Which kinds of appointments (positions) are mentioned in the first posuk? Why?
Where are the courts supposed to be set up?
How does bribery affect the judge that receives it?
“Don’t tilt (turn) the judgment and don’t show favoritism.” Why is there a need for both warnings?
What is the reward for appointing proper judges?
“Justice, justice you shall pursue,” etc. (16:20) What is commanded here?
What is forbidden to build or plant on the Temple Mount?
What type of structure was once beloved but then disliked by Hashem? Why?
“Don’t slaughter. ..any bad thing,” etc. What is meant here?
What is the punishment for a man or woman who serves idols (the sun or moon)?
How is their guilt proven? Who punishes them first?
“Through two or three witnesses.” If two are enough, why are three mentioned?
For which kinds of problems or arguments are judges advised to bring their questions to the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem?
“And to the judge that will be in those days,” etc. What does this teach us?
“Don’t deviate (turn)… left or right.” Why is it stated this way?
What is the punishment for the one who refuses to listen to the Sanhedrin?
What kind of person cannot be chosen for a king of our people?
A Jewish king has three prohibitions against increase. What are they? Reasons for two of these?
What is the special positive mitzvoh a king has? What reason is given for it?
What example is given from King Shaul on the results of ignoring the Prophets?
There is a special caution concerning the king’s heart. What is it?
How does Rashi explain the terms, “the inheritance of the five, and of the seven”?
A special gift (tax) was given to the Kohein from every cattle. What? Why?
How much terumah must one give to the Kohein? Shearings of wool?
How many lambs must one be shearing to be obligated in reishis hagez?
Can a Kohein work during a time which is not his mishmor (period)? Does he share in the korbanos if he did work? Explain.
“Do not learn to do their abomination,” etc. Can you sometimes learn it?
Explain the following: kosem, me’onen, menachesh, mechashef, chover.
Because the non-Jewish nations do all of the above, they’re punished. How?
What is the proper approach to life’s uncertainties, fitting for a Jew?
And yet Hashem gave us the Prophets. What for?
Hashem says we, the Jewish people, asked for Nevi’im. When?
There are six ways a Navi can violate his trust. For three of those violations he is punished by Hashem and for the other three by the court. What are they?
How can we tell that a Navi is saying a prophecy which he was not commanded to say?
Who was Chananya ben Azur? What was his dispute with Yirmiyahu?
What if a Navi comes to tell us to violate one of the mitzvos — do we listen?
“Don’t be afraid of him.” What is the meaning of this admonition?
How are the roads to the cities of refuge prepared?
What kind of act obligated a person to escape to the cities of refuge?
“If it happens in the course of chopping wood,” etc. What dispute is there about this among the Rabbis?
And in the future we will get three more cities of refuge. When? How many in all?
What is done if an intentional murderer escapes to the cities of refuge? Why?
“And if someone will hate his fellow,” etc. What lesson is taught here?
Is the Torah for capital punishment or against it?
If someone moves over a boundary separation, which sins does he commit?
In which cases is a single witness effective and in which not?
By what statement can a second pair of witnesses totally eliminate the first pair?
When giving testimony in the court, the Witnesses must not do it the wrong way. What are the wrong ways? (Three examples.)
“Yiftach in his generation is like Shmuel in his.” What is meant by this?
When are the contradicted witnesses (edim zomemin) punished? How? When not?
In which case is it said that the edim zomemin are punished like the man but not like the woman?
Are the witnesses punished privately or publicly? Proof?
“An eye for an eye,” etc. How is this done?
“When you go out to make war on your enemy,” etc. Why is this written here? And why emphasize ‘on your enemy’?
Before going to war, the Kohein gave them four warnings. What were they?
Which three categories are exempt from going to war?
Why does the Kohein begin his speech with the words, ‘Shma Yisroel’?
Why does he emphasize that they’re going to do battle with their enemies?
What gives the Jews the assurance that they will be victorious?
What is supposed to be done with a vineyard on the 4th year?
What is the dispute between Reb Akiva and Reb Yosi Ha’glili here?
Is there a fourth category of people who are exempt from the draft?
Why did they have to appoint special officers after the above warnings?
In an optional war (milchemes ho’rshus) what is done before attacking a city?
If an enemy city agrees to make peace, which are the conditions for it?
What is done with the women, children, and possessions of a city which resists?
The seven nations of Can’aan, could they ever be accepted in our midst?
When approaching an enemy city, we must keep Shabbos in mind. How?
What special prohibitions are stated concerning fruit trees?
What else does the above prohibitions include under the heading of baal tashcis?
If a dead body is found in the field, what is done about it?
Which judges get involved in this problem? What do they measure?
Which city must bring the egloh arufoh (the chopped-off calf)?
Why is this kind of a calf chosen for this purpose?
Where is the chopping-off (of the calf) being done? Why?
What statement do the Elders make at this ceremony?
What do the Kohanim say at this setting?
What if the murderer is found after all the above?
“Our hands didn’t spill this blood,” etc. Might we think they did it?
What promise does the Torah give them after everything is done right?