Why were the Jews taken out through a distant route after leaving Mitzrayim?
Yoseif’s ‘ark’ (his remains) was taken out by Moshe. Why?
How did the Jews get weapons in the desert? How many Jews remained in Mitzrayim?
Why didn’t Yoseif tell his own children to carry him to Eretz Yisroel?
What was the purpose of the commandment, “Let them return and rest. . . in front of Baal Tzfon”?
How is Hashem’s honor increased? What compliment is given to the Jews here?
How did Paroh find out that the Jews left for good?
Why do we say the shira (song) ‘Az Yashir’ on Shvi’i shel Pesach (the seventh day of Pesach)?
How did Paroh convince his people to join him in pursuing the Jews?
What is the basis for the statement, “The best Mitzri (Egyptian) should be killed”?
Where is there a hint that the Jewish nation was following the Ramah (Reb Moshe Isserles) in halacha (Jewish law)?
It is said that the Rashbi, the Ari, and the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings will bring Moshiach. Where is this hinted in the parsha?
What did the Jews say to Moshe when they noticed the Egyptians coming toward them? What did Moshe answer them?
What is the real Jewish way to respond in the face of trouble? Why?
Which merits caused the splitting of the sea before the Jews?
What kind of judgment was held over the Jews at that time? Proof?
How does the mashal (example) of a father and his son explain what happened near Yam Suf (the Red Sea)?
How were the Jews assured that the Egyptians were not coming out on the other side (of the sea)?
Where is there a hint about techiyas hameisim (resurrection of the dead) in the shira?
In what ways were the Jews at the Red Sea superior to the Nevi’im (Prophets)?
There were three kinds of Egyptian people and they were punished differently at the sea. How?
The word yemincha is mentioned several times in the shira. What is said about it?
Why is Miriam called Neviah (Prophetess)? And why ‘sister of Aharon’?
Why did Moshe have to force the people to ‘move on’ after krias Yam Suf (the parting of the Red Sea)?
Which mitzvos were given in Marah? And which tests?
If the diseases of the Egyptians were not to be put upon us, why does it say that Hashem will heal us?
In what connection are the numbers 12 and 70 mentioned?
How long did their food leftovers (from Mitzrayim) last? When did the mon (manna) come?
Bnei Yisroel (the Children of Israel) asked for bread and meat. How was it given to them? Why?
In what ways did the mon test Bnei Yisroel? What happened on Shabbos? Which halacha comes from it?
According to our Sages, getting a shidduch (marriage partner) and getting parnasah (livelihood) are likened to krias Yam Suf. Why?
In which places in the davening is krias Yam Suf mentioned?
The mon was described as lying in a box. Explain why.
What scientific experiment does Rashi suggest in connection with mon?
What ‘big miracle’ happened concerning the amount of the mon?
How did the nations of the world find out about the taste of mon?
Did the mon come down on Yom Tov? Source?
Why was Moshe told to put away a jar of man for remembrance?
When did the mon stop? How many years did it come?
Why is the story of Amalek written here?
Who was Chur? Kalev? Why is Chur mentioned here?
What did Moshe do at the time of battle to confuse Amalek?
What was Yehoshua told to do to Amalek in the future?