
Based on the ‘Kitzur’ Siman 141, 142.

  1. How is the Fast of Esther different than the other fast days of the year in its reasons and observance?

  2. Why is it named Taanis Esther?

  3. If a person eats on this day does he have to make up the fast?

  4. What is the reason for the machatzis ha’shekel? How many are given? Why?

  5. What is the earliest time to read the Megillah at night? During the day? The latest? When is the right time for the other mitzvos of Purim?

  6. Where is the best place to read the Megillah? Why? Second best?

  7. What are the three blessings before the reading? And afterwards?

  8. What should listeners have in mind when these blessings are said?

  9. What shouldn’t you answer when you hear these blessings? Why?

  10. In the morning reading, what should you have in mind during the third blessing?

  11. How many words can you skip in listening and still be yotzei (exempt)?

  12. What’s the surest way to listen to the reading in order to be yotzei?

  13. Why does the reader (and everyone else) fold up the Megillah when reading?

  14. if you listen from a Chumash, is it better to say the words quietly? Why?

  15. If you already heard it and want to read for someone else, who makes the blessings? Why? Does it matter who the listeners are, men, or women, or children?

  16. On Purim morning, does the davening start early or late? Why?

  17. What part is read in the Torah? How many aliyos are there?

  18. Which is read first, the Torah or the Megillah? Why?

  19. How many food gifts must you send to do the mitzvoh of shalach manos?

  20. How much money must you give (to how many poor people) to be yotzei?

  21. Which mitzvos of Purim are women exempt from? Why?

  22. Is there a mitzvoh to eat on the (first) night of Purim?

  23. When is the proper time to give matanos la’evyonim and shalach manos?

  24. Why is there a mitzvoh to drink more wine on Purim than on other holidays?

  25. Why is it especially proper to learn some Torah before the Purim meal?

  26. When is the right time to start the Purim seudah?

  27. If one forgets Al Hanissim in davening or bentching, what should he do?

  28. Where is Purim celebrated on the 15th of Adar? Why? What is this day to us?

The Megillah

  1. In relation to the Beis Hamikdash period, when did the story of Purim take place?

  2. The king Achashverosh was given to extreme mood changes. Give some examples from the story.

  3. The fact that Mordechai was one of the 71 Sanhedrin members helped him greatly. How?

  4. How do we know (according to our Sages) that Haman made decrees against observance of mitzvos?

  5. Mordechai and Esther announced three days of fasting. Which time of the year were they in?

  6. What are the reasons that Hashem’s name is not mentioned in the Megillah? (Two reasons.)

  7. Which posuk tells us that Jews re-accepted the Torah upon themselves at that time?