mizbeyach only during the miluim. Which?
Where is there a hint here about the separation of the Kohein Gadol before Yom Kippur?
“And Aharon and his sons did all the things,” etc. What is the special compliment here?
What is the special name given to this Shabbos? Why? Special customs?