Rosh HaShonoh
What is Rosh Hashonoh called in the Torah? Why? What was created on that day?
What are the special things we do (or say) on Erev Rosh Hashonoh?
How should we spend the rest of the time on Erev Rosh Hashonoh?
When Rosh Hashonoh comes out on a Thursday, what is done on Tuesday and Thursday but not on Wednesday? Why?
Must one stay awake Rosh Hashonoh night? Rosh Hashonoh day? Why?
What kinds of foods do we customarily eat Rosh Hashonoh night? Why?
On which food do we (Lubavitchers) say Yehi Ratzon? Why?
When do we say it (before or after the brocho)? Why?
What is the exact wish we use Rosh Hashonoh night (in Hebrew)?
Do we wish the same by day? Why? What is said?
What kinds of foods do we avoid eating on Rosh Hashonoh? Why?
May one eat on Rosh Hashonoh before davening? Drink? Go to the mikvah? Why?
What are the best things to do before the morning davening?
Which mistake in davening the Shmoneh Esrei requires repetition?
Is Hallel said on Rosh Hashonoh? Why?
What part is read in the Torah on Rosh Hashonoh (both days)?
Are the Rash Hashonoh laining ‘trop’ (cantillation/musical notes) the same as on Shabbos?
What are the titles of the person who blows the shofar and the one who points in the Machzor to the kinds of sounds that should be blown (or reads them) to him?
How many kinds of sounds do we blow with the shofar?
When else do we blow the shofar besides after krias haTorah?
How many sounds do we blow in all (before going home)?
What should the listeners say and not say when they hear the brochos on the shofar? What are the two brochos on the shofar?
What should listeners have in mind when they begin to listen (to the Tekiah)?
In connection with the shofar, from when and until when must we avoid talking?
What is the main ‘message’ of the sound of shofar? (See Rambam.)
There are at least ten reasons (from Reb Sadya Gaon) for the mitzvoh of shofar. How many do you know?
When do we bow down on the floor during the davening?
When a person wants to blow the shofar for others (for men or women), when and how is the best time and way to do it? (What are the problems in this activity?)
When do we do (and say) Tashlich? What are the reasons for it? (Give three or four.)
After Minchah, when Tashlich is done, what should one do till Maariv?
Why is there a need for a new fruit on the second night?
When is that fruit eaten? Must you eat a kezayis?
Which kinds of work are forbidden on Rosh Hashonoh?
Which kinds of work are permitted? Is smoking permitted?
Can a gas fire be put on? Put out? Made bigger? Smaller?
What is the eruv tavshillin? How is it done? When? Why?
What if a person forgot to do it? Does a bochur have to do it?
What kind of a mood is proper for Rosh Hashonoh (before and after davening)?
Do we make Kiddush Rosh Hashonoh by day? By night?
Do we make Havdala at the end of Yom Tov? (What if it’s Friday night?)
What is the name of the Shabbos following Rash Hashonoh? Why?
What is the Torah reading for this Shabbos?
Besides the Machzor, which book is used most on Rash Hashonoh?
When Rosh Hashonoh comes out on a Thursday, why is Sunday a fast day? Are Selichos said? Which?
When does the fast start and when does it finish?
Who is exempt from fasting? Do children fast?
What are the special additions in davening for Aseres Yemei Teshuvah (Ten Days of Repentance)? Do we say Selichos? Do other shuls say it?
Generally, what special precautions are there for these days?
What is the name (number) of the new year?
What is the proper wish to be expressed right after Rosh Hashonoh (in Hebrew)?
Tekiah, Teruah, Shevarim
tekias di’me’umad, tekias di’meyushav
me’ah kolos
kesivah vachasimah tovah
gemar chasimah tovah
sifron shel tzadikim, pidyon, ohel
le’alter lechayim
shonoh tovah umesukah
malchiyos, zichronos, shofros
hatoras nedarim