
  1. How many times were the Jews counted? 0n which occasions?

  2. Why does Hashem count us so often?

  3. By what method were Bnei Yisroel counted? Why not directly?

  4. What was the occasion and the date in this parsha?

  5. A man whose father is from a different sheivet than his mother, to which sheivet does he belong? In which cases does one follow the mother’s status?

  6. Which age bracket was included in the count? Women? Why?

  7. Who stood with Moshe and Aharon during this count?

  8. How was it established (and verified) to which sheivet one belongs?

  9. Which were the two largest tribes (in numbers)? Two smallest?

  10. Why was sheivet Levi counted separately? (Two reasons.)

  11. What was the special appointment (task) given to the Levi’im?

  12. Why did their flags (in the camping arrangement) have different colors?

  13. The camp was divided in four positions, three tribes in each. How were the sides selected? Who were the four head-tribes on each position?

  14. How were the colors of the flags chosen? Did each flag have three colors or just one?

  15. Why was the camp positioned a specific distance from the Mishkan?

  16. What were the signals for the tribes to begin moving?

  17. How do we derive that teaching someone’s son Torah makes him like your own son?

  18. How were the Levi’im paid for their work in the Mishkan?

  19. Which parts of Mishkan service were reserved for the Kohanim?

  20. The Levi’im were drafted as substitutes for whom?

  21. How was the counting sheivet Levi different from the general count?

  22. sheivet Levi was used to being counted this way. Since when?

  23. Moshe had difficulty in counting the Levi’im. Why? The solution?

  24. Which parts are called ‘Mishkan,’ which ‘tent,’ and which ‘cover’?

  25. Which tribes are described as “bad for the rasha and his neighbor”?

  26. And which tribes are described as “good for the tzadik and his neighbor”?

  27. Who was not counted with the Levi’im though he belonged to the tribe?

  28. Which tribe provided the largest number of members for the Sanhedrin?

  29. Which sheivet produced a large number of scribes?

  30. There were 300 more Levi’im than the stated number. Why aren’t they mentioned?

  31. There were 273 bechorim (firstborn) more than there were Levi’im. What happened to them?

  32. How was it decided that these 273 were chosen from among the others?

  33. Who received the money (how much?) from the 273 bechorim?

  34. The firstborn animals belonging to the Levi’im redeemed the firstborn animals belonging to the other tribes. What kinds of animals were these two?

  35. What proof is there that it was one kind rather than another (in question 34)?

  36. Why was the sum of five Shekalim demanded from the bechorim?

  37. What were the jobs of Bnei Gershon, Bnei Merori, Bnei Kehos?

  38. Which age of Levi’im were accepted for work in the Mishkan? Why?

  39. Which parts of the Mishkan are included in the category of ‘holy of holies’?

  40. What service was rendered by Kohanim to the Bnei Kehos?

  41. How did the lion-shaped Heavenly fire travel on the mizbeyach?

  42. Eiazar and Issamar (Aharon’s sons) had special charges. What?

  43. What was the special commandment given to Aharon about Bnei Kehos?

  44. In what way is the ending of this parsha unusual?