
  1. How do we know that this parsha was said at the gathering of the nations? Why?

  2. “You shall be holy,” etc. What kind of holiness is meant here?

  3. Why does it say, “Each man should fear his mother and father”? Isn’t a woman also obligated to fear and honor parents? Why is mother mentioned here first?

  4. How does one give kavod (honor) to parents? And how is yirah (fear, respect) expressed?

  5. Why is the commandment to observe Shabbos written next to honoring parents?

  6. Which laws concerning korbanos do we derive from pesukim 5-8?

  7. Which gifts to the poor are mentioned in pesukim 9-10?

  8. “You shall not steal,” etc. How does this prohibition differ from the one in the Ten Commandments?

  9. What is a logical connection between the prohibitions in pesukim 11-12?

  10. What is the warning given concerning the wages of a worker?

  11. “Do not curse the deaf.” Are we allowed to curse others?

  12. “Don’t put an obstacle in front of a blind person.” What kind of obstacle?

  13. For which kinds of prohibitions does the Torah commonly add, “and you shall fear Hashem”?

  14. What kind of warnings are judges given in posuk 15?

  15. Which mitzvos and warnings are given about rebuking a friend?

  16. What is the difference between the sins of loshon-horo‎ and rechilus‎?

  17. What else is forbidden along with the prohibition against revenge?

  18. There is a prohibition here against being passive. In which situation?

  19. Which three types of mixtures (shatnez) are prohibited here?

  20. What are the three phases concerning the fruits of a newly planted tree?

  21. What kinds of magic are prohibited in posuk 72 (Ch. 20 and 19:27)?

  22. How many transgressions are committed when shaving with a razor?

  23. What are the prohibitions concerning a person’s skin?

  24. How does one show respect to an old person? To a scholar?

  25. What warnings are given here concerning weights and measures?

  26. What is the punishment for cursing parents? For adultery? For a homosexual act?

  27. Why is the animal killed when a human commits a sin with it?

  28. What moral lesson do we derive from it, according to Rashi?

  29. “And separated you from the nations to be Mine.” What lesson of conduct does Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya derive from this?