Why is the word chukah mentioned here? What are the two categories of mitzvos called?
How many black hairs disqualify a para adumah (red heifer)? Proof?
“And he shall slaughter it in front of him.” Who does it? In front of whom?
Why did Elazar do it (not Aharon)? Where was it slaughtered?
In which direction was the sprinkling of the blood done? Proof?
The ashes (mixed with water) of the para adumah were divided in three parts. How?
Which body (in death) contains the strongest impurity (tumah)? Why?
What else was burned along with the rest of the para adumah?
What is the paradox (contradictory case) in this mitzvoh?
Which people are said to be tomei until the evening?
For how long does a person who touches a dead body become tomei?
How does he become cleansed? Can one become tomei without touching a meis (dead body)?
One who touches the water (mixed with ashes) is tamei differently. How?
Who is called Avi Avos Hatumah? Av Hatumah? Rishon? Sheini?
According to Reb Moshe Hadarshon, what is the symbolism in the following:
Why did the Jews pay for the para adumah?
Why does it have to be a cow?
Why a red one?
Why unblemished?
Why shouldn’t it have had a yoke?
Why does it have to be done by one next-to-the-highest Kohein?
Why is it burned?
Why didn’t Aharon himself do it?
Why the three species?
Why take cedar wood?
Why a lowly bush?
Why is one third put away for safekeeping for later generations?
Why do those who work with it become tomei?
Why do its ashes bring cleanliness?
Why is Miriam’s death written here? Which year was it (of their stay in the desert)?
Prove that their water supply in the desert was in the merit of Miriam.
Prove that Hashem is concerned about the safety of our possessions.
What special neis happened around the ‘water-stone’?
Why couldn’t Moshe and Aharon find the stone which used to give water?
Why did Moshe and Aharon get angry at the people? What name did they call them?
Why did Moshe and Aharon hit the stone twice? Were they ever told to hit (a stone)?
The Torah states the reason for Moshe and Aharon’s loss of privilege to go to Eretz Yisroel. Why?
There was a bigger mistake that Moshe committed earlier. What was it?
Was Moshe punished for it? Why? Why was he punished for the smaller one?
Moshe and Aharon missed an opportunity for Kiddush Hashem. What was it?
“And He was sanctified by them.” How? Where else did this happen?
The Egyptians did foresee something like this. How? What was their error?
“So said your brother Yisroel,” etc. Why did they mention brotherhood here (to Edom)?
Why did Eisov leave Yaakov and go his own way? Where did Yaakov go?
Prove that deceased parents (the Avos) suffer in the grave when the children are in trouble.
What special blessing that Yaakov got from his father helps our prayers?
Why shouldn’t Edom be upset that the Jews (but not Edom) are getting Eretz Yisroel?
Moshe made an offer to Edom for letting the people pass through his land. Was it a good offer? How did Edom respond? Why?
What mode of proper conduct do we derive from Moshe’s offer to Edom?
How was Edom demonstrating the use of his blessing with confidence?
Aharon was buried on a double mountain. But weren’t all mountains levelled?
Who went up to the mountain together with Aharon and Moshe? Why?
“Take Aharon,” etc. How was Moshe supposed to do that?
What did Moshe wish upon observing Aharon’s passing?
“And the whole community saw,” etc. How was Aharon’s death seen by all?
Why was there a need to show it to everybody?
“The entire house of Israel cried,” etc. Why the whole house?
Find the saying of the Mishna, in Pirkei Avos, based on the above verse.
After Aharon’s passing, the Jews were attacked by a disguised enemy. Who?
Why was there a problem about praying for victory? How was it resolved?
Why were the people getting worried and impatient when circling the land of Edom?
What was their specific complaint about the mon? And about the Exodus?
Why were snakes sent upon them? How did the people react?
Prove that when asked, a person should forgive the wrongs done to him.
Which remedy did Hashem advise Moshe to prepare for them?
How did our Sages explain the workings of this remedy?
What were the miracles done at the streams of Arnon? What comparison is given?
Why is Hashem’s name not mentioned in ‘The Song of the Well’?
How was the water from the well delivered to each tribe? Why is the subject of the well mentioned here? Where can the well be seen today?
“And Israel sent messengers,” etc. (21:21) And somewhere else it says that Moshe sent (these) messengers. What do we learn from this change?
Why was Sichon, the King of Cheshbon, opposed to letting the Jews pass through?
What great miracle did Hashem arrange for the victory of Bnei Yisroel?
“Because the border of Amon is (too) strong,” etc. Why was it so strong?
Why is it mentioned here that Sichon fought with the King of Moav?
Who was the ‘team’ that helped Sichon conquer Moav? What life is given to them here?
The people that were sent to spy in the land of Yaazer were brave. How?
Why was Moshe afraid to fight a war with King Og of Boshon?
What can we learn from the above concerning our conduct?
Do you know what happened in Russia on the 12th and the 13th days of Tamuz, 1927?