
  1. tzadikim could make a request in two ways. Which is the right one?

  2. “At that time,” etc. What was that appropriate time?

  3. This is one of three places where Moshe insisted. On what? Another place?

  4. “You started showing your servant,” etc. What did He show? When? (Two answers.)

  5. “And Your strong Hand,” etc. Which Hand? What strength is meant here?

  6. Besides seeing that ‘good land,’ in general, which specific things did he crave to see?

  7. Why was Moshe told ‘enough for you.’ in response to his request?

  8. Was any part of Moshe’s request fulfilled? Which? How?

  9. “And command Yehoshua, and strengthen him,” etc. Command to do what? And why did he need special strengthening? How was Moshe to strengthen him?

  10. How was the problem in the battle of Ei a result of Yehoshua’s failure?

  11. “And we sat in the valley across from Beis Peor,” “And how Israel observe the laws,” etc. What is the connection?

  12. Give examples for the prohibition, “Don’t add nor subtract from the mitzvos.”

  13. When the nations of the world will hear about our laws, what will they say about us?

  14. “Watch yourself, lest you forget” etc. What may happen as a result?

  15. What are the warnings about images? About the sun and the moon?

  16. We were exiled two years prior to a certain time. Which time? Was it a favor?

  17. How are the events of Tisha B’Av predicted here?

  18. What is considered ‘like worshiping idols’ even though it isn’t? Why?

  19. “Ask, please, about the early days,” etc. (4:32) What should we learn from history?

  20. How tall was Adam? “Was there ever such a great thing”? Which thing?

  21. What are the examples given for these deeds: masos‎, osos‎, mofsim‎, milchamah‎? (See posuk 4:34.)

  22. “You have been shown to know that there is nothing besides G-d.” How was it shown?

  23. In whose merit did we receive so many great favors? (Exodus from Egypt, Torah, Eretz Yisroel)?

  24. “Then Moshe separated three cities” When did these cities separate?

  25. Why did Moshe want to separate them now? What is the lesson here?

  26. “Do not have other gods before me.” When? Where?

  27. Try to notice and mark down the differences between the first and second giving of the Ten Commandments. Example: the reasons for keeping Shabbos.

  28. Which one of Rashi’s comments on the Ten Commandments has been incorporated into the davening of Shabbos?

  29. Which mitzvos were given to them before Matan Torah? Give two examples.

  30. In posuk 5:19 it says “velo-yosof‎.” What are the two meanings here?

  31. After the Jews heard the divine voice from Har Sinai, they got fearful. Why? What did they request from Moshe? What did Hashem say about it?

  32. What ‘wish’ did Hashem express in connection with this request?

  33. Was Moshe happy about the request? Why? The proof?

  34. How does Rashi explain the great statement of “Shma Yisroel” (in posuk 1)?

  35. “And you shall love Hashem,” etc. Why is it preferable to serve out of love rather than fear?

  36. “With all your heart,” etc. What is this referring to? (Two meanings.)

  37. What is meant by “all your soul”? “All your might”? (Two meanings.)

  38. How does a person get to love Hashem (according to the context here)?

  39. Why is the word veshinantam‎ used here for the study and teaching of Torah?

  40. How is the relationship between a rebbi (teacher) and talmid (student) described here?

  41. “And you shall speak (in) them,” etc. What does this add after saying it in the earlier posuk?

  42. “When you go to sleep and when you wake up.” What mitzvoh is meant here?

  43. How does the word totafos mean tefillin?

  44. Prove that we aren’t obligated to put mezuzos on both doorposts.

  45. What kinds of gates require mezuzos? Proof?

  46. What should the Jews expect to find when entering the Holy Land?

  47. Why is there an immediate warning following the above goodies?

  48. Was this kind of warning mentioned elsewhere in this parsha?

  49. When may a man swear in Hashem’s name? Why only then?

  50. “And you shall do the righteous and the good,” etc. (6:18) What is asked of us here?

  51. Have our ancestors ever attempted to test Hashem? If yes, when? Why mention it here?

  52. “If your son shall ask you,” etc. Which son (of the ’four sons’) is written about here?

  53. What answer is given here? Is it the same as in the Haggadah?

  54. Give three prohibitions about idol worship mentioned in the beginning of Chapter 7.

  55. Hard question: Prove that a son of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father is considered Jewish, but not a son of a non-Jewish mother and Jewish father.

  56. Explain the differences: mizbeyach‎, matzeivo‎, ashairo‎, pesilim‎. (See posuk 7:6.)

  57. “Not because of your greatness (in population),” etc. What different traits of Jews and non-Jews are described here (according to the Midrash)? Examples?

  58. Which two categories of tzadikim are mentioned in posuk 7:9?

  59. How is His reward different for the above two kinds? Proof?

  60. His enemies also get rewarded. Why? Is it good for them?

  61. Twice in the parsha is the word hayom (today) emphasized (“That I command you today”). What are the two messages here?

  62. What is the special name and mood for this Shabbos?

  63. What special day occurs right in the middle of Av (its name, history and observance)?