Why is it mentioned here (again) that Pinchas is the grandson of Aharon?
In the words of the posuk, what did Pinchas do for Hashem? For the nation?
What reward did Pinchas get for his brave act? (Two things.)
Wasn’t Pinchas automatically a Kohein by being a grandson of Aharon? Why?
Why is it mentioned who Zimri’s father was and his position? (Two reasons.)
Why is the family and position of Kozbi (the Midyanite woman) mentioned here?
Only Midyan was to be punished and destroyed, not Moav. Why?
Why were Moshe and Aharon commanded here to count the people? (Two reasons.)
Why are the names of the families in each tribe written with the letters hai and yud?
When did Korach’s sons repent? What happened to them?
How many families are counted here (with Levi)? How is this number connected with the statement, “You are the smallest of all nations”?
There is a name mentioned here even though it is not connected with a family. Whose? Why is it mentioned?
Is the total number here the same as the number in parshas Bamidbor?
From what age did a person get a share in the land? When was this age supposed to be reached (before or after entering the land?)
By which estimates was the land partitioned into twelve sections?
How was it divided among the twelve tribes? (Two methods.)
How is this inheritance assigned differently than a usual inheritance?
Which people were not included in the lots for division (besides women)? Why?
Which person had the zechus (merit) to complete the number 70 for the Jewish people in Mitzrayim? Proof?
Who wasn’t counted among the rest of the nation (only separately)? Why?
Prove that there were many more women than men in the nation at this time.
Five smart girls had a complaint to Moshe. Who were they? What was their complaint?
Why is it mentioned that they were from the family of Yoseif? (Two reasons.)
Why does the order of the girls’ names change in two places?
How do we know that their case came up on the fortieth year?
What is the dispute between Rabbi Yashiya and Aba Chonon here?
Why did they have to say that their father was not among the sinners?
For what sin did he die? (Two opinions.)
What was the girls’ proof that they should be considered like sons?
Why didn’t Moshe have the answer for them? (Two reasons.)
How do we see that these girls saw something that Moshe didn’t see?
How many portions did they get? Proof?
Why is there a special expression (for transfer) regarding a daughter’s portion?
Why is the portion telling Moshe about his passing written here? (Two reasons.)
Why does it say, “As your brother Aharon passed away”?
What is the order of preference for inheritance?
Why does the Torah always mention the reason for Moshe and Aharon’s passing?
Moshe is asking about a successor. Why here?
What was the reason for Yehoshua’s choice?
Why does he mention that Hashem knows everyone’s mind?
“That will go out before them.” What does it mean here?
“That will take them out and bring them in.” How?
How should Moshe ‘take’ Yehoshua?
How should Moshe demonstrate (in front of the people) that Yehoshua was chosen?
What should Moshe tell Yehoshua about the people?
What did Moshe have to do to put his spirit on Yehoshua?
How do we learn that Moshe’s face was like the sun and Yehoshua’s face like the moon? What are the Hebrew words for these?
How was Moshe’s request about his own family having leadership fulfilled by this transfer?
How did Moshe convince Yehoshua about the greatness of this position?
Moshe did more for Yehoshua than he was asked. How?
Why is the subject of the sacrifices written here?
How do we know that not only Kohanim but also Levi’im and Yisroelim were to be present at the daily korban? How was their presence arranged?
How do we derive that the morning Tamid was to be done on the western side and the evening Tamid on the eastern side of the area designated for sacrifices?
Which part is called ‘My bread’? Which is ‘My korban’?
Which two kinds of wine are not kosher for nesochim? Proof?
If one Shabbos korban is missed, can it be made up the next Shabbos? Proof?
When is the proper time of day for the offering of the korban Musaf on Shabbos and Yom Tov?
What kinds of sins are atoned by the korban Musaf?
Which sin is atoned by the korban Musaf of Rosh Chodesh? (Two answers.) Proof?
What is the meaning of the three types they had to bring for the korbanos Musaf: porim, eilim, kevasim (bulls, rams, lambs)?
By what name is the holiday of Shavuos called here? Why?
What was the special order for the korbanos (bulks) on the holiday of Sukkos? How many were there in total?
On Sukkos, how many lambs did they bring in all? The significance of it?
Where is there a hint about the special ‘pouring of water’ on Sukkos? What do we call it, and how do we celebrate it nowadays?
What is the name for the 8th day of Succos? Reasons?
What the good advice does the Torah give us about the Korbonos that were donated during the year (nedorim, nedovos)?
What is the significance of the single ox and single ram that we must bring on the day of Shemini Atzeres?
Why does the Parsha end off with the statement that Moshe spoke to the Jews “I all that he was commanded”?
On which occasions do we read from this Parsha (other than on Shabbos)?
How many separate topics (subjects) can you find in this Parsha?