What mashal does Rashi quote from Rabbi Elazar?
What is difficult in this posuk that made this mashal necessary?
“Because in the cloud,” etc. (posuk 2). Which cloud is meant here? (Two meanings.)
“With this Aharon may come in,” etc. With what? When may he come?
Which garments can’t Aharon wear when he goes into the holiest place? Why?
And which garments does he wear? Do we do anything similar?
How many times did Aharon use the mikvah on Yom Kippur? At which points?
What else did Aharon have to do at these intervals?
Who owned the Kohein Gadol’s Yom Kippur garments? Who owned Aharon’s korban?
What were the lots drawn for?
Twice it’s stated, “He should atone for his household.” Why?
What was done with the goat intended for Azazeil?
What was special about the ketores used on Yom Kippur?
What kind of sins are atoned for the Kohanim and the nation through the korban Chatos?
How do we know that His Presence is with us even when we’re tomei?
What was the order (sequence) of the Kohein Gadol’s avodah on Yom Kippur?
What is done with his garments after Yom Kippur?
Not all the Kohanim Gedolim were anointed. Which were not? Why?
Who is first in line to succeed the Kohein Gadol?
Why is Aharon specially praised that ‘he did as he was told’?
If one offers a korban outside of the Beis Hamikdash he is compared to a murderer. How?
Sometimes those who offered their korbanos outside had wrong intentions. Explain.
Why is the prohibition against sh’chutei chutz (outside offerings) repeated here?
What is the punishment for eating blood? What do we do to meat to get rid of the blood?
Why is an animal sacrifice able to atone for a human being?
To which animals does the mitzvoh of covering the blood apply?
If a person became tomei by eating from a dead animal, does he get punished?
Which sin that occurred in the time of Ezra (circa Second Temple) is hinted at here? Where?
“Don’t do like the activities of the Egyptians and Cnaanites.” Why are these two mentioned?
What is then meant by the addition, “and don’t follow their laws” (18:3)?
“And he shall live by them” (18:5). Which life is meant here? Why?
Which family member was not explicitly mentioned in the prohibitions?
What kind of sister is not specifically forbidden in the Torah?
Can an uncle marry a niece? Can an aunt marry a nephew?
When can one marry a sister-in-law?
Can one marry two sisters? How could Yaakov marry Rochel and Leah?
What does the land of Israel do to a sinful nation? Why?
When are portions of this parsha read besides on the Shabbos of this parsha?