Lech Lecha
Which benefits was Avrohom promised for leaving his land?
What power was Avrohom given over divine blessings?
What honors are each of the Avos (Patriarchs) given in Shmoneh Esrei? What special honor does Avrohom get?
Why didn’t Hashem tell Avrohom to which land he should go?
What are two other examples in which a destination was concealed?
“And the souls (people) they made in Choron,” etc. Give two interpretations of this.
Why did Avrohom go to Sh’chem? To Eilon Moreh? (Think about future connections.)
Who ruled Eretz Yisroel at that time? Who ruled it before?
Avrohom built two altars. Why? Whose tent did he pitch first? Why?
In which direction was Avrohom travelling in Eretz Yisroel? Toward which city?
“There was a famine in the land.” Which land? What was its purpose?
“Now I know that you are beautiful.” Give three interpretations for this statement.
“And it was when Avrohom came to Mitzrayim (Egypt),” etc. Where was Sara?
What will be the reward of those who bless Avrohom? And the punishment of those who curse him?
How old was Avrohom when he left home? Who went along with him?
What was Sara supposed to tell the Egyptians? What was Avrohom’s fear?
What happened to Sara as soon as she was seen by the officers?
How was Avrohom treated by Paroh? Who was punished with Paroh?
What was Paroh’s complaint to Avrohom? What did Paroh do after that?
What was Lot’s financial situation? Why? What problem resulted from it?
Avrohom travelled by using the same ‘hotels’ as he used before. What lesson is derived from it?
Besides building altars (and offering sacrifices), what else did Avrohom do?
Lot’s shepherds argued with Avrohom’s shepherds. What was their argument? Who was right? Why?
What offer did Avrohom make to settle the argument?
Where did Lot choose for his place of residence? Why? (Two reasons.)
What was Lot’s real motive for moving away from Avrohom?
What were the specific faults of the residents of Sdom?
What special ‘reward’ did Avrohom receive from Hashem after Lot’s departure?
In 13:15-17 there are promises which seem to have been made in posuk 12:7. Is it a repetition? Are there any differences? Additions? Explain.
Four kings were fighting against five kings. Why? Who won?
Why did Avrohom get involved in this war? Who went along to fight?
What kind of miracle happened to the King of Sdom? For What purpose?
“And he pursued the enemy till Dan.” What caused him to stop there?
Who were Avrohom’s close friends? What advice did they give him?
According to our Sages, the night was ‘divided’ for Avrohom. Explain.
Did Avrohom succeed in this battle? Who greeted him afterwards?
Why was ‘the Valley of the King’ (14:17) named this way?
Who was Malki Tzedek? What did he bring out to Avrohom? Why?
“And he (Avrohom) gave him a tenth (tithe) from all.” Why?
What offer did the King of Sdom make to Avrohom? Avrohom’s response? Why?
Yet, Avrohom did accept payment for the effort of others. Whom?
Which important principle of fairness did King David learn from Avrohom?
What was worrying Avrohom after his victory in the war?
What assurances did Hashem give him?
Was Avrohom satisfied with the new promises? Why?
Why was Eliezer (the servant) called Damesek? (Two reasons.)
When Hashem assured Avrohom that his own son will inherit him, He took him outside to look at the stars. Why?
Did Avrohom request a sign from Hashem that He will deliver His promise? Why?
Did Avrohom request a sign concerning the inheritance of the land? (Two answers.)
How is the story of the ‘covenant between the slices’ related here?
What kinds of animals was Avrohom commanded to take?
“And the bird he did not cut up.” Why? Why were the others cut up?
What is the symbolism in Avrohom’s driving away the birds from the carcasses?
A fear and a darkness befell Avrohom. What did this symbolize?
What did Hashem tell Avrohom during this covenant? (Six or seven things.)
How was Hashem’s presence seen during the covenant?
Did the exile in Egypt really last 400 years? Explain.
What promises did Avrohom get about Yishmael and Eisov?
Was it good news for Avrohom that he will return peacefully to his father?
“The fourth generation will return here,” etc. Where? What do we learn from here about Hashem’s fairness?
“To your Children I have given this Land.” But it has not been received yet. Explain.
In Eretz Yisroel there were ten nations. How many did we receive? What about the others?
Why is the river Prass (Euphrates) called ‘the great river’?
“After ten years of Avrohom’s residence in the Land.” Why are these facts mentioned?
Why did Sara become ‘light’ (worthless) in her maid’s (Hagar’s) eyes?
Why was Sara angry at her husband?
What did the Angel tell Hagar about her future?
How did the Angel describe the child Hagar will have?
Prove that Hagar was used to seeing Angels in Avrohom’s house.
How did Avrohom know to name Hagar’s son Yishmael?
Why is it mentioned that Avrohom was 86 years old at Yishmael’s birth?
What did Hashem tell Avrohom about the benefit of circumcision?
Why did Avrohom fall on his face when Hashem appeared to him?
What is the significance of Avrohom’s name change? (Two reasons.)
Who else had to be circumcised besides the members of the family?
If a child is not circumcised, who gets punished? When? How?
What is the significance of Sara’s name change?
What was the special blessing Sara received? How did people find out?
What were Avrohom and Sara’s reactions to the promise of a child at old age?
Weren’t earlier generations giving birth at older ages? What’s the wonder here?
What was Avrohom’s request to Hashem about Yishmael? The response?
What is the meaning of the name Yitzchak? (Two things.)
What covenant was Hashem promising to establish with Yitzchak?
In Tanya (ch. 23) it says that the Avos were like a merkava (chariot to Hashem). Prove it from a posuk in this parsha.
Why does it emphasize “in the midst of that day (they were circumcised)”?