“Look, I give before you,” etc. Is this written in the plural or in the singular?
Can you find a connection (according to the first posuk) between this parsha and. the month of Elul?
How are the two mountains, Grizim and Evol, connected with the first posuk?
Where is the description of the activities at these mountains? (Try Ki Savo.)
From the conditions upon which the blessing and the curse depend, could it be proven that Hashem rewards even the good thoughts and decisions?
Prove that one who worships idols, it’s as if he abandoned the Torah entirely.
At Mount Grizim and Evol, what was said first, the curses or the blessings? Proof?
In what connection is a current city in Eretz Yisroel (besides Jerusalem) mentioned here? (by a different name)?
When the people crossed the Yarden, what gave them the security for conquest?
What is (are) the first big action(s) the Jews must do after conquering the Land?
When a person uproots idols, how is he supposed to do it? Proof?
Not just the idols must be destroyed, but also the mizbeyach, matzeivo, the ashairo, and even the names of the idols. Explain.
“Don’t do such (things) to Hashem.” What is being prohibited here?
What question did Rabbi Yishmael ask here? His answer?
When were they permitted to bring sacrifices on private altars (bamah)? What kind of korbanos did they bring at the bamah?
What kind of places were Shiloh, Nov, Givon?
Eliyahu Hanavi brought a korban at Mount Karmel. Was it allowed?
The area where the Beis Hamikdash was built belonged to one tribe and to all. How?
What kind of cattle could be used for private consumption, but could not be used for milking or wool shearing?
Which (healthy) animals are kosher to eat but cannot be brought as a korban?
“But the blood do not eat,” etc. Why does it have to be mentioned here?
“Spill it on the ground like water,” Which laws about blood are stated here?
In Yehoshua’s time, the Jews weren’t able to conquer Jerusalem (fully). Why?
What are the three possible ways to benefit a Levi?
Is there an obligation for special treatment for a Levi outside of Eretz Yisroel? Proof? Can you think of a reason for this?
Prove that the Torah is opposed to straining one’s budget in order to eat meat.
Prove that during the time of Moshe Rabeinu, the laws of kosher slaughtering were already known. How do we know these laws today?
Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon differ about the urgent prohibition against eating blood. How?
How do we learn about the reward for keeping difficult prohibitions (and easy ones)?
“Guard and listen,” etc. What is there to guard before listening?
What strange sight of idol worshipping did Rabbi Akiva see?
Give three examples for the prohibition against adding to mitzvos?
Compare the prohibition here (13:1) to one in parshas Vo’eschanan (4:2). (See Rashi’s comments and look out for differences.)
How can we explain the fact that a false prophet could perform miracles?
What does this prophet want people to do? What is done to him?
If it already mentioned the keeping of mitzvos, what is added by “listening to His voice?” What is meant by “and to cleave to Him”?
Why is it especially embarrassing for a Jew to abandon tradition?
“From the idols of the nations, which are close to you or far from you,” etc. Why mention both?
What are the six specific prohibitions against favorable treatment of a missionary?
How does a city turn into an ir hanidachas (a deviant city)?
How is that kind of city punished? And its wealth?
Which city can never become an ir hanidachas? Proof?
Why does it preface “You are children to Hashem” to the prohibition against making skin cuts and tearing out hair to mourn the dead?
We are said here to have two kinds of kedusha (sanctity). What are they?
What does the general caution of “Don’t eat anything abominable” include (14:3)?
Which are more numerous, the clean or the unclean animals? Proof?
What are the two general signs of kosher animals (for large animals)?
Which cattle product does not require kosher slaughtering in order to be eaten?
In parshas Shemini, the kosher and non-kosher animals are enumerated. Why are they repeated here?
“And don’t touch their carcasses.” Prove that this applies during Yom Tov only.
Which bird has three names? Why are all of the names listed? Which name has a reason to it?
Which are more numerous, kosher or non-kosher birds? Proof?
Are there any signs to recognize kosher birds? Kosher fish?
“Give it to the convert in your city,” etc. May a convert eat non-kosher?
When you are amongst people who restrict themselves from something permissible, how are you to act in their midst? Proof?
The prohibition against mixing meat and milk is mentioned three times. Why? (Compare Rashi’s comments here to his comments in Shemos 34:26.)
Why is the prohibition against cooking the goat in its mother’s milk mentioned near the mitzvoh of maaser?
What is the rule about eating maaser sheini (where, how, etc)?
Explain: leket, shikcha, pe’ah, hefker.
Why are all the above exempt from the obligation of maaser?
At the end of each three years, a person must clean out his maaser. How?
On the seventh year (Shmittah) some loans are cancelled. Which?
There are two opposing pesukim concerning the existence of poverty in the future. Explain the contradiction and the answer to it.
There are two prohibitions here concerning charity. What are they?
If we are not required to give charity to make the poor person rich, why is it that sometimes we must provide him with horses and servants? How about a shidduch?
Is there a mitzvoh to complain to Hashem against someone who refuses to be kind to you? Does the complaining make a difference?
How many times must you give charity to the same person (if asked again)?
What is the order of preference given here for giving out tzedakah?
If you know that someone really needs help but refuses charity, what should you do?
What item cannot be given as a farewell gift (ha’anakah) to a freed servant? Proof?
What reason is given to us for the above mitzvoh?
What uses are prohibited for a firstborn (bechor) kosher animal?
If the bechor develops a blemish, what can be done with him?
How do we make sure that Pesach falls in the spring, not the winter?
Did the Jews leave Mitzrayim by night or by day? Explain.
Which korban is added to the Korban Pesach? For what purpose?
Why is matzo called lechem oni (bread of poverty)?
There are three time-periods in connection with Korban Pesach. What are they?
When is this part of the parsha read besides this Shabbos?
There are two contradictory pesukim about eating matzoh. How is it resolved?
Why is the seventh day of Pesach called Atzeres? (Two reasons.)
On Yom Tov, Hashem tells us to take care of ‘His four’ and He will take care of ‘our four.’ How?
What do we derive from here concerning the s’chach covering for the Sukkah?
How many times a year do we have to come to the Beis Hamikdash. When?
Why is the month of Elul considered special?
Why do we blow the shofar during this month?
What do we add in the davening during Elul?
What items should be checked in this month?
What is the proper wish to be expressed in this month?
Which day is a holiday in this month?