Why are the names of the tribes enumerated here again?
Yoseif is mentioned separately here. Why? Why is his location given?
What description is given here of the growth of the Jewish population?
What is the dispute between Rav and Shmuel? Their proofs from the posuk?
What fear did the Egyptians have of the Jewish people?
By which means and methods did they start to oppress the Jews?
What unusual developments within the Jewish population came about despite their oppression?
Why weren’t the Egyptians afraid that Hashem would punish them with a flood? What was their mistake?
Why was there a special decree against the sons but not the daughters?
What were the names of the two (chief) midwives? The meanings of the names?
A mistake of the Egyptian astrologers caused the death of many Egyptians. How?
How did the midwives act in the face of Paroh’s decree? Their reward?
When Paroh objected to their behavior, they had a ready answer. What?
How did Miriam’s advice convince her family to unite again?
It is said that a greater miracle happened to Yocheved (Moshe’s mother) than what happened to Sara (in having children). How?
Why was Yocheved able to hide him for only three months?
“And she saw him that he was good.” Doesn’t every mother see that her child is good?
Moshe’s taiva was built differently than Noach’s taiva. How? Why? (See Bereishis 6:14.)
Pharaoh’s daughter came to the river with her maids. What happened to them? Why?
What great miracle happened to her when she wanted to save Moshe?
When she opened the box, what did she see besides the boy? Proof?
What was the problem with Moshe’s nursing? Who solved it? How?
When Paroh’s daughter spoke to Miriam there was prophecy in her words. How?
Who brought up Moshe? Who gave him this name? Why?
Twice the Torah mentions that Moshe ‘grew up.’ The difference?
What was Moshe’s first act on behalf of his people?
Why was the Egyptian hitting the Jew (in posuk 11)? How did Moshe kill him? Proof?
What did Moshe want to make sure of before killing the Egyptian?
Is it O.K. to hit a rasha? Proof? Why is he called here a rasha?
Moshe said (according to our Sages) that now he knows why the Jews are suffering. Why?
When Moshe rebuked the Jew, what did the man answer him? Why was Moshe afraid?
Did Paroh’s executioner ever catch Moshe? What happened? Proof?
When Moshe escaped to Midyan, he settled near the well. Why?
If Yisro was such an important person, why were his daughters driven away?
What kind of help did Moshe give Yisro’s daughters? Whose tradition was he following?
Why did Yisro show such strong interest in Moshe right there and then?
What was the name of Moshe’s Rebbetzin? Their son’s name? Reason?
What promise did Moshe make to Yisro about his future (by oath)?
Why is Moshe’s story interrupted with the new development with the Jews in Egypt?
Why was the Jewish suffering intensified when the king ‘died’?
Why did Moshe lead his sheep ‘after (beyond) the desert’?
Prove that the Torah names some places according to future happenings there.
Why did Hashem appear to Moshe as the fire in the thornbush?
What was the ‘great sight’ that Moshe came closer to see?
What did Hashem tell him to do before approaching the fire? Why?
Why did Moshe nevertheless avoid looking directly at the flame?
When Moshe said “Who am I to go,” etc., what did Hashem reply?
What did Hashem teach Moshe about His Great Name?
“And they will (surely) listen to Your Voice,” etc. Why was it sure?
Who was supposed to go to Paroh with Moshe? What did they request (from Paroh)?
Hashem told Moshe in advance what Paroh’s answer would be. What?
What did Hashem promise to do to make Paroh release the Jews?
What benefits did Hashem promise the people upon their exodus?
What were the three signs that Moshe was to present to the Jews?
Why did the Jews need signs at all? What symbol did each one contain?
Which kind of loshon horo (lit. evil tongue) was Moshe accused of speaking?
Prove that good measures come quicker from Hashem than the opposite.
How many days was Moshe resisting becoming Hashem’s messenger?
What reason did Moshe give for his refusal? What was Hashem’s reply?
Which people did Moshe suggest to be messengers instead of him?
What is the dispute between Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Yosai concerning Hashem’s anger?
What role did Aharon have in Moshe’s task? What was the staff (mateh) used for?
Moshe was told to return to Mitzrayim because it was safe for him. How so?
What was special about the donkey that Moshe used for travel?
Why didn’t Moshe do the bris (circumcision) for his son Eliezer earlier?
How were Moshe and Aharon able to come and go to Paroh — weren’t they supposed to be working?
What was the new decree from Paroh after Moshe requested freedom?
The zekenim (elders) and the shotrim (policemen) acted differently. How? Their pay?
What did the Jewish people tell Moshe and Aharon when conditions got worse?
What complaint did Moshe voice before Hashem? Hashem’s reply?