
  1. What kind of messengers did Yaakov send to Eisov?

  2. What messages did they carry to him? (See posuk 6.)

  3. How does the word garti (I lived) carry two ideas?

  4. What response did the malochim bring back to Yaakov?

  5. Yaakov was afraid and he was anxious. Explain.

  6. With which three defensive methods did Yaakov prepare himself?

  7. “I became small (diminished) by all the kindnesses.” Why?

  8. What kind of promise did Hashem give about Yaakov’s children?

  9. “Because with my cane I crossed the Yarden.” What is meant by this? (Two meanings.)

  10. “He took from what came into his hand.” What came into his hand?

  11. What were the servants (going with the flocks) supposed to say to Eisov?

  12. “And his eleven children,” etc. Where was Dina? Why?

  13. What happened to Yaakov when he was left alone?

  14. Did that ‘man’ cause any harm to Yaakov?

  15. What did this ‘man’ beg from Yaakov at daybreak?

  16. What did Yaakov demand in return? Did he get it?

  17. “Why are you asking for my name,” etc. Why not?

  18. Who were the ‘men’ over whom Yaakov was victorious?

  19. By which prohibition did the Jewish people remember this event?

  20. Was Yaakov ever healed from his limping? If yes, how? Where?

  21. In which order did Yaakov arrange the mothers and the children?

  22. Why did Yaakov go in front of them? What did he do as he was approaching Eisov?

  23. Why did Eisov embrace him? Why are there dots on the word vayishokaihu?

  24. Why did Yoseif go ahead of his mother (unlike the other brothers)?

  25. Eisov asked, “Who is this camp (group) that I met?” Which one did he mean?

  26. When Eisov said, “May you have what is yours” (33:9), it made Yaakov very happy. Why?

  27. Why did Yaakov mention to Eisov that he saw the face of an angel?

  28. What two reasons did Yaakov give to Eisov for accepting the gift?

  29. What difference was there between Eisov and Yaakov’s statements about their possessions?

  30. How did Yaakov explain his refusal to walk along with Eisov and his people?

  31. Rashi says that Eisov returned home alone. What happened to his 400 mean?

  32. How much time did Yaakov spend in the place called Sukkos? Proof?

  33. Yaakov bought a field from the mayor of Sh’chem. For how much?

  34. From Padan Aram, Yaakov arrived ‘complete’ in three respects. Which?

  35. Why was Yaakov punished with Dina’s tragedy in Sh’chem? (Two reasons.)

  36. In which ways are the words of Torah compared to a hammer splitting a rock?

  37. What ‘offer’ did the mayor of Sh’chem give to Yaakov’s sons?

  38. What did the mayor’s son add to his father’s offer?

  39. Why did Yaakov’s sons refuse the Mayor’s (and son’s) offers?

  40. What counteroffer did Yaakov’s sons present to them?

  41. When the mayor’s family spoke to their citizens, they changed the terms of the offers somewhat. How? Why? Did the people accept?

  42. What did Yaakov say to Shimon and Levi after they killed the men?

  43. Why did Shimon and Levi feel secure in doing their ‘job’ in Sh’chem?

  44. Why did Yaakov urge his people “to cleanse themselves” after Sh’chem?

  45. What did Hashem say to Yaakov before leaving Sh’chem?

  46. What did Yaakov do with all the unclean items he received?

  47. Did the nations around Sh’chem try to attack Yaakov’s family? Why?

  48. Where in this parsha is there a hint to the idea and effectiveness of Chitas (Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya)?

  49. Who was Devora? Why was she in that place? What happened to her?

  50. Some say that Rivkah passed away at that time. Why isn’t it mentioned?

  51. What kind of ‘blessing’ did Hashem give to Yaakov in this place?

  52. When Hashem promised Yaakov that a nation and nations as well as kings will come forth from him, whom exactly did He mean?

  53. What is hinted in the comparison of Yaakov’s children to ‘nations’ (and ‘goyim’)?

  54. On which item does Rashi comment, “I don’t know what it teaches us”?

  55. Why was Yaakov’s name changed here again? (See 35:10.)

  56. Was each of Yaakov’s sons born alone? What was special about Binyomin?

  57. What was the name given by Rochel to her youngest son? Why?

  58. What name did his father give him? Why? Which name remained?

  59. Where was Rochel buried? Do we know the place today?

  60. For which important items was Reuven always considered the firstborn?

  61. From the mentioning of Yitzchak’s passing we can learn that there is no chronological order in the Torah. How?

  62. Who are the three types of people whose sins are forgiven by Hashem?

  63. What are the three reasons that Eisov decided to separate from Yaakov?

  64. What lesson do we learn from the fact that Timnah was married to Elifaz?

  65. The people of Chori lived in Sayir before Eisov, and are called “settlers of His land.” Why?

  66. How many kings did Eisov’s people have before the first Jewish king?

  67. Yaakov’s children put up eight kings that counteracted Eisov’s kings. Who?

  68. The people of Midyan fought against Moav. What finally united them?

  69. How is Rome mentioned here?

  70. Which part (posuk) in this parsha is connected with Yud-Tes Kislev? How?