
  1. What commandment is given in the first posuk?

  2. Which process was used to extract the olive oil for the menorah?

  3. Which oil was kosher for a Korban Minchah but not for the menorah? Why?

  4. How is the word tamid (steadily) interpreted in the halachos of the menorah differently than in the halachos of the lechem hapanim (showbread)?

  5. How much oil was poured into the menorah every night? Why?

  6. How many garments did the Kohein Gadol (High Priest) wear? Which?

  7. What were the five materials from which the garments were made?

  8. What were the special garments of choshen‎ and eifod‎?

  9. What does the word kehuna (or Kohein) mean?

  10. What was inscribed on the two shoham stones? What for?

  11. How many letters were inscribed in each stone?

  12. In which way did one of the names on these stones differ from the regular count? In which order were they listed?

  13. Which three names of tribes did not appear on these stones? Why?

  14. Why is the choshen hamishpot called by that name? (Two reasons.)

  15. What kind of precious stones were installed in the choshen hamishpot?

  16. What were the urim v’tumim‎? Where were they inserted?

  17. In the second Beis Hamikdash did they have the choshen‎? Complete? What other differences were there in the keilim of the second?

  18. What was attached to the choshen‎ that caused Aharon to announce his arrival? What lesson in good manners could be learned from it?

  19. What was the tzitz‎? Who wore it? When? It also has a second name. What is it? The Gemora learns out a din‎ (law) about tefillin from the tzitz‎. Which?

  20. The tzitz‎ brought Hashem’s forgiveness for certain sins. Which?

  21. There are two opinions about the meaning of tamid written in connection with the tzitz‎. What are they?

  22. How many garments did a regular Kohein wear? What were they? Did they wear a tzitz‎? Did they wear shatnez (mixture of wool and linen)?

  23. If a Kohein is missing a garment, can he serve? What if he does? What were some other prohibitions in the service of the Kohanim?

  24. Which korbanos were brought for the ‘inauguration’ dedication of the Kohanim? How was the shemen hamishcho used for the Kohanim?

  25. What were the flour offerings that were brought?

  26. What was the purpose of the par (ox) brought for an atonement? How was its treatment different than other kinds of korban Chatos?

  27. Where is there a hint about the future death of Aharon’s two sons?

  28. What was done with the rams after they were slaughtered?

  29. What was the purpose of ‘waving’ the four sacrifices? Any resemblance to the waving of the lulov (four species)?

  30. Who is first in line to succeed the Kohein Gadol? What if he can’t?

  31. Why did the mizbeyach need atonement?

  32. How was the mizbeyach sanctified for service? Was oil used?

  33. Which animals are not kosher for korbanos? Which become posul after they’re brought?

  34. How was the ‘inner mizbeyach’ made differently than the regular mizbeyach? What was it used for?

  35. It is said that this parsha is the only one not to mention Hashem’s name. Why?

  36. In which sedra is parshas Zachor?

  37. Which phrase in parshas Zachor is repeated twice by the reader? How? Why?