Why is this parsha written right next to the parsha of the nesiyim?
Rashi gives two reasons why the word behaaloscha is used. What are they?
What is the meaning of the mitzvoh, “toward the front of the menorah,” etc? The reason for it?
“And Aharon did so,” etc. What compliment is given to Aharon here?
Why was Moshe shown a model of the menorah? Haw was it made?
“Take the Levi’im,” etc. How was he supposed to take them?
Why were they supposed to sprinkle special water on the Levi’im? And why did they have to shave off all of their hair?
The Levi’im had to bring two oxen for korbanos. Why? What was unusual about it?
Why did the whole community have to gather at the dedication of the Levi’im?
Why is the word tenufah (lifting) mentioned here three times?
Why are there differences in words of the pesukim in connection with the lifting?
“Because the firstborn are Mine,” etc. How? Why is it mentioned here?
Why is ‘Bnei Yisroel’ mentioned five times in one posuk (8:19)?
Moshe, Aharon, and the tribes participated in the dedication of the Levi’im. How?
Different conditions disqualify Kohanim and Levi’im. What are these conditions?
In one place it says that Levi’im start from age 25, in another it says from 30. Which is it?
How long should a person study to see Whether he really has the potential? Proof?
At the age of 50 what can a Levi do? What can’t he do?
Prove that there is no chronological order in the Torah.
Why didn’t this Chumash (Bamidbar) start with the subject of Korban Pesach?
Can the Korban Pesach be brought on Shabbos? If most people are impure? Proof?
When did Moshe Rabeinu tell the people about the laws of the holidays?
What was the argument of the people who were tomei and wanted to bring the Korban Pesach?
What special praise of Moshe do we learn from the answer Moshe gave them?
Why wasn’t this parsha about the ‘Pesach Sheini’ given by Moshe to begin with?
What kind of people are obligated to bring the Pesach Sheini? Proof?
Which aspects of the two kinds of Korban Pesach are like and unlike each other?
What is the punishment for totally missing the Korban Pesach?
Which other transgression of a mitzvoh asei (positive mitzvoh) gets this punishment?
If a person converts to Judaism after Pesach, does he bring a Pesach Sheini?
What were the signals for the tribes to travel and to rest?
When were the two trumpets used and when was only one used?
How do we derive the need to recite malchiyos, zichronos, and shofros?
How much time did the people stay at Har Sinai?
At which point was the Mishkan taken apart for travelling?
Who travelled ahead, Gershon, Kehos, or Merori? Why?
What was the special task of sheivet Don? Where was their position?
What are the two opinions on the formation of the camp while travelling? Proof?
How many names did Yisro have? Give reasons for two of them.
What proposition did Moshe put to his father-in-law? Reason?
What was Yisro’s reply? What were his two reasons?
Which promises did Moshe offer to his father-in law?
The city of Yericho had a very fertile space of 500 x 590 amos. What was decided to do with it? Who got it meanwhile? But Yisro went home?
They travelled unusually fast this time. How fast? Why this miracle?
Which aron kodesh travelled ahead of them? What for?
How many clouds were with them? Proof? What purpose did they serve?
What did Moshe say whenever they travelled? Why? Where do we recite it?
There were two types of enemies. Which? What was Moshe’s request about them?
Why are they called ‘Hashem’s enemies’? Why is this prayer written here?
What number of Jews need there be for Hashem’s Presence to be among them? Proof?
What are the people called in the Torah when they misbehave? When they are good?
What was their complaint here? Its purpose? Who got burned for it? (Two opinions.)
Why did they cry out to Moshe and not to Hashem? What happened to the fire?
“Who will give us meat?” Prove that this request was not justified.
Did they really get fish from the Egyptians for free? Why? What did they mean?
The mon could taste like anything. Why, then, were they hungry for cucumbers, etc.?
What was their conflict about the mon? What was the response to them?
“Moshe heard the nation crying with their families,” etc. Why were they crying?
What ‘complaint’ did Moshe voice to Hashem about the people? What did he request?
“Hashem said to Moshe, ‘Gather up 70 Elders.’” But didn’t he already have 70 Elders?
Which 70 people was Moshe looking for now? Where should he take them to? Why?
When was Moshe compared to a woman (physical weakness)? When to a candle?
Explain the conversation between Hashem and Moshe concerning the slaughtering of meat and the providing of fish according to Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon, and Rabbi Gamliel.
“They said prophecy,” etc. (11:25) What are the two opinions about it (according to Rashi)?
How did Moshe pick the 70 judges from the twelve tribes?