
  1. Which age bracket of Levi’im were included in the count of Gershon, Kehos, Merori? Why?

  2. Of the above three families, which was the largest? The smallest? What were their jobs?

  3. There were three general categories of people who became tomei. What were they?

  4. From which camps were the above sent out? Until when?

  5. If a person stole, then swore falsely but later admitted his sin, how does he pay?

  6. This subject (stealing and swearing) is repeated here for the second time. Why?

  7. “And if the man has no relative,” etc. (5:8) Why must this refer to a ger‎?

  8. In posuk 5:9, terumah‎ is mentioned but Rashi interprets this as bikurim. Why?

  9. Which important din‎ do we learn here about bikurim? How does that prove the rule of our sages, “the words of Torah are poor in one place and rich in another”?

  10. What kind of authority does the owner (Yisroel) have on his tithes that are given away?

  11. One who withholds (doesn’t give) his tithes, what punishment does he get?

  12. And what is the reward for the one who gives his tithes generously?

  13. A woman who is unfaithful is being disloyal in a double way. How?

  14. Our sages said: “A person does not sin unless he is overtaken by stupidity.” Prove it from this portion.

  15. If this woman really committed adultery, why doesn’t she get her deserved punishment?

  16. Why is the flour (for her korban) made of barley rather than wheat?

  17. Prove from this parsha that it is shameful for a married woman to uncover her hair.

  18. What are the ingredients in the water that the Sotah drinks?

  19. Who else gets punished by her drinking if she is guilty?

  20. What happens to her through the drinking if she is innocent?

  21. How does one become a Nazir? What is a Nazir barred from?

  22. Why is the subject of Nazir written next to the portion on Sotah? Can a woman be a Nazir?

  23. What happens to the Nazir if he becomes tomei accidentally?

  24. “And he should atone on him from his sins on the Nefesh,” etc. What sin? (Two opinions.)

  25. A Nazir who concluded his period properly, what does he do at the conclusion?

  26. Regarding the Birkas Kohanim, why is ‘saying to them’ emphasized (6:23)?

  27. In the first blessing there is a positive and a negative statement. What is their content?

  28. How is Hashem’s gift different from that of a human being?

  29. What is the content of the middle blessing? The third one?

  30. Which word appears in all three blessings? Are all of the blessings equal in length?

  31. Where do we say this blessing in cur prayers?

  32. When do Kohanim perform this mitzvoh of blessing the Jewish people? Why?

  33. “And I shall bless them.” Whom? (Two meanings.)

  34. What was the Jewish nation compared to on the day the Mishkan was erected?

  35. “When Moshe finished putting up the Mishkan.” But others also worked on it. Who were they? Why is only Moshe mentioned? What is the comparison with King David?

  36. Those who were now the heads of tribes (nesiyim), what were they doing in Mitzrayim?

  37. Why were the nesiyim the first ones to bring their gifts to this celebration?

  38. Who got more wagons and oxen among the Levi’im? Why? Who got none? Why?

  39. What were the two possible orders by which the nesiyim could have brought their gifts? Which one was chosen?

  40. Find an example here to the saying of the Mishna, “One mitzvoh brings another one.”

  41. Who paid for these gifts, the nasi or his tribe? Proof?

  42. “He offered. . .he offered his korban,” etc. Why is ‘he offered’ repeated in connection with the tribe of Yissochor?

  43. What complaint did the tribe of Reuven have? What was ‘Moshe’s’ reply?

  44. What is the significance of these numbers: 930, 130, 500, 20, 7O, 10?

  45. Which nasi brought his korban (gift) on Shabbos? (See Baal Haturim.)

  46. Why is the weight of the utensils mentioned separately and also together?

  47. There are two pesukim that seem to be contradictory, until a third posuk comes and resolves it. Which are they?

  48. In what connection is the ‘Voice’ of Sinai mentioned here?