The ‘Nine Days’
Based on the Kitzur Shulchon Oruch, Chapters 122-125 and Rabbi Eider’s “Summary of Halachos of the Three Weeks”.
May engagements take place during the Nine Days? How?
Is it permissible to cut nails during the Nine Days?
“Mishenichnas Av memaatin besimcha.” Does this include Rosh Chodesh?
If one has a lawsuit in court, what should he try to do? Why?
May painting, building or decorating be done? Why?
Why can’t we eat meat or drink wine in the Nine Days? (Two reasons.)
May some people eat meat? Is chicken different in this halacha?
What is a siyum? When is it made? Who can participate? Why?
Why is it prohibited to launder clothes? Is wearing freshly laundered clothes permitted?
If one has no dean clothes, may he do some laundering?
Is there a difference between various kinds of garments concerning the prohibition of wearing freshly washed clothes?
How does one ‘prepare’ clean clothes for the ‘Nine Days’?
Are linen, towels, or tablecloths included in the issur (prohibition)?
Which of the above prohibitions are lifted for Shabbos?
May one purchase new sneakers for Tisha B’Av? Why?
Needlework and embroidery are prohibited. How about repairing and patching?
Usual washing and bathing for pleasure is prohibited even in cold water. In which cases would a man be permitted to wash?
When washing is permissible, can soap and shampoo be used?
May one wash one’s face, hands, or feet with cold or warm water?
From the seventh day of Av, restrictions are more serious. Why?
How is Havdala made on Motzei Shabbos (parshas Matos/Masei)?
The Shabbos prior to Tisha B’Av has a special name. What? Why?
Is singing permissible during the Nine Nays?