A workbook for the weekly Torah portion based on the commentary of Rashi; includes holiday questions.
Second edition. Version 2023-04-09. Published by the Open Torah Project.
This is a re-publication of Rabbi Wichnin’s Chumash Questions book, first edition of which, published in 1995, is long since out of print. People who made this publication possible are listed in the Acknowledgments.
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Copyright 1995-2023 by the Wichnin family. On behalf of the copyright holders, Rabbi Nachmon Dov Wichnin re-licensed the book, making it available to be widely distributed, printed, copied and used. The book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Second Edition
Nina Dubinsky originated the idea to republish the book, and scanned a copy of the original edition provided by Dovid Malenkovich. Michael Partensky and Isaac Mushinsky encouraged the project.
Avrohom Hillel Weissman made available, from his personal archives, questions on Parshas Yisro, Mishpatim, Pinchas, Shoftim and Vayikra that were missing from the original edition of the book, as well as questions on Parshas Bereishis that were included with some copies of the book. Michael Partensky transcribed these additions.
Aryeh Leyb Dubinsky converted the content to DocBook (and later to Asciidoc). Menucha Rochel Dubinsky proofread the material.
First Edition
The inspiration and continued support for this project has come from Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Chaim Lester.
Managing editor Pessy Leah Lester.
Typing Devorah Hott.
Copy editing, design, typesetting Yael Resnick.
Editorial consultant Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski.
Consultants Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky, Rabbi Yeheskel Lebovic, Rabbi Avraham Lipskier, Yisroel Noach Wichnin.
Photo courtesy of Albie Rosenhaus.
Cover design Yael Resnick.
Special thanks to: Sara Arno, Rus Devorah Burdman.
This publication has been made possible in great measure by a generous donation from Aaron Mayer and Shifra Gellman and family.
Rabbi Dovid Wichnin, 1938-1995
Rabbi, teacher, mentor, counselor, guide, mashpia. Which word best describes Rabbi Dovid Wichnin, z”l? All of the above and more. In a word, he was a Chossid of the Rebbe striving to carry out his shlichus.
For 18 years, Rabbi David Wichnin was the Rosh Yeshiva of the Rabbinical College of America’s Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown, NJ, one of the largest yeshivas in America for baalei teshuva (Jews who have returned to the Judaism of their ancestors). With humor, discipline and love, Rabbi Wichnin taught and guided thousands of students over the years. Students remember Rabbi Wichnin as both a tough and compassionate teacher and role-model who lead the yeshiva with exuberance.
He also helped hundreds more as the rabbi of the Tzemach Tzedek shul in Monsey, NY, where he lived with his wife and three children. He was sought out often for marital advice and performed immeasurable acts of kindness (often in secret), and carried out the mivtzoyim (mitzvah campaigns) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Chaim Dovid Nota Wichnin was born in 1938 in Bobroisk, White Russia, to Rabbi Nachman Dov and Faigy. Not long after his birth, his family fled to southeastern Russia — as did many Lubavitcher Chassidim during World War II — to escape the Nazis. In the winter of 1941, his mother and sister Hinda died in Samarkand, Russia. In 1946, he and his father fled from Russia, through Poland and Austria until they finally arrived in France. He remained in Paris where he attended Yeshiva until 1951.
In 1951, Rabbi Wichnin and his father immigrated to Canada, settling in Montreal. He learned at the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Montreal where he began to demonstrate his brilliance as a Torah scholar. In 1962 he received smicha (rabbinical ordination) from the Rabbinical College of Canada’s Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim in Montreal.
In 1965, he began a long career as an educator when he took a position as a teacher at Central High School for Girls in Brooklyn, NY, where he taught until 1972. He moved to Brookline, Mass, in 1972, where he became principal of the New England Hebrew Day Academy until 1977. While living in Brookline, Rabbi Wichnin became a favorite of Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, z”l, the late Torah authority and leader. In 1977 Rabbi Wichnin took on a new challenge, joining the staff of Tiferes Bachurim in Morristown where he helped establish it as a first-rate Torah learning center.
Anyone who has ever been a student at Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim knows that one of the regular features of the yeshiva seder was Rabbi Wichnin’s Chumash questions. Weekly he would stand at the bimah at the center of the beis medrash, and with wit and wisdom review the timely Torah portion, using a series of penetrating questions he developed over the years. Whether these ‘parsha sheets’ contained nineteen or ninety-nine questions, each student was required to complete them on his own time outside his already rigorous schedule. During his weekly review, no student was exempt from being called upon by name to answer at least one of the questions. Even though Rabbi Wichnin demanded unambiguous and thorough answers, he was nevertheless gifted at making his students comfortable.
While still a student in yeshiva, I realized the value of these questions and gathered the well-worn, xeroxed parsha sheets, collected over the years, and presented to Rabbi Wichnin the idea of printing them in book form. Such a workbook would be made available to each yeshiva student in order that he would have year’s worth of parsha sheets at his fingertips, rather than collect them on a weekly basis.
Rabbi Wichnin explained that the idea was not a novel one, but that no one had ever taken the initiative to carry it out. Without hesitation, the original questions were re-typed and the process of producing a workbook was set in motion. Rabbi Wichnin agreed to write the questions on the three parshas Bereishis, Haazenu and Vezos Habracha. (Since the yeshiva seder was not in session during the [yomim-tovim], questions had not been written for these three parshahs.) Unfortunately, Rabbi Wichnin never had the opportunity to write the three missing parsha sheets, nor to edit this book.
Now more than ever, Rabbi Wichnin’s students and former students are eager to have their beloved teacher’s Chumash questions in hand once again. With the help of the alumni of Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim, members of the Morristown community, friends, family and colleagues, Rabbi Wichnin’s serious educational work has been transformed from the humble handouts into this handy workbook.
It is our hope that questions from the missing parshios, modeled after Rabbi Wichnin’s distinctive style — along with a book of answers — will be written and published for the world to benefit from. In the meantime, this workbook has been prepared especially for the 26th of Av, to honor Rabbi Wichnin on the day of his shloshim.
May the learning that comes forth from this book bring an aliyah for Rabbi Wichnin’s neshamah, and may our increased learning merit us all to see techiyas hameisim, and the hisgalus of Melech HaMoshiach, when we will once again learn from our Rebbe, as well as from our beloved teacher and Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Wichnin. May it happen teichef umiyad mamash — speedily and in our days!
Yosef Chaim Lester
26 Menachem Av 5755
Morristown, NJ
The Chumash Questions is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to understand the Five Books of Moses. This questions, in the form of weekly sheets on each Torah portion, were formulated by Rabbi Dovid Wichnin, o.b.m, the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim, in Morristown, New Jersey from 1978-1995. A master teacher, Rabbi Wichnin crafted his questions to allow the yeshivah’s entire range of students, from beginners to scholars, to sharpen their Chumash comprehension skills. Over the course of nearly twenty years, thousands of students have used these questions to attain a comprehensive understanding of the written Torah by understanding the most fundamental commentary — that of Rashi.
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaky, better known by the acronym Rashi, lived in France from 1040-1105 and is unarguably the most widely studied Torah scholar in history. In fact, the Shulchon Oruch states that one might fulfill the requisite, “Shnayim mikrah v’echad targum” (reading the weekly portion twice, and a translation once) by reading Rashi’s commentary on the verse. Still, it is advisable to read it with the customary translation of Onkelus. Nevertheless, a G-d-fearing person will also be sure to read the Torah portion with Rashi’s commentary each week.
The commentary, which is printed in virtually every edition of the Torah, is a strict adherence to the pshat — the simple meaning of the verse. Rashi himself emphasized that his goal was to make the Torah clear to virtually every student of the Written Torah, starting with ‘ben chameish lemikrah’ — a five-year-old child who commences the study of the scripture — to the most erudite scholar who must still keep in mind that the simple meaning of the verse will always remain.
Yet the saintly Shelah, Rabbi Yeshayah Horowitz, noted that within Rashi’s commentary on Chumash are hidden the secrets of the Torah. And the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Alter Rebbe, called Rashi’s commentary “the wine of the Torah,” explaining that it opens the heart and reveals one’s essential love and fear of G-d.
When the Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson, o.b.m, instituted the Chitas — a daily schedule of Torah, Psalms, and Tanya study, he stipulated that the Torah selection must be read with Rashi’s commentary. As he explained in one of his discourses, “It is necessary to study some of the Written Torah daily with Rashi, for his commentaries are the terumos — the most select portion — of the interpretations of our Sages.”
Many commentators, including such Torah giants as the Mizrachi, the Maharal of Prague, the Baal Halevushim, and the Taz, have written books that discuss the subtleties of Rashi’s commentary on the Torah.
Of special note is the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s contribution to Rashi scholarship. In 1965, after the passing of his saintly mother, the Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe would dedicate a portion of his Shabbos talks to explaining a section of Rashi for that week’s Torah portion. He did this for more than two decades, bringing to light the full range of meaning encoded within Rashi’s often-terse words. Hundreds of his novel explanations are published in Likutei Sichos, his collected talks, as well as Biurim L’peirush Rashi, a five-volume set of books exclusively on the Rebbe’s Rashi novellae.
While Rashi’s commentary is essentially a collection of answers to the problems that one could raise about the simple meaning of the Chumash text, Rashi does not specify which question he is resolving. In order to teach Rashi’s commentary to the yeshiva students, Rabbi Wichnin put into writing some of Rashi’s questions on each Torah portions. Most questions will find their answer in one of Rashi’s commentaries of the Torah.
These questions stimulate and challenge the mind. Even after mastering the simple meaning, the student who uses The Chumash Questions will come to appreciate Rashi in a new light. And in so doing, he or she will not only gain insight into Rashi’s commentary, but an even greater insight into G-d’s Torah.
Holiday Questions
In addition to the Chumash Questions, Rabbi Wichnin also supplied his students with worksheets on the Jewish festivals, high holidays, and Chassidic holidays. These questions range from very simplistic to quite sophisticated, in order to accommodate the variety of yeshiva students. For most of the simple questions, the beginning student will find the answers in the Kitzur Shulchon Oruch and for some of the more difficult questions, the more advanced student will find the answers in the Shulchon Oruch of the Alter Rebbe. The halachic worksheets were obviously geared to the newcomer; nonetheless, everyone can benefit from these questions as preparation for the holidays.
This publication is designed to be an accurate rendering of the author’s original work, which consisted of loose handouts intended for internal yeshiva use. They were not edited by the author nor prepared for publication and should, therefore, be viewed in this light.
Typographic Conventions
For the convenience of the reader, Hebrew words are italicized the first time they appear in the text. (These first mentions are often followed by a definition in parentheses.) Subsequent occurrences are set in standard (roman) type.
A Special Request
The Wichnin family asks that if anyone has personal stories, memorabilia, letters, pictures, etc., to please forward a copy to them at:
Wichnin Family 119 West Maple Avenue Monsey, NY 10952
Chumash Bereishis
These questions for parshas Bereishis (which were found in handwritten form) were discovered while The Chumash Questions was in the process of being printed. It is quite clear that they are incomplete and, therefore, it is also possible that they are a first draft. Nevertheless, they are a valuable addition to the book, and have been included as an insert, in the absence of anything more authoritative.
According to Rabbi Yitzchok, which way should the Torah have started? Why?
And why did the Torah start with the story of creation?
Prove that the Torah does not teach us the order of creation.
How did our sages explain the meaning of Bereishis?
Which physical elements were definitely created before Heaven and Earth?
How did the actual creation ‘change’ from the original plan (because the world couldn’t cope with it)? Proof?
Is darkness a creation or is it only the absence of light? Proof?
What was hovering on the water?
How was the light created?
Why was a separation made between light and darkness? (Two reasons.)
Why does it say “one day” instead of “the first day”?
According to Rashi, when were the angels created?
Was the sky created on the first day or the second day?
How did the upper waters remain standing in their place?
Why is “ki tov” not mentioned on the second day but mentioned twice on the third?
Why is heaven called shamayim? (Three reasons.)
If all the seas are really one body of water, why are they called “seas,” in plural, instead of “sea,” in the singular?
The earth didn’t produce the trees properly. Explain.
Was the earth ever punished? Explain.
Why are Noach’s qualities, instead of his sons’ names, mentioned in the first posuk?
“In his generations,” etc. (posuk 1) What is the dispute among Chazal (our Sages) about this?
How does Noach compare to Avrohom’s greatness? Proof?
What were the three major sins of the generation of the flood?
Did good people also suffer in the flood? Proof? Reason?
Which sin caused their final verdict to be sealed against them? Proof?
For how many years did Noach build the taiva (ark/box)? Why was this safety method used?
How was Moshe’s taiva built differently than Noach’s? Why?
What were the dimensions of the taiva? How many floors were there? Their uses?
Why was its roof made narrow? Why was its door on its side?
How did they get light into the taiva? (Two opinions.)
In punishing the human race, Hashem partly agreed with advice of long ago. Explain.
What are the three meanings of the word mabul? Why was a covenant necessary?
Since many of the animals became perverted, how did Noach know whom to admit?
Were there any species of animals that were not saved? Which kind of species came in pairs?
Prove that in the presence of a person we do not praise his good qualities too highly. Why? And in his absence? Proof?
Prove that Noach studied and knew Torah. How about Avrohom?
Why did Noach take in seven pairs of kosher animals, but only one pair of others?
It does not mention whether the seven pairs of birds were kosher ones. Were they? Proof?
Why was there an additional wait of seven days (+120 years) before the mabul started?
How many days did it rain? Why that number?
In pesukim 6:22 and 7:5 it says, “And Noach did,” etc. Why the repetition?
Why were the men and women prohibited from cohabitation in the taiva?
How old was Noach when the mabul started? And his sons? (Check Bereishis 5:32.)
Was Noach absolutely certain in his belief that the mabul would come? Proof?
The mabul started in the second month. Which month was it, according to the Sages?
First it says the mabul came, and later it says the rain came. How do we resolve this?
Why was it necessary to state, “In the midst of that day Noach came in,” etc?
Many people were killed (not drowned) right after Noach entered the taiva. Why?
How deep was the taiva in the water when it was carried by the mabul?
The waters went higher than the tallest mountains. How much higher?
Which living species were safe even though they weren’t in the taiva? Proof? Why?
In what kind of health condition did Noach survive? Why?
Why is Hashem’s Name of Judgment mentioned in connection with stopping the mabul?
Was Noach doing anything to stop the mabul while he was inside?
When Hashem decided to destroy this generation, His Name of Mercy is used. Why?
Which merits of the animal inhabitants of the taiva did Hashem remember?
Why doesn’t it say, “all the springs closed up,” as it says at the opening of the parsha?
If the taiva’s ‘Window’ was a precious stone, what does it mean that “Noach opened the window” (to send out the birds)?
The raven didn’t go where Noach sent him. Where did he go? Why?
It says that the raven had another destination later in history. Which?
The dove (yona) was sent out many times. How many? What happened each time?
What was the symbol of the olive leaves in the dove’s mouth?
How long did the whole mabul experience last?
In which month did the water dry? When did the earth dry completely?
In what way can it be said that the taiva was a foretaste of Moshiach's times?
What behavior were the animals committed to after leaving the taiva?
From which kinds of animals and birds did Noach take korbanos (sacrifices)? (See 8:19.)
How did Noach know that he had to bring korbanos?
What promise did Hashem make after Noach’s korbanos?
What reason did He give for His promise? (See 6:5.)
When does a person get his yetze’r horah (evil inclination)? Explain.
In the haftorah of this parsha, it says that Hashem made an oath for the future. Where is this hinted here?
Into how many seasons is the year divided here? Which months are included in each?
How were the seasons affected during the period of the mabul?
What kind of power was given to the human beings over the animals?
What new kind of food was the new generation allowed to eat? Why?
What kind of meat and blood were nevertheless forbidden to them? Why?
The taking of human life became forbidden to all. Explain.
When is a murderer punished by a human court and when by Hashem?
Why is it forbidden to destroy human life but not animal life?
It is said that we have a reference here to the punishment of Olom Haboh (the World to Come). Explain.
“Be fruitful and multiply,” etc. This was already said to Adam; why the repetition?
Noach was still worried. Why? What assurance did he get now?
What does the rainbow symbolize? Did all generations need it? Why?
If everything was destroyed, how was Noach able to plant a vineyard?
The planting of this vineyard was a mistake. Why? Who else sinned with wine?
Noach’s three sons behaved quite differently during their father’s trouble. Explain.
What special reward did Shem get? Why? And Yefes?
What was the curse that Noach put on Cnaan? Why?
What is hinted here about the difference between the first and second Beis Hamikdash (Sanctuary)?
Who was Nimrod? What were his activities? How did Ashur react to them?
There was a prophet in those days called Eiver. What was his prophecy?
“They spoke one language.” Which? “They had one idea.” What are the opinions about this?
“And Hashem came down to see,” etc. What lesson is given here to human judges?
“The sons of Adam” (11:5). Why are they connected here to Adam?
What was the punishment of the dor haflaga (generation of dispersion)?
That generation, unlike the generation of the mabul, has lost their share in Olom Haboh. What great lesson do we learn here about peace and harmony?
How did Terach cause the death of his son Horon?
What was the difference between Avrohom’s faith and that of Horon?
Sara was called Yiska. What are the various meanings of this name?
“And Terach died in Choron.” Did he actually die at this time? Explain.
Until Avrohom there was Hashem’s anger in the world. And with Avrohom?
Lech Lecha
Which benefits was Avrohom promised for leaving his land?
What power was Avrohom given over divine blessings?
What honors are each of the Avos (Patriarchs) given in Shmoneh Esrei? What special honor does Avrohom get?
Why didn’t Hashem tell Avrohom to which land he should go?
What are two other examples in which a destination was concealed?
“And the souls (people) they made in Choron,” etc. Give two interpretations of this.
Why did Avrohom go to Sh’chem? To Eilon Moreh? (Think about future connections.)
Who ruled Eretz Yisroel at that time? Who ruled it before?
Avrohom built two altars. Why? Whose tent did he pitch first? Why?
In which direction was Avrohom travelling in Eretz Yisroel? Toward which city?
“There was a famine in the land.” Which land? What was its purpose?
“Now I know that you are beautiful.” Give three interpretations for this statement.
“And it was when Avrohom came to Mitzrayim (Egypt),” etc. Where was Sara?
What will be the reward of those who bless Avrohom? And the punishment of those who curse him?
How old was Avrohom when he left home? Who went along with him?
What was Sara supposed to tell the Egyptians? What was Avrohom’s fear?
What happened to Sara as soon as she was seen by the officers?
How was Avrohom treated by Paroh? Who was punished with Paroh?
What was Paroh’s complaint to Avrohom? What did Paroh do after that?
What was Lot’s financial situation? Why? What problem resulted from it?
Avrohom travelled by using the same ‘hotels’ as he used before. What lesson is derived from it?
Besides building altars (and offering sacrifices), what else did Avrohom do?
Lot’s shepherds argued with Avrohom’s shepherds. What was their argument? Who was right? Why?
What offer did Avrohom make to settle the argument?
Where did Lot choose for his place of residence? Why? (Two reasons.)
What was Lot’s real motive for moving away from Avrohom?
What were the specific faults of the residents of Sdom?
What special ‘reward’ did Avrohom receive from Hashem after Lot’s departure?
In 13:15-17 there are promises which seem to have been made in posuk 12:7. Is it a repetition? Are there any differences? Additions? Explain.
Four kings were fighting against five kings. Why? Who won?
Why did Avrohom get involved in this war? Who went along to fight?
What kind of miracle happened to the King of Sdom? For What purpose?
“And he pursued the enemy till Dan.” What caused him to stop there?
Who were Avrohom’s close friends? What advice did they give him?
According to our Sages, the night was ‘divided’ for Avrohom. Explain.
Did Avrohom succeed in this battle? Who greeted him afterwards?
Why was ‘the Valley of the King’ (14:17) named this way?
Who was Malki Tzedek? What did he bring out to Avrohom? Why?
“And he (Avrohom) gave him a tenth (tithe) from all.” Why?
What offer did the King of Sdom make to Avrohom? Avrohom’s response? Why?
Yet, Avrohom did accept payment for the effort of others. Whom?
Which important principle of fairness did King David learn from Avrohom?
What was worrying Avrohom after his victory in the war?
What assurances did Hashem give him?
Was Avrohom satisfied with the new promises? Why?
Why was Eliezer (the servant) called Damesek? (Two reasons.)
When Hashem assured Avrohom that his own son will inherit him, He took him outside to look at the stars. Why?
Did Avrohom request a sign from Hashem that He will deliver His promise? Why?
Did Avrohom request a sign concerning the inheritance of the land? (Two answers.)
How is the story of the ‘covenant between the slices’ related here?
What kinds of animals was Avrohom commanded to take?
“And the bird he did not cut up.” Why? Why were the others cut up?
What is the symbolism in Avrohom’s driving away the birds from the carcasses?
A fear and a darkness befell Avrohom. What did this symbolize?
What did Hashem tell Avrohom during this covenant? (Six or seven things.)
How was Hashem’s presence seen during the covenant?
Did the exile in Egypt really last 400 years? Explain.
What promises did Avrohom get about Yishmael and Eisov?
Was it good news for Avrohom that he will return peacefully to his father?
“The fourth generation will return here,” etc. Where? What do we learn from here about Hashem’s fairness?
“To your Children I have given this Land.” But it has not been received yet. Explain.
In Eretz Yisroel there were ten nations. How many did we receive? What about the others?
Why is the river Prass (Euphrates) called ‘the great river’?
“After ten years of Avrohom’s residence in the Land.” Why are these facts mentioned?
Why did Sara become ‘light’ (worthless) in her maid’s (Hagar’s) eyes?
Why was Sara angry at her husband?
What did the Angel tell Hagar about her future?
How did the Angel describe the child Hagar will have?
Prove that Hagar was used to seeing Angels in Avrohom’s house.
How did Avrohom know to name Hagar’s son Yishmael?
Why is it mentioned that Avrohom was 86 years old at Yishmael’s birth?
What did Hashem tell Avrohom about the benefit of circumcision?
Why did Avrohom fall on his face when Hashem appeared to him?
What is the significance of Avrohom’s name change? (Two reasons.)
Who else had to be circumcised besides the members of the family?
If a child is not circumcised, who gets punished? When? How?
What is the significance of Sara’s name change?
What was the special blessing Sara received? How did people find out?
What were Avrohom and Sara’s reactions to the promise of a child at old age?
Weren’t earlier generations giving birth at older ages? What’s the wonder here?
What was Avrohom’s request to Hashem about Yishmael? The response?
What is the meaning of the name Yitzchak? (Two things.)
What covenant was Hashem promising to establish with Yitzchak?
In Tanya (ch. 23) it says that the Avos were like a merkava (chariot to Hashem). Prove it from a posuk in this parsha.
Why does it emphasize “in the midst of that day (they were circumcised)”?
Why did Hashem appear to Avrohom on that day? Why in that place?
Why did Hashem send the three angels to Avrohom?
Was it necessary to send three angels? Why? Which angel did two jobs?
How is the heart of an angel different from the human heart? How do we know?
How do we know that a person must not change the local custom?
How many oxen did Avrohom prepare? Why? Who was the boy helping him?
Who were the first ones to give and receive kos shel brocho (lit. ‘cup of blessing’)? Proof?
Which fact (quote) was changed by the Torah for the sake of peace?
How do we see the great power of charity for the poor?
What did Hashem not want to do without informing Avrohom? Why?
Hashem said that He loves Avrohom. Why?
How do we know that a person who leaves a son, a tzadik (righteous person), lives on and on?
“I shall descend and see,” etc. What does this teach judges to do?
What was Avrohom’s major line of defense for Sdom?
“And I am sand and ashes.” What did Avrohom mean here?
In Tanya there is a special interpretation of the above words. What is it?
If there had been 45 tzadikim in all five sinful towns, would they have survived? Why?
How many angels came to Sdom? Where was another one?
Avrohom and Lot asked the angels to wash their feet, but in a different order. Why? (Find a contradiction between two comments of Rashi.)
How do we know that one should not refuse the request of a great person?
How did the people of Sdom rebuke Lot? What position did he have in that city?
What did the angels do to Lot when he took his time trying to save his possessions?
Why did Lot think he would be in danger if he escaped to the mountain?
The town of Tzoar was safe for Lot. Why was it better than Sdom?
At what time of day was Sdom destroyed? Why that time?
What was the angels’ punishment and why did they deserve it?
Lot’s wife didn’t survive. Why? How was she punished? Why?
Is it better to live in an old city or in a new one? Prove it.
For which merit was Lot saved? How do we know?
Bring a proof that lack of yiras shamayim (fear of Heaven) can lead to murder.
How do we know that praying for someone else brings fast results for the one who prays?
What was the dispute between Avrohom and Sara?
Who was right? How do we know that Sara was greater in prophecy?
What answer did Hashem give to the angels about saving Yishmael’s life?
How is the story of the akeidah (binding) connected to the previous event?
Where is Eretz Hamoriyah? Why is it given that name?
Why was Avrohom shown the place on the third day?
The knife is called ma’acheles. Why?
Why was this (tenth) test more convincing than the previous nine?
Since when was the ram prepared? What caused his horns to entangle?
How did the Jewish nation use the akeidah story effectively?
What are the purposes of reading this story every day in Shacharis (morning prayer)?
What point do the last five pesukim convey?
Bring three proofs that a person’s main credit with Hashem is for honest effort and not for accomplishment.
Chayei Sara
Did Sara have a good life? What about the troubles?
Why was Hebron called Kiryas Arba (City of Four)? Is there a city by this name today? Where?
Why is Sara’s death mentioned right after the akeidah?
When Avrohom says, “I am a newcomer and an old settler,” What does he mean? (See posuk 4.)
Why was the Meoros Hamachpeila called by this name?
What was special about Efron? Was he a nice person?
How does the Torah hint to us about Efron’s character?
Did Avrohom’s work make a difference in Hashem’s Kingship?
What did Avrohom ask from Eliezer? Why was it necessary (in your opinion)?
What did Avrohom warn him about? What question did Eliezer ask Avrohom about it?
Why didn’t Avrohom want Yitzchak to marry a girl from the local population (the people of Cnaan)?
How were Avrohom’s camels recognizable in the street?
Eliezer had “all his master’s riches in his hand.” How?
What kind of midoh (trait) was the girl supposed to have? Why?
How did Eliezer recognize that Rivkah was a special person (even before he spoke to her)?
In what way did Rivkah offer to give more than she was asked?
What was symbolized by the jewelry that Eliezer gave her? (Check the numbers.)
Why did he ask her who she was after giving her the gifts?
What did Eliezer do and say after Rivkah invited him to the house?
Why did Lavan run so fast to greet Eliezer?
Did Eliezer have any personal plans for Yitzchak? Proof?
Why did Avrohom reject these plans?
How do we know that Eliezer had kfitzas haderech (a miracle to quicken his trip) and why was it necessary (in your opinion)?
How do we know that the talk and stories of the Avos and their servants are more precious than our Torah learning?
How many times is Eliezer’s story repeated in the parsha? Do you notice any changes in the recounting?
How do we know that even non-Jews believed that a shidduch (match) is bashert (predestined)?
How can we tell that Rivkah’s brother was a rasha (sinner)?
How do we know that one must thank Hashem for good news?
What happened to Besueil? How do we know?
From where do we learn that a woman must be asked whether she consents to a marriage and cannot be forced into it by her parents?
What ‘daring’ answer did Rivkah give to her family?
What was Yitzchak doing when Rivkah arrived?
What were the special miracles and blessings that Sara had in her tent? Did Rivkah have them? Proof?
What kind of special gift did Yitzchak get from his father?
What strange gift did the other children get?
Why is the word shonoh repeated in connection with Avrohom’s passing?
How do we know that Yishmael did teshuvah (repented)?
Why was Avrohom afraid to bless Yitzchak? What did Hashem do?
Which mitzvoh did Hashem do after Avrohom’s passing?
Where is Minchah (afternoon) davening mentioned in this parsha?
In this parsha there is a special hint to one of Rebbe’s main mivtzoyim. Where?
Why was Yitzchak’s face (miraculously) made to look exactly like Avrohom’s?
How old was Yitzchak when he returned from the akeidah? Proof?
Why does it mention again whose daughter and sister Rivkah was?
Did Yitzchak pray alone? To Whom did Hashem respond? Why?
What problems did Rivkah experience in her pregnancy? Why? (Two reasons.)
What did Rivkah do about her troubles? Did she get an answer? What?
In what connection are the names of Rebbi and Antoninus mentioned here?
What was the prediction about Rivkah’s children and their greatness?
What was the difference between Rivkah’s twins and Tamar’s twins?
What were the physical characteristics of Eisov? Why was be given that name?
What is the symbolism of Yaakov holding onto Eisov’s heel (Royalty)?
Who gave Eisov his name? And Yaakov’s name? Why?
When did people realize the personality differences between the two brothers? How?
What was Eisov’s main occupation? And Yaakov’s?
What kind of questions did Eisov ask his father? What for?
Yaakov is described as a ‘tam’ and a ‘sitter in tents.’ Explain.
Why did Yaakov cook a soup of lentils on that day?
A strange connection: Avrohom was promised ‘good old age’; therefore he died earlier. How much earlier? Explain the connection.
Why was Yaakov interested in purchasing the bechorah (birthright)?
Why did Eisov decide that the bechorah is not for him?
Which words does the Torah use to emphasize that Eisov sold it voluntarily?
Because Yitzchak was holy like an Olah (sacrifice) he couldn’t do two things. What?
“Because Avrohom kept My commandments,” etc. Explain the five categories.
Yitzchak was blessed immensely under very difficult agricultural conditions. Explain.
What did the Plishtim do to Yitzchak’s wells? Reasons (the real, and the other)?
Why were Yitzchak’s new wells called Esek, Sitnah, Rechovos, and Shiveh?
After Avimelech sent Yitzchak away, he came down to visit Yitzchak. What reasons did Avimelech give for both actions?
Why was the city of Be’er Sheva called by that name? In which part of the country is it?
Did Eisov’s new wives bring nachas (pleasure) to his parents? Explain.
Toward his old age, Yitzchak became almost blind. Give three reasons for this.
Why did Yitzchak think that his life might be nearing an end at that time?
Eisov was asked to prepare the meat in kosher ways. How?
What right did Rivkah have to use two goats for this meal?
Did Yitzchak really need two goats for one meal?
On what grounds did Yaakov object to his mother’s instruction?
Why did Rivkah have in her possession Eisov’s fancy garments?
What was the first question Yaakov was asked by his father? His answer?
But Yitzchak wasn’t satisfied, so he asked Yaakov to come closer. Why?
What was Yitzchak’s comment after touching Yaakov?
How was Yaakov’s voice different than Eisov’s in content?
Why was Yitzchak so impressed with Yaakov’s garments?
How was Eisov’s blessing different than Yaakov’s in the first sentence? Why?
Why was Yitzchak so scared when Eisov walked in? (Two reasons.)
How many blessings can you find in Yaakov’s brocho?
What did Eisov say about his brother after hearing what happened?
When will Eisov have a right to free himself from Yaakov’s rule?
How did Rivkah know what Eisov was planning?
What advice did Yaakov get to save himself from Eisov?
How did Rivkah convince Yitzchak of her plan?
Which blessing(s) did Yaakov get from his father before leaving?
On which item does Rashi comment, “I don’t know what it teaches us”?
Eisov married Yishmael’s daughter. What reason is mentioned for this?
What is so special about Rosh Chodesh Kislev since 1977, and what connection is there in this parsha to that event?
Why is Yaakov’s story of departure from home repeated here?
What happens to the city when the tzadik departs from it?
What was the name of the special place where Yaakov slept?
In what way was Yaakov’s sleeping there unusual for him?
Were there many stones around Yaakov’s head or just one stone? Proof?
Where did Yaakov spend time before he made this journey? How long?
Hashem doesn’t usually connect His Name to a living tzadik. Why? And to Yitzchak?
Why does it say “And the Land you’re sleeping on.” Did he sleep on the whole land?
What is the meaning of uforatzto? Why do we sing it?
Since Hashem hasn’t spoken to Yaakov before, what’s the meaning of “which l have spoken,” etc. (28:15)?
What did Yaakov remark about this place when he woke up?
Why did he call this place ‘This is the gate of Heaven’?
Yaakov prayed for material and spiritual goods. Give two examples of each.
Yaakov promised to do two things if Hashem will help him in his journey. Which?
How does happiness (or good news) affect a person’s walking? Proof?
What criticism did Yaakov have of the shepherds around the well? Was he right?
What excuse did these shepherds give him for their behavior?
Why did Yaakov cry when he met Rochel?
When Yaakov told Rochel that he is ‘her father’s brother,’ what did he mean?
Who was Elifaz? Why did he decide to be ‘kind’ to Yaakov?
Lavan ran towards Yaakov, embraced him, and even kissed him. What for?
Why was Leah worried and crying but not Rochel?
Why did Yaakov specify that he will work for “Rochel, your young daughter”?
What was the great chesed (kindness) that Rochel did for Leah?
According to Razal (our Sages), what is the meaning of the name Reuven?
What was the reason for the name Shimon? And Levi?
Did Leah and Rochel know how many sons Yaakov would have?
Why did the maloch (angel) Gavriel take Levi up to heaven for a while?
Why did Leah offer thanks to Hashem at the birth of her fourth son? What was his name?
Why was Rochel jealous of Leah? What did she then say to Yaakov?
Why did Lavan give Zilpah to Leah and Bilhah to Rachel for maids?
Give the reasons for these names: Don, Naftali, and Asher.
Why is it noted that Reuven found flowers in the time of harvest?
What strange thing happened to Dina prior to her birth? Why?
“And Hashem remembered Rochel.” Which merits did He remember?
“He removed my shame.” Which shame did Rochel mean? (Two answers.)
“May He add to me another son.” Why did she only ask for one son?
Why did Yaakov decide to leave Lavan only after Yoseif was born?
Why was Lavan convinced that Yaakov’s presence brought blessings?
What kind of a payment did Yaakov request for his work?
Which ‘scientific’ method did Yaakov use to produce spotted sheep?
What complaint did Lavan’s sons make against Yaakov?
What command did Yaakov get from Hashem at that time?
It is said that Yaakov’s sheep were more expensive than others. Why?
Who was Yaakov’s main ‘balabosteh’? Who else agreed on this?
How many times did Lavan change (cheat) Yaakov’s salary?
What ‘case’ did Yaakov make to his wives? Were they convinced?
Finally Yaakov escaped from Lavan’s house. Why?
What did Rochel take away from her father? Why?
Prove that a maloch could refer to himself as Hashem.
Lavan had a prophetic dream. What was he told?
Lavan’s daughters said that “he treated us like strangers.” Why?
Is it desirable to hear good words from reshayim (sinners)? Proof? Why?
Yaakov and Eisov treated men and women differently. How?
What big complaints did Lavan express against Yaakov?
How did Yaakov describe his style of work for Lavan?
What would have happened to Yaakov if Hashem didn’t help him?
What kind of covenant did Yaakov and Lavan establish?
Yaakov slaughtered some sheep at this mountain. Why is no altar mentioned?
What were the names that Yaakov and Lavan gave to this place?
Which kind of malochim greeted Yaakov at his travels?
About how many years do the events in this parsha cover?
Where is there a reference here to the prayer of Maariv (evening prayer)? To Sheva Brachos (seven wedding blessings)?
What kind of messengers did Yaakov send to Eisov?
What messages did they carry to him? (See posuk 6.)
How does the word garti (I lived) carry two ideas?
What response did the malochim bring back to Yaakov?
Yaakov was afraid and he was anxious. Explain.
With which three defensive methods did Yaakov prepare himself?
“I became small (diminished) by all the kindnesses.” Why?
What kind of promise did Hashem give about Yaakov’s children?
“Because with my cane I crossed the Yarden.” What is meant by this? (Two meanings.)
“He took from what came into his hand.” What came into his hand?
What were the servants (going with the flocks) supposed to say to Eisov?
“And his eleven children,” etc. Where was Dina? Why?
What happened to Yaakov when he was left alone?
Did that ‘man’ cause any harm to Yaakov?
What did this ‘man’ beg from Yaakov at daybreak?
What did Yaakov demand in return? Did he get it?
“Why are you asking for my name,” etc. Why not?
Who were the ‘men’ over whom Yaakov was victorious?
By which prohibition did the Jewish people remember this event?
Was Yaakov ever healed from his limping? If yes, how? Where?
In which order did Yaakov arrange the mothers and the children?
Why did Yaakov go in front of them? What did he do as he was approaching Eisov?
Why did Eisov embrace him? Why are there dots on the word vayishokaihu?
Why did Yoseif go ahead of his mother (unlike the other brothers)?
Eisov asked, “Who is this camp (group) that I met?” Which one did he mean?
When Eisov said, “May you have what is yours” (33:9), it made Yaakov very happy. Why?
Why did Yaakov mention to Eisov that he saw the face of an angel?
What two reasons did Yaakov give to Eisov for accepting the gift?
What difference was there between Eisov and Yaakov’s statements about their possessions?
How did Yaakov explain his refusal to walk along with Eisov and his people?
Rashi says that Eisov returned home alone. What happened to his 400 mean?
How much time did Yaakov spend in the place called Sukkos? Proof?
Yaakov bought a field from the mayor of Sh’chem. For how much?
From Padan Aram, Yaakov arrived ‘complete’ in three respects. Which?
Why was Yaakov punished with Dina’s tragedy in Sh’chem? (Two reasons.)
In which ways are the words of Torah compared to a hammer splitting a rock?
What ‘offer’ did the mayor of Sh’chem give to Yaakov’s sons?
What did the mayor’s son add to his father’s offer?
Why did Yaakov’s sons refuse the Mayor’s (and son’s) offers?
What counteroffer did Yaakov’s sons present to them?
When the mayor’s family spoke to their citizens, they changed the terms of the offers somewhat. How? Why? Did the people accept?
What did Yaakov say to Shimon and Levi after they killed the men?
Why did Shimon and Levi feel secure in doing their ‘job’ in Sh’chem?
Why did Yaakov urge his people “to cleanse themselves” after Sh’chem?
What did Hashem say to Yaakov before leaving Sh’chem?
What did Yaakov do with all the unclean items he received?
Did the nations around Sh’chem try to attack Yaakov’s family? Why?
Where in this parsha is there a hint to the idea and effectiveness of Chitas (Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya)?
Who was Devora? Why was she in that place? What happened to her?
Some say that Rivkah passed away at that time. Why isn’t it mentioned?
What kind of ‘blessing’ did Hashem give to Yaakov in this place?
When Hashem promised Yaakov that a nation and nations as well as kings will come forth from him, whom exactly did He mean?
What is hinted in the comparison of Yaakov’s children to ‘nations’ (and ‘goyim’)?
On which item does Rashi comment, “I don’t know what it teaches us”?
Why was Yaakov’s name changed here again? (See 35:10.)
Was each of Yaakov’s sons born alone? What was special about Binyomin?
What was the name given by Rochel to her youngest son? Why?
What name did his father give him? Why? Which name remained?
Where was Rochel buried? Do we know the place today?
For which important items was Reuven always considered the firstborn?
From the mentioning of Yitzchak’s passing we can learn that there is no chronological order in the Torah. How?
Who are the three types of people whose sins are forgiven by Hashem?
What are the three reasons that Eisov decided to separate from Yaakov?
What lesson do we learn from the fact that Timnah was married to Elifaz?
The people of Chori lived in Sayir before Eisov, and are called “settlers of His land.” Why?
How many kings did Eisov’s people have before the first Jewish king?
Yaakov’s children put up eight kings that counteracted Eisov’s kings. Who?
The people of Midyan fought against Moav. What finally united them?
How is Rome mentioned here?
Which part (posuk) in this parsha is connected with Yud-Tes Kislev? How?
What is the general difference in the descriptions given of Eisov’s and Yaakov’s families?
Where else in the Torah is the above kind of difference noticeable?
What parable (example) is given for the above from a man who lost a pearl?
How is the story of Yoseif a response to Yaakov’s fears of Eisov’s large crowds and armies? Which parable explains this?
In which aspects was Yoseif similar to Yaakov? (Give three.)
“These are the generations (biography) of Yaakov,” etc. Why is Yoseif mentioned here? (Two reasons.)
Why shouldn’t tzadikim desire to live a life of tranquillity?
Why is Yoseif described here as a youngster (naar)?
Who were the sons of Bilhah? How did the brothers treat them? And Yoseif?
Yoseif reported three bad things about his brothers. Which things? How was he specifically punished for each of these?
Which reason is mentioned for the special love Yaakov had for Yoseif?
How did his father show his love to Yoseif? How did the brothers react?
“And they couldn’t speak to him in peace.” What compliment is given here?
What was Yoseif’s first dream and its symbols for the brothers?
The second dream caused his father to yell at him. Why?
What specific question (objection) did Yaakov have about Yoseif’s second dream?
There are two interpretations about the symbol of the moon in this dream. What are they?
Why did Yaakov send Yoseif to Sh’chem? Did Yoseif agree to go? This was heroic. Why?
Who was the ‘man’ that found Yoseif wandering in the field?
“He sent him from the depth of Chevron.” But Chevron is located on a hill. Explain.
How did Reuven react to the plans the brothers were making against Yoseif?
“And we will see what will happen to his dreams,” etc. Who is saying this to whom? (Two answers.)
Did Reuven really intend on keeping Yoseif in the pit? Proof?
What was inside the pit? And what was not in there? Proof?
What was the Arab caravan of camels transporting? What was special about it?
What idea did Yehuda propose for Yoseif? Did the brothers accept it?
How many buyers bought Yoseif? Where did he finally arrive?
When Reuven returned to the pit he was shocked. Why? His reaction?
How come Reuven was not present at the time Yoseif was sold?
What did Yoseif’s brothers do with his special garment, the kesones pasim?
How did Yaakov react to the tragic news?
What explanation is given by our Sages why Hashem did not reveal the secret to Yaakov? Did Yitzchak know about it?
Why did Yaakov absolutely refuse to accept comfort and consolation?
Did Yitzchak cry for the same reason that Yaakov did? Explain.
How many years did Yaakov mourn? To atone for what?
Prove that learning Torah exempts a person from kibud av v’em (honoring one’s father and mother).
Why was Yaakov saying he might suffer in Gehinom?
Why was Yehuda demoted from his high position among the brothers?
What was the name of Yehuda’s wife? Of his daughter-in-law?
Why didn’t Yehuda want his third son to marry Tamar?
Why was Yehuda fooled with his gift offer of a goat?
Why did Yehuda give the verdict of ‘burning’ for Tamar?
Which important law did our Sages derive from Tamar’s reply to Yehuda?
There was a voice from Heaven that explained this event. How?
Did Yehuda stay married to Tamar afterwards?
What were the names of the newly born twins? How were they different from Rivkah’s twins?
Why is the word yad (hand) mentioned here four times (in various forms)?
Why are Yoseif’s problems with Potifar’s wife mentioned here after the story of Tamar?
Even Yoseif’s Egyptian boss noticed that Hashem was with Yoseif. How?
What effect did his success have on Yoseif?
Why was Yoseif’s behavior inappropriate at this time?
What punishment did Hashem bring upon Yoseif then?
What kind of a day did the mistress pick on which to force Yoseif to sin?
What did she do after Yoseif escaped from her?
How did her husband punish Yoseif?
What impression did the head of the prison get of Yoseif?
Why did Hashem cause the imprisonment of Paroh’s butler and baker just at that point in time?
What were the crimes of these two officers?
According to our Sages, how did the baker recognize that Yoseif’s interpretation of the butler’s dream was correct?
What were the dreams of file butler and the baker?
How did Yoseif interpret the butler’s dream and what request did he (Yoseif) make?
What was the obvious difference between their two dreams?
According to Yoseif, where do true dream interpretations come from?
Did the butler remember the favor that Yoseif asked him to do? Why?
What opportunity was there for the butler to bring up Yoseif’s case?
Can you find any similarity between the beginning and the end of this parsha?
Can you find the connection between Yud-Tes Kislev and Chanukah?
“At the end of two years,” etc. From when are these years counted?
The seven fat cows had ‘good looks.’ What is the symbolism in this?
How is Mitzrayim different from other countries in terms of rain?
The seven lean cows ate up the seven fat cows. What is the symbolism here?
Yaakov and Paroh woke up from their dreams. What did they do afterwards?
What other kinds of interpretations was Paroh offered? His reaction?
It is said that another royal dreamer was in a worse position than Paroh. Why?
What were the three damaging facts that the butler mentioned about Yoseif?
Which preparations did Yoseif do prior to his appearance before the king?
What did Yoseif say to Paroh about his ability to interpret dreams?
Name at least two changes in Paroh’s dream as he recounts it to Yoseif.
“What Hashem wants to do He showed, told to Paroh,” etc. Why that change?
Why did the dream repeat itself to Paroh?
How did Yoseif know that the seven good years would come first?
What was the plan that Yoseif proposed to Paroh?
What was the king’s reaction to Yoseif’s plan?
Paroh accorded many honors to Yoseif. Name five.
Which of the honors was the main symbol of a transfer of power?
Do you know of another case in history where this symbol of power transfer was used?
Everyone in Mitzrayim called Yoseif Avraich. What does this mean?
How old was Yoseif when he got married? What was his wife’s name?
What were the names of Yoseif’s two sons? Their meanings?
How did Yoseif arrange for the storage of grain in Mitzrayim?
What did Yoseif ask the people who came for grain to do? Their reaction?
How did Yaakov ‘see’ that there was hope in Mitzrayim?
Yaakov said to his sons, “Why do you show off?!” Explain.
How did Yaakov hint at a prophecy about the duration of the exile in Mitzrayim?
“Yoseif’s ten brothers went down to buy food.” Explain the emphasis.
Why wasn’t Binyomin sent along? What rule do we derive from this?
Why did the brothers come in through different entrances?
One prophecy of Yoseif’s dreams already came true. Which?
“And Yoseif recognized his brothers but they didn’t recognize him.” Why? (Two explanations.)
In one of the brothers’ statements, there was a spark of ruach hakodesh (divine inspiration). How?
Yoseif accused them of being spies. What proof did he offer? Their response?
In what connection did Yoseif mention to them about the destruction of Sh’chem?
What proof were the brothers told to provide to prove their honesty?
What conversation did the brothers have when they thought Yoseif didn’t understand?
How did Yoseif react to their conversation? Why? Who was the translator?
Why did Yoseif pick Shimon to be imprisoned? (Two reasons.) For how long?
One of the brothers opened his bag at a stop on the road. Who was it? Proof?
Why were they all trembling upon discovering the money in their bags?
Yaakov suspected his sons of a cruel deed. What? Proof?
What offer did Reuven give to Yaakov? Yaakov’s response?
Yehuda gave the brothers some advice. What?
What complaint did Yaakov voice to his sons over their story to Yoseif?
How did the brothers explain their behavior to Yaakov?
Yehuda asked his father to send along Binyomin. By which guarantee?
As he spoke there was a spark of prophecy in Yehuda’s words. Which?
Yaakov agreed to send Binyomin but advised them to bring gifts along. Which?
What kind of prayer (of a historic nature) did Yaakov say before the sons left?
There was also a spark of prophecy in his words of prayer. Which?
Why were thee brothers scared when they were brought to Yoseif’s home?
What did they say to Yoseif’s housekeeper? His answer?
What special blessing did Yoseif give to Binyomin? Why?
Yoseif was moved to tears after his conversation with Binyomin. Why?
Why does it say that it is abominable to the Egyptians to eat with Jews?
Why were the brothers impressed by their seating arrangement?
What was the reason for Binyomin’s getting five portions?
What was so special about their drinking wine that day?
Binyomin is called ‘the little one.’ Was he really a little boy?
Here we find one of the ten examples of kal vachomer in the Torah. What is it?
What kind of punishment were the brothers willing to accept for stealing the cup? What was the housekeeper’s response?
Where did he start the search? Why? Where was it found?
What did the brothers answer Yoseif as to why they stole the cup?
What was the exchange of offers between Yehuda and Yoseif?
This parsha is always read on Chanukah. Can you find any connection between Chanukah and this parsha?
About how many years are covered in this parsha?
“And Yehuda approached him (Yoseif),” etc. Prove that he spoke harshly to Yoseif.
“Because you’re like Paroh.” What is the meaning of this phrase? (Four ideas.)
According to Yehuda, Yoseif’s first question to the brothers was not justified. Why? What does this say about Yoseif’s intentions?
Because of fear, Yehuda said something which wasn’t true. What?
In Yehuda’s explanation, why would Yaakov be so upset if Binyomin were absent?
Why did Yehuda argue for Binyomin’s return more than the other brothers?
Yehuda offered himself as a substitute for Binyomin because he was better. How? (Mention three ways.)
Why couldn’t Yoseif reveal himself to the brothers while the crowd was there?
How did Yoseif reveal his identity to his brothers? What was their reaction?
In what ways did Yoseif attempt to comfort his brothers?
What lesson in hashgocha protis (divine providence) can we derive from his words?
What message did Yoseif send to his father? Which parts are repeated?
“Behold your eyes see (it) and the eyes of my brother Binyomin,” etc. What did they see?
Why were Yoseif and Binyomin crying on each others necks?
At what point did the brothers start speaking to Yoseif after his revelation?
How did Paroh feel when he heard Yoseif’s family was coming to live there? And what offer did he give to Yoseif’s brothers (via Yoseif)?
Which kinds of gifts did Yoseif send to his father?
Yoseif gave his brothers a special warning for their behavior on the road. Explain.
What sign did Yoseif give to his father that he is Yoseif?
How did Yaakov respond to the news? Something great occurred to him. What?
Whom does one owe a greater honor to, a parent or a grandparent? Proof?
What comforts and promises did Hashem make to Yaakov about going to Mitzrayim?
What did Yaakov do with the riches he got in Lavan’s house? Why? Proof?
Who are Yaakov’s two granddaughters? How many people left Cnaan?
Why are Yaakov’s people called Nefesh, in the singular? And Eisov’s?
Yaakov sent Yehuda ahead of him to Mitzrayim. What for?
Why didn’t Yaakov kiss and embrace Yoseif as Yoseif did to him?
Yoseif prepared his brothers on how to answer Paroh’s question. Explain.
Which brother did Yoseif pick to introduce to Paroh? Why?
What is the dispute between the Midrash and the Gemora about the brothers?
How did Yaakov describe his years of life to Paroh?
Which blessing did Paroh get from Yaakov?
What change happened in Mitzrayim because of Yaakov’s arrival? Proof?
What offers did the people give Yoseif in order to get grain?
Yoseif did something special with the population of the Egyptian cities. What? For what purpose?
In what connection are the terms ‘one-fifth’ and ‘four-fifths’ mentioned here?
How does the above relate to the giving of tzedakah (charity)?
What was the quality of life for Yaakov’s family in Mitzrayim?
“His soul is bound up with his soul.” About whom is this written?
In what connection is the number ten mentioned here?
In Paroh’s message to Yaakov’s family there was a prophecy. What was it?
This parsha is closed-in with the previous one. Give two reasons for this.
How many years did Yaakov live in all? in Mitzrayim?
What request did Yaakov make to Yoseif? Was an oath involved?
Among the three Avos, who lived the longest? The shortest?
The kindness that is done to the dead is call ‘true kindness.’ Why?
Yaakov asked not to be buried in Mitzrayim. Thee reasons are given. What are they?
Where did Yaakov ask to be buried? Why? Why did he bow at the head of the bed?
There is a parable given here about a fox. Who is being compared to a fox?
Who told Yoseif about Yaakov’s condition? Who was a regular pupil of Yaakov?
Why did Yaakov make a special effort to sit up in bed when Yoseif arrived?
Prove that kings should be honored even if they personally are unworthy.
What kind of gift did Yaakov offer to Yoseif? Why did Yoseif get it?
Why does Yaakov tell the story of Rochel’s death and burial here?
Where is Rochel buried? Why? What is so unusual about this?
Yaakov knew his grandsons very well. Why then did he ask, “Who are they?”
Why did Yaakov lose his inspiration to bless Efrayim and Menashe?
How did Yoseif prove the proper status of his sons? What else did Yoseif do to get Yaakov to bless his sons?
What did Yaakov say to Yoseif about his feelings on seeing him?
Yaakov blessed his grandsons twice. What was the first blessing?
Why did Yaakov liken Efrayim and Menashe to fish?
Why did Yoseif attempt to change the position of Yaakov’s hands?
How did Yaakov explain his refusal to do so?
In which ways was Menashe great in the future? How was Efrayim greater?
What was the second blessing Yaakov gave the two grandsons?
What special portion in Eretz Yisroel did Yoseif get? Why?
What general blessing did Yaakov give Yoseif concerning all the brothers?
Before Yaakov blessed each of his sons he wanted to tell something to all. What? Why did he not say it?
In what way was Reuven supposed to be greater than his brothers?
He was punished and lost out. For which sin? Who got those honors?
Yaakov said that it was Shimon and Levi who wanted to kill Yoseif. Prove it.
Where did Shimon and Levi learn these things?
Yaakov asked that his name not be mentioned in their gatherings. Explain.
Why did Yaakov curse their anger? What future did he predict for them?
Which praise did Yehuda get in connection with Yoseif’s story?
Why was Yehuda referred to as ‘young lion’?
What was met by the prophecy, “Leadership will never depart from Yehuda”?
“Until Shiloh will come,” etc. Who is meant here? Why that name?
Which material blessings were predicted here for Yehuda?
What was Zevulun’s business? Where was his territory (in Eretz Yisroel)?
What special arrangement did Zevulun have with Yissochor?
Rashi and Unkelos (Targum) explain differently the description of Yissochor’s blessing. How?
What prophecy did Yaakov say about Shimshon of sheivet (the tribe of) Don?
When in our prayers do we recite this posuk that relates to Shimshon?
What great blessing did Yaakov express on sheivet Gad? Is that posuk recited too?
Which great product is abundantly produced in Asher’s part of the land?
Which future words are prophetically in Yaakov’s words about Naftali? (Two answers.)
How does Yaakov describe the special charm that Yoseif possessed?
Who were those that embittered Yoseif’s life? Those who disliked him?
What special blessings did Yoseif get, similar to those Yaakov received?
Yaakov said that the blessings Hashem gave him are bigger than those given to his father and grandfather. How?
What are the symbols of ‘morning’ and ‘evening’ in Binyomin’s blessing? (Check Targum Unkelos too.)
Why does he repeat again in posuk 28, that Yaakov blessed them all?
Who got the longest blessing? The shortest?
In connection with whom are these animals mentioned: lion, deer (gazelle), snake, wolf, ox, donkey, horse?
In describing Yaakov’s passing, it does not mention that he died. Why?
How come the Egyptians cried for Yaakov for seventy days?
Did Eisov have a share in the Meoros Hamachpeila? Did he get it?
Paroh said to Yoseif, “Go as your father made you swear.” Why?
Why couldn’t Paroh ask Yoseif to break his oath (to Yaakov)?
What kind of confrontation was about to take place at Yaakov’s funeral?
What was the great honor that Yoseif got from the kings of Cnaan, etc.?
Which people were forbidden to carry Yaakov’s coffin. Why?
Which two of his sons didn’t carry it? Why? Who took their places?
On the way from the funeral the brothers are mentioned before the others. Why?
What caused the brothers to notice a change in Yoseif?
What message did the brothers send to Yoseif? Who were the messengers?
How did they phrase the message in a way that wasn’t exactly true?
Why didn’t Yaakov ask Yoseif to forgive and not to avenge his hurt (on his brothers)?
How did Yoseif react to their pleading? What did he promise them?
What was Yoseif’s final request from his brothers and their families?
How many parshiyos are there in sefer (the book of) Bereishis? Which is the longest? The shortest?
Chumash Shemos
Why are the names of the tribes enumerated here again?
Yoseif is mentioned separately here. Why? Why is his location given?
What description is given here of the growth of the Jewish population?
What is the dispute between Rav and Shmuel? Their proofs from the posuk?
What fear did the Egyptians have of the Jewish people?
By which means and methods did they start to oppress the Jews?
What unusual developments within the Jewish population came about despite their oppression?
Why weren’t the Egyptians afraid that Hashem would punish them with a flood? What was their mistake?
Why was there a special decree against the sons but not the daughters?
What were the names of the two (chief) midwives? The meanings of the names?
A mistake of the Egyptian astrologers caused the death of many Egyptians. How?
How did the midwives act in the face of Paroh’s decree? Their reward?
When Paroh objected to their behavior, they had a ready answer. What?
How did Miriam’s advice convince her family to unite again?
It is said that a greater miracle happened to Yocheved (Moshe’s mother) than what happened to Sara (in having children). How?
Why was Yocheved able to hide him for only three months?
“And she saw him that he was good.” Doesn’t every mother see that her child is good?
Moshe’s taiva was built differently than Noach’s taiva. How? Why? (See Bereishis 6:14.)
Pharaoh’s daughter came to the river with her maids. What happened to them? Why?
What great miracle happened to her when she wanted to save Moshe?
When she opened the box, what did she see besides the boy? Proof?
What was the problem with Moshe’s nursing? Who solved it? How?
When Paroh’s daughter spoke to Miriam there was prophecy in her words. How?
Who brought up Moshe? Who gave him this name? Why?
Twice the Torah mentions that Moshe ‘grew up.’ The difference?
What was Moshe’s first act on behalf of his people?
Why was the Egyptian hitting the Jew (in posuk 11)? How did Moshe kill him? Proof?
What did Moshe want to make sure of before killing the Egyptian?
Is it O.K. to hit a rasha? Proof? Why is he called here a rasha?
Moshe said (according to our Sages) that now he knows why the Jews are suffering. Why?
When Moshe rebuked the Jew, what did the man answer him? Why was Moshe afraid?
Did Paroh’s executioner ever catch Moshe? What happened? Proof?
When Moshe escaped to Midyan, he settled near the well. Why?
If Yisro was such an important person, why were his daughters driven away?
What kind of help did Moshe give Yisro’s daughters? Whose tradition was he following?
Why did Yisro show such strong interest in Moshe right there and then?
What was the name of Moshe’s Rebbetzin? Their son’s name? Reason?
What promise did Moshe make to Yisro about his future (by oath)?
Why is Moshe’s story interrupted with the new development with the Jews in Egypt?
Why was the Jewish suffering intensified when the king ‘died’?
Why did Moshe lead his sheep ‘after (beyond) the desert’?
Prove that the Torah names some places according to future happenings there.
Why did Hashem appear to Moshe as the fire in the thornbush?
What was the ‘great sight’ that Moshe came closer to see?
What did Hashem tell him to do before approaching the fire? Why?
Why did Moshe nevertheless avoid looking directly at the flame?
When Moshe said “Who am I to go,” etc., what did Hashem reply?
What did Hashem teach Moshe about His Great Name?
“And they will (surely) listen to Your Voice,” etc. Why was it sure?
Who was supposed to go to Paroh with Moshe? What did they request (from Paroh)?
Hashem told Moshe in advance what Paroh’s answer would be. What?
What did Hashem promise to do to make Paroh release the Jews?
What benefits did Hashem promise the people upon their exodus?
What were the three signs that Moshe was to present to the Jews?
Why did the Jews need signs at all? What symbol did each one contain?
Which kind of loshon horo (lit. evil tongue) was Moshe accused of speaking?
Prove that good measures come quicker from Hashem than the opposite.
How many days was Moshe resisting becoming Hashem’s messenger?
What reason did Moshe give for his refusal? What was Hashem’s reply?
Which people did Moshe suggest to be messengers instead of him?
What is the dispute between Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Yosai concerning Hashem’s anger?
What role did Aharon have in Moshe’s task? What was the staff (mateh) used for?
Moshe was told to return to Mitzrayim because it was safe for him. How so?
What was special about the donkey that Moshe used for travel?
Why didn’t Moshe do the bris (circumcision) for his son Eliezer earlier?
How were Moshe and Aharon able to come and go to Paroh — weren’t they supposed to be working?
What was the new decree from Paroh after Moshe requested freedom?
The zekenim (elders) and the shotrim (policemen) acted differently. How? Their pay?
What did the Jewish people tell Moshe and Aharon when conditions got worse?
What complaint did Moshe voice before Hashem? Hashem’s reply?
Moshe received rebuke (mussar) from Hashem. Proof? Why was he rebuked?
When the Torah states “I am Hashem,” what does it imply?
In which way did Hashem reveal Himself to the Avos? And in which not?
Which promises to the Avos were fulfilled and which were not?
How were the Avos considered better than Moshe Rabeinu?
Why didn’t the people listen to Moshe’s words?
What is the purpose of mentioning the children of Reuven and Shimon?
Why was only Levi’s age mentioned, not the others’?
When considering marriage, which members of the bride’s family need to be checked? Proof?
How do we know that Moshe and Aharon were equals in greatness? Proof?
Why did Paroh visit the river each morning?
Why did Aharon, not Moshe, bring the makah (plague) of blood?
Why was blood the first makah? Where did the Egyptians get drinking water?
How long did each makah last?
Which other makah was brought by Aharon? Why?
Which makos were the magicians able to duplicate?
Which makah did they admit was caused by Heaven? Why?
After which makah did Paroh promise to let them leave?
After the makah of arov (wild animals) what happened to the animals?
For which makos does it say that there would be a separation between the Egyptians and the Jews?
Why did Moshe refuse to offer sacrifices inside Mitzrayim?
Which miracles had to occur during the makah of sh’chin (boils)?
Which cattle were not hurt by the makos of dever and bored (death and hail)? Proof?
Which miracle occurred during the makah of bored (hail)? What can we learn from it?
Why did Moshe insist on davening outside of the city during the makah of borod but not during the makah of tzefardeia (frogs)?
Which makah equaled all the other makos in severity?
How can we learn the midoh (trait) of gratitude from some of the makos?
Which posuk is the source for the four cups of wine we drink at the Seder?
Which month is blessed on this Shabbos? When is Rosh Chodesh?
What ‘special days’ occur during the coming month?
“Come to Paroh,” etc. For what purpose?
If Hashem hardened Paroh’s heart, why does Paroh deserve punishment?
What was the purpose of the makos if Paroh would refuse anyway?
What was the arbeh (locusts) supposed to do to the land of Mitzrayim?
Where is there a hint in the first posuk that three makos will come? (See Baal Haturim.)
What did Paroh’s servants say to him when they heard about the locusts?
How did Paroh want to compromise upon hearing about the locusts?
What historic description is given to arbeh?
A similar description is given to another locust attack. Which was greater?
According to the Midrash, how did Moshe’s prayers help to change the astrologers’ prediction?
How was the removal of the locusts different from the removal of the frogs?
What was the difference between the first and last three days of darkness?
How was Paroh willing to compromise after being hit with darkness? What was Moshe’s answer?
What two important purposes were served by the makah of darkness?
What warning did Paroh give to Moshe after the darkness? What did Moshe answer?
Why did Hashem insist that Moshe ask the people to get the ‘good things’ from the Egyptians?
When was Moshe told about the last makah (makas bechoros, slaying of the firstborn)? Proof?
Why did Moshe say ‘around midnight’ while Hashem said ‘at midnight’?
Why did the tenth plague of the firstborn affect the captives? The slaves? The cattle?
Prove that despite everything, Paroh was accorded his respects by Moshe.
Where did Hashem speak to Moshe about the Korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice)?
What was Moshe told about Rosh Chodesh? About the month of Nissan?
In which part of the day did Hashem speak to Moshe? What difficulty did Moshe have?
Why were they told only this one time to take the lamb four days before its sacrifice?
When is the Korban Pesach brought? Who may eat from it? Who may not?
Why is the korban called Pesach? On which side of the door was the blood put? Proof?
On which days of Pesach is the eating of matzo (unleavened bread) voluntary? Proof?
What is the punishment for eating chametz (leaven)?
What may be done on Yom Tov which may not be done on Shabbos? Source?
Of the ‘four sons,’ whose questions and answers are mentioned in our parsha? Where?
“The Jews dwelt… 430 years!” But they were in Mitzrayim only 210 years? Explain.
Which other mitzvos (connected with yetzias Mitzmyim, the exodus from Egypt) are mentioned in the two parshiyos of tefillin (Kadaish, Vehaya) at the end of this sedra (parsha)?
Why were the Jews taken out through a distant route after leaving Mitzrayim?
Yoseif’s ‘ark’ (his remains) was taken out by Moshe. Why?
How did the Jews get weapons in the desert? How many Jews remained in Mitzrayim?
Why didn’t Yoseif tell his own children to carry him to Eretz Yisroel?
What was the purpose of the commandment, “Let them return and rest. . . in front of Baal Tzfon”?
How is Hashem’s honor increased? What compliment is given to the Jews here?
How did Paroh find out that the Jews left for good?
Why do we say the shira (song) ‘Az Yashir’ on Shvi’i shel Pesach (the seventh day of Pesach)?
How did Paroh convince his people to join him in pursuing the Jews?
What is the basis for the statement, “The best Mitzri (Egyptian) should be killed”?
Where is there a hint that the Jewish nation was following the Ramah (Reb Moshe Isserles) in halacha (Jewish law)?
It is said that the Rashbi, the Ari, and the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings will bring Moshiach. Where is this hinted in the parsha?
What did the Jews say to Moshe when they noticed the Egyptians coming toward them? What did Moshe answer them?
What is the real Jewish way to respond in the face of trouble? Why?
Which merits caused the splitting of the sea before the Jews?
What kind of judgment was held over the Jews at that time? Proof?
How does the mashal (example) of a father and his son explain what happened near Yam Suf (the Red Sea)?
How were the Jews assured that the Egyptians were not coming out on the other side (of the sea)?
Where is there a hint about techiyas hameisim (resurrection of the dead) in the shira?
In what ways were the Jews at the Red Sea superior to the Nevi’im (Prophets)?
There were three kinds of Egyptian people and they were punished differently at the sea. How?
The word yemincha is mentioned several times in the shira. What is said about it?
Why is Miriam called Neviah (Prophetess)? And why ‘sister of Aharon’?
Why did Moshe have to force the people to ‘move on’ after krias Yam Suf (the parting of the Red Sea)?
Which mitzvos were given in Marah? And which tests?
If the diseases of the Egyptians were not to be put upon us, why does it say that Hashem will heal us?
In what connection are the numbers 12 and 70 mentioned?
How long did their food leftovers (from Mitzrayim) last? When did the mon (manna) come?
Bnei Yisroel (the Children of Israel) asked for bread and meat. How was it given to them? Why?
In what ways did the mon test Bnei Yisroel? What happened on Shabbos? Which halacha comes from it?
According to our Sages, getting a shidduch (marriage partner) and getting parnasah (livelihood) are likened to krias Yam Suf. Why?
In which places in the davening is krias Yam Suf mentioned?
The mon was described as lying in a box. Explain why.
What scientific experiment does Rashi suggest in connection with mon?
What ‘big miracle’ happened concerning the amount of the mon?
How did the nations of the world find out about the taste of mon?
Did the mon come down on Yom Tov? Source?
Why was Moshe told to put away a jar of man for remembrance?
When did the mon stop? How many years did it come?
Why is the story of Amalek written here?
Who was Chur? Kalev? Why is Chur mentioned here?
What did Moshe do at the time of battle to confuse Amalek?
What was Yehoshua told to do to Amalek in the future?
“And Yisro heard,” etc. What exactly did he hear?
What were Yisro’s other (six) names? Reasons? (Give three.)
Why was Moshe’s family in Midyan, and not in Mitzrayim?
What were the reasons for the names Gershom and Eliezer?
Did Paroh ever attempt to use a sword against Moshe? What happened?
Why is it emphasized that Yisro came to the midbar (desert)?
Did Yisro arrive before or after Matan Torah (the Giving of the Torah)? Proof?
Was Yisro happy to hear about the downfall of the Egyptians? Proof?
What’s a famous saying about geirim (converts)?
Only a person like Yisro could have made such a statement about faith. Which statement?
Aharon, the elders and Yisro were eating together. Where was Moshe?
What is the proof that the part about judges does not appear in chronological order?
What was bothering Yisro about Moshe’s system of justice?
Which qualities did Yisro require for judges to have?
On which day did they arrive at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai)? What mood were they in?
Why is Hashem’s care of Bnei Yisroel compared to the way an eagle cares for his young?
‘All beginnings are hard.’ Where in the parsha is this idea applicable?
“You shall be unto Me a nation of priests.” But Kohanim came from only one tribe? Explain.
Prove that all of the blind (and the deaf, etc.) were healed.
Did Moshe add an extra day of preparation on his own?
The Jewish nation was (and is) compared to a disciple and to a bride. Where?
Did Hashem speak from Heaven or from Har Sinai? Explain.
“And the Kohanim and the people shouldn’t go up,” etc. Were there ‘Kohanim’ then?
What was unusual about Moshe’s voice when he was saying the eight commandments to the nation?
Were Moshe, Aharon, and the ‘Kohanim’ standing together? Explain.
How did the people respond to each commandment?
Why did Hashem begin by saying “I … am the One Who took you out from Mitzrayim”? (Three reasons.)
Why are the idols called ‘other’ deities? How does the Tanya explain it? (See Ch. 22.)
Prove that Hashem’s good measure is 500 times greater than His harsh measure.
In the Aseres Hadibros (Ten Commandments), where do we apply the twelfth method of interpretation that is taught by Rabbi Yishmael?
Why can’t we use iron in the building of the mizbeyach (altar)?
Why is Matan Torah a greater experience than all other miracles?
When else do we read (most of) parshas Yisro other than on Shabbos?
Find an obvious connection between the parsha and the portions of Tanya that we often learn this same week.
Why were such “simple” instructions chosen to be included in the 10 commandments?
In which way were the Bnai Yisroel compared to Yisro at Mattan Torah?
On which day of the week was the Torah given? How do we mention it on that day?
“And these are the laws,” etc. What are the two connections to the previous parsha (Yisro)?
In what connection is the term Shulchon Oruch mentioned in the first posuk? (See Rashi.)
What is wrong with bringing a dispute to the non-Jewish courts?
How was the eved Ivri (Jewish slave) purchased? Would the law be different if he sold himself?
What kind of eved can get a shifcha Cnaanis (a gentile maidservant)?
What happens to this shifcha Cnaanis after the eved goes free? Source?
What if the eved Ivri refuses to leave until after six years?
Can an eved nirtza be a slave forever? Until when? Source?
Which ear is pierced? Why the ear (not the nose)? (Different reasons for different avodim, slaves).
The door and the door post are connected with piercing the ears. How? Why?
Which kind of child may the father sell into temporary slavery? Can a mother sell too?
How do non-Jewish slaves (men and women) go free from slavery?
How does a young girl go free from slavery? (Three or four ways.)
Explain these terms: yi-ud, simanim, naarus, bagrus, שְׁאֵר, כְּסוּת, עֹנָה.
Which two laws in the punishment for killing do we derive from posuk 12?
Why does Hashem make it happen that one person should kill another? Find a parallel to this thought in Pirkei Avos (Ethics of our Fathers).
If a doctor mistakenly kills his patient or a father his son are they punished? Source?
What reason would you give a doctor not to operate on his parents?
Which person gets the death penalty just for saying some words?
What kind of thief gets punished by death?
What kind of payments are required if one maimed a person?
Explain these terms: nezek, tzaar, ripui, sheves, boshes.
If the master (or a stranger) kills a non-Jewish slave, what is his punishment?
If one kills a pregnant woman, what is his punishment? What if she survived the attack?
“An eye for an eye,” etc. How do we prove that it means monetary payment? (See Gemora Baba Kama p. 84.)
The knocking out of a eye or a tooth sets a slave free. Which other limbs do the same?
If someone’s lion (or chicken) kills a person, what happens to the animal? What happens to the owner?
When a person’s ox kills another ox what happens to the owner?
Explain the terms: mazik, nizak, tam, mu’od, kofer.
When a person makes a pit (bor), which kind of damages is he responsible for?
For which kind of stealing does the thief pay 4 times as much? 5 times? Why this difference?
If a thief who dug into a home gets killed by the owner, is there a punishment? Why?
What happens to a person whose fire went and damaged others’ property?
If animals went and trampled or ate someone’s grain, who pays for it?
If a shomer khinom claims the article was stolen, what happens to him?
In the case of a shomer sokhor, when is he held responsible?
A person who is a sho’eil (one who borrowed), could he ever be exempt from payment?
What about a person who rents a tool from someone (a soicher), how is he responsible?
For which kind of worship-of-idols does one get the death penalty?
What kind of prohibitions are written concerning a ger (convert)? Reason?
What are the punishments for the mistreatment of orphans and widows?
Which are the priorities for lending money? What two prohibitions are connected with it?
What comparison is made between the soul (neshamah) at night and taking a pledge?
Where is the din of modeh b’miktzas (partial admission) derived from?
What are the warnings given about bikurim (first fruits), terumah and maaser?
Why is the din of pidyon ha’ben (redemption of the first born) mentioned here again?
“And holy people you shall be unto Me…”, etc. How do we become holy?
How do we see that Hashem does not diminish the reward of any creature?
Within the same posuk are contained warnings to a judge, and about loshon horo. What are they? What is the connection between these two?
When do we need a majority of one judge and when is a majority of two necessary for a verdict?
The non-Jews (idol worshippers) are in the majority, while we are the minority. Why don’t we follow them?
Where is there a prohibition, against treating a poor man too well?
Why is an “enemy” mentioned by the Mitzvah of Prikah (unloading)? When are you exempt?
After a verdict when do we return the defendant for rejudgement and when not? Why?
What are the punishments of a judge who takes bribes to judge correctly?
Which entire year is called ‘Shabbos’? Why? Do we still keep in it the regular Shabbos? Source?
It was said that one who uses forbidden conveniences on Shabbos claiming that he enjoys it is compared to an ox. How?
How should one avoid any references to idols in giving travel directions? In partnerships?
What names are given here to the holidays of Pesach, Shavous, and Sukkos? Why?
Which warnings are given here about the Korban Pesach? About bikurim?
Why did the Torah write three times “don’t cook the goat in its mother’s milk”?
“… Behold I am sending an Angel…”, et. Why? What warning is given here in that connection (in the next posuk)?
If the last Parsha here was actually said before Mattan Torah, what does it mean “all the laws”? “and Moshe wrote down all the words of Hashem”?
The Sages said: “from here we know that our ancestors entered the covenant with Milah, T’vilo, and sprinkling of blood”. How do we know?
What “sights” did the elders see? Did they get punished for it? When? Why? Which five words in the posuk tell us this?
What did Reb S’adya Gaon find in the Ten Commandments?
Why is Yehoshua mentioned here? And why Khur? Where was Moshe called to?
What are the opinions about the six days that Moshe was covered by the cloud? Why was Moshe called on the seventh day?
Why so we read Parshas Sh’kolim this Shabbos?
Who was obligated to give machatzis ha’shekel?
What were these Sh’kolim used for at the Mishkon?
Do we have any Minhag of machatzis ha’shekel today?
Usually each person gives according to his ability. Why not here?
How many Torahs are taken out this Shabbos? Why?
In which portion is the Parshas Sh’kolim found?
What is the (general) content of the Haftoiroh for this Shabbos?
Which are the other three special Parshios we will read (on other Shabbosim)?
What special saying of our sages describes our mood this month (get to know the Hebrew words)?
Why is this month more special than other months?
When is Rosh Chodesh? How many days of Rosh Chodesh?
Which items of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) are described in this parsha?
How many items (materials) were needed for the building of the Mishkan?
Three different types of contributions are hinted at in the first posuk. Find the hints and describe the contributions.
A number of precious metals are mentioned. Which one had to be contributed in equal amounts by all?
The wool they used had to be of various colors. Which?
They used two (or three) types of animal skins. Of which animals?
Which item was available (by a miracle) only then and is no more?
What was the oil used for? The spices (besomim)? The precious stones?
How did they get sheetim (cedar) wood in the desert?
In posuk 9 why does it say “and so you shall do” after saying it in posuk 8? Were the keilim (utensils) in the first Beis Hamikdash similar to those in the Mishkan? Why?
Why does it say in posuk 8, “And I shall dwell in them,” rather than in it?
How was the aron (ark) ‘covered’ with gold inside and outside? What were its dimensions? Which neis (miracle) is related to its space?
Why was there a ‘crown’ made on top of the aron?
What other parts did the aron have besides the ‘boxes’ and the ‘crown’?
What were these: taba’os, badim, eidus, kapores, za’ir, tzalos?
How many keruvim were there? How were they made? What kind of ‘face’ did they have? Where were the keruvim located?
“And I shall speak to you from on top of the kapores.” Where did the Voice really come from and where did Moshe hear it?
The shulchon (table) also had a ‘crown.’ Why? Where was it placed?
What other parts did the shulchon have? What food was on it?
Why is the bread called lechem hapanim? Who ate it? When?
Why does it say the menorah should be made rather than you shall make it?
How many candlesticks did the menorah have? How many other parts? How tall was it? Which kind of tools served the menorah?
Where was Moshe shown the works of the Mishkan?
How many curtains did the Mishkan have? What were their dimensions?
What was the roof of the Mishkan made of? Dimensions?
How many boards (kerashim) did they use? Dimensions of each keresh?
What were the adonim? What were they used for? How many were there? Which donations went into the making of the adonim?
What were the brichim, tabaas, yados?
What was the paroches? What was it used for? Dimensions?
What was the name of the paroches in the (first) Beis Hamikdash? Dimensions?
Where was each of these placed: shulchon, menorah, aron?
The Gemora says that if one wants to pray for wisdom he should turn southward, and for riches, northward. Can you find a reason for it here?
What was the mizbeyach made from? Its dimensions?
What other keilim belonged to the mizbeyach? What were they made of? Which part of the mizbeyach was similar (by name and purpose) to the aron and shulchon?
How big was the chatzeir (courtyard) of the Mishkan? And its curtains?
What was the purpose of the masach for the Mishkan and the one for the chatzeir? Their dimensions?
Is there a mitzvoh that still applies in our times (also) that we learn from this parsha?
Define and state the purpose of these:
There are five (or six) pesukim in the Torah which contain a word that could be read with the first half or with the second half of the posuk. These doubts have not been resolved. This parsha has one of these pesukim. Which is it?
What commandment is given in the first posuk?
Which process was used to extract the olive oil for the menorah?
Which oil was kosher for a Korban Minchah but not for the menorah? Why?
How is the word tamid (steadily) interpreted in the halachos of the menorah differently than in the halachos of the lechem hapanim (showbread)?
How much oil was poured into the menorah every night? Why?
How many garments did the Kohein Gadol (High Priest) wear? Which?
What were the five materials from which the garments were made?
What were the special garments of choshen and eifod?
What was inscribed on the two shoham stones? What for?
How many letters were inscribed in each stone?
In which way did one of the names on these stones differ from the regular count? In which order were they listed?
Which three names of tribes did not appear on these stones? Why?
Why is the choshen hamishpot called by that name? (Two reasons.)
What kind of precious stones were installed in the choshen hamishpot?
What were the urim v’tumim? Where were they inserted?
In the second Beis Hamikdash did they have the choshen? Complete? What other differences were there in the keilim of the second?
What was attached to the choshen that caused Aharon to announce his arrival? What lesson in good manners could be learned from it?
What was the tzitz? Who wore it? When? It also has a second name. What is it? The Gemora learns out a din (law) about tefillin from the tzitz. Which?
The tzitz brought Hashem’s forgiveness for certain sins. Which?
There are two opinions about the meaning of tamid written in connection with the tzitz. What are they?
How many garments did a regular Kohein wear? What were they? Did they wear a tzitz? Did they wear shatnez (mixture of wool and linen)?
If a Kohein is missing a garment, can he serve? What if he does? What were some other prohibitions in the service of the Kohanim?
Which korbanos were brought for the ‘inauguration’ dedication of the Kohanim? How was the shemen hamishcho used for the Kohanim?
What were the flour offerings that were brought?
What was the purpose of the par (ox) brought for an atonement? How was its treatment different than other kinds of korban Chatos?
Where is there a hint about the future death of Aharon’s two sons?
What was done with the rams after they were slaughtered?
What was the purpose of ‘waving’ the four sacrifices? Any resemblance to the waving of the lulov (four species)?
Who is first in line to succeed the Kohein Gadol? What if he can’t?
Why did the mizbeyach need atonement?
How was the mizbeyach sanctified for service? Was oil used?
Which animals are not kosher for korbanos? Which become posul after they’re brought?
How was the ‘inner mizbeyach’ made differently than the regular mizbeyach? What was it used for?
It is said that this parsha is the only one not to mention Hashem’s name. Why?
In which sedra is parshas Zachor?
Which phrase in parshas Zachor is repeated twice by the reader? How? Why?
Ki Sissa
Why weren’t the Jews counted directly? Were they ever counted directly?
What halacha about counting people do we learn from the second posuk?
How was Moshe shown the half-Shekel? What else was he shown in this way?
How many zuzim in a Shekel? How many geira in a zuz?
Why is the word terumah mentioned three times?
How did they spend the silver from the two counts?
Why was the count exactly the same both times? Was there a miracle in it?
What was the kiyor? Who used it? For what?
What did the oil contain besides the olive oil?
What was this oil used for? What are the opinions of Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Meir on the preparation of this oil?
What was the weight of the aromatic herbs? The measure of the oil?
“Anything touching them should become holy.” Touching whom? Holy for what?
Our Sages said that all of the oil remained intact. How do we know?
What are the two prohibitions about the oil? Punishment for transgressing?
How many herbs were used for the ketores (incense)? How many are mentioned?
One of the herbs didn’t have a good aroma. Which? What do we learn from this fact?
Into how many portions was it divided? Why? What about the extras?
How does Rashi explain chochma, tevuna, daas? Is this similar to the explanation given in Tanya for chochma, binah, daas? How?
Why is the subject of Shabbos mentioned here?
Shabbos is a sign between Hashem and the Jews. How?
For whom is this sign intended? Purpose?
What are the punishments for desecrating the Shabbos? beshogeig, bemeizid, behasraah?
Why is Shabbos called Shabbos Shabbaton? What else is called by this title?
Prove that the Torah is not necessarily arranged in chronological order.
What wording is used in the Hebrew version of the above rule?
Why is the Torah likened to a kallah? (Two reasons.)
How was it possible for Moshe to learn the whole Torah in such a short time?
How did the people mistakenly decide that Moshe was late in his return?
Which two things did the Satan do to confuse the people?
Prove that they only asked for a leader to substitute for Moshe, not for a deity.
Why did Aharon decide to ask for the women’s and children’s jewelry?
Who actually donated the jewelry? Proof?
After Aharon threw the gold into the fire, who produced the egel hazahav (golden calf)? (Two opinions.)
Prove that the mixed multitude of erev rav (Egyptian converts) started the whole thing.
Why did Aharon feel forced to announce a celebration for them? Why for the next day?
Why didn’t he ask them to build the altar instead of building it himself?
What happened to Chur? Why? How was he related to Aharon?
Why was it so easy for them to get up early the next morning? Did they awaken so quickly for Matan Torah? What can we learn from it?
What kind of mussar did Moshe get from the Heavenly Court?
Why does it say “Your nation sinned” rather than “the nation”?
Why were the Jews called a stiff-necked people?
How did Moshe get the hint that prayer might still help?
What reason did Moshe give to Hashem not to be angry at them?
Why did he mention here the three Patriarchs?
How did Hashem respond to Moshe’s prayers?
On which days do we read Moshe’s prayer in the Torah? Why?
“They (the tablets) are the doings of Hashem.” Give two interpretations for this.
When Yehoshua said, “Hear a sound of war in the camp,” what did Moshe answer?
What reason did Moshe have (from a halacha) to break the Luchos (tablets)?
Why did Moshe give the people to drink from the water (with the gold-dust of the golden calf)?
Three different punishments were given there for three different groups. How?
What did Aharon answer when Moshe asked him about the egel?
Did any of the Levi’im participate in the chet ha’egel (sin of the calf)? Proof?
What did Moshe command the Levi’im to do? Why was it so difficult for the Levi’im?
Moshe’s prayer was already accepted (see 32:14); why did he have to plead for them again? (see 32:30.)
What explanation (or cause) did Moshe offer to Hashem for this great sin?
In the parable in Rashi for above why does it say that “He gave him food and drink” (i.e., the father gave to the son)?
Moshe said, “Erase me from Your book.” Why? What did Hashem answer?
How did Hashem make the nation’s punishment easier? Why was He sending an angel with them?
“Go up from here.” (33:1) Why is ‘up’ used here? (Two reasons.)
Why are only six nations mentioned here? Who was the seventh? Where was he?
What reason did Hashem give for not wanting to lead them?
“And the people heard this bad thing,” etc. (33:4) Which thing? How did they react?
How long does Hashem’s anger last? Who tried to use it against the Jews?
What immediate punishment did they get?
Why did Moshe remove his tent from the camp? How far did he move?
What name did Moshe give his tent? Who usually came to see him there?
Who else, besides the Jewish people, came to see Moshe? Proof?
What did the people do when seeing Moshe leave the camp? Any parallel today?
What did the people do after Moshe arrived at his tent? Why?
During which period did Moshe hear Hashem’s voice at his tent? Why not afterwards?
“And he returned to the camp.” (33:11) Why did he have to return? (Two reasons.)
What did Moshe request in pesukim 33:12-13? What was the response?
What did Moshe request after the first response of Hashem? What else did Moshe ask? What was the response?
Then Moshe asked another favor. What? What was the answer to him?
What did Moshe learn from this answer? Do we use it? When?
What special promise did Moshe get concerning the 13 Attributes of Mercy?
What was the reason given why Moshe couldn’t see all he wanted to see?
Is Hashem in the world or is the world in Hashem? What Name of Hashem tells us this?
From what Moshe saw we learn that Hashem ‘puts on tefillin.’ How?
How did Moshe get rich? How were the second Luchos different than the first?
In the mashal that Rashi brings (34:1), who are the maids? Who is the bride?
How was the giving of the second Luchos different than the giving of the first? Why? What kind of proper behavior do we derive from here?
Why is Hashem mentioned twice in the 13 Attributes of Mercy? Explain. Why the need for mercy before the sin?
Explain the following (two meanings): notzer chesed la’alafim; noseh avon vafesha; vechatah; venakeh; lo yenakeh.
Prove that the midoh tovah is 500 times greater than the midoh poranius.
When do children get punished for the parents’ sins?
After Moshe heard the 13 Attributes of Mercy, what request did he make? What was the response?
Why is eating from the idol sacrifices considered so terrible?
Why is there a commandment to chop of the head of a firstborn donkey (sometimes)?
“They shouldn’t come empty handed to see me.” (34:20) What are the two meanings here?
“And you shall rest from plowing and harvesting.” What does this teach us about Shabbos? What other interpretation is there concerning the laws of the seventh year (Shmittah)?
Why are some prohibitions (and mitzvos) repeated several times in the Torah?
What promise is given to those who go up to the Beis Hamikdash for the holidays (Yom Tov aliyas haregel)?
Prove that chicken with milk is not prohibited from the Torah.
How do we know that it’s forbidden to write down Torah Shebe’al Peh (Oral Law)? Then why do we have Mishna, Gemora, Shulchon Oruch?
How do we see the strong destructive power of sin? Where did Moshe get his holy light rays?
Why did Moshe use a mask? How did he teach the Torah to the Jewish people?
When else do we read the first part of this parsha?
When do we recite the pesukim of veshomru (31:16)?
When do we read (from the Torah) pesukim 34:1-10? Why?
When do we read pesukim 33:12-34:10?
How many mitzvos are written in this parsha, positive and negative?
Why didn’t Yehoshua know what was going on at the camp?
Which [yomim-tovim] (holidays) are not mentioned in this parsha? Why?
“And Moshe gathered,” etc. On which day did this happen?
Why was the warning about Shabbos written before other things?
“Don’t kindle fire,” etc. Why is this melacha (work) singled out?
Why are the commandments about the Mishkan works repeated here?
Which roof covers are called ‘Mishkan,’ which ‘its tent,’ and which ‘its cover’?
Why did they need wise people to produce the oil for the menorah?
What was the special wisdom of the women in weaving goats’ wool?
What did the nesiyim (heads of tribes; princes) bring? When? Why?
Why were the nesiyim the first to bring things for the mizbeyach?
Why is their title (nesiyim) written without the letter yud?
Prove that in the presence of Hashem there is no difference between the high shevatim (tribes) and the lowest one.
What strange announcement did Moshe command to announce in the camp?
How many adonim and how many yados were there per keresh?
“And Betzalel made the aron,” etc. Did he personally make it?
The order of the Mishkan work is different here than in parshas Terumah. How?
What special contribution did the women bring for the kiyor?
Was Moshe happy to accept it? Why? What did Hashem say to him?
Why was the women’s contribution used for the kiyor?
Which items that were needed for the avodah (service) are not mentioned here?
Which woods were covered with silver?
What were the dimensions of the following: mizbeyach-ha-olah, mizbeyach-hazahav, aron, shulchon, menorah, kiyor?
Why is the prohibition against fire on Shabbos mentioned here? (See Sforno, Rambam.)
Why did Moshe have to gather the people here? (See 0hr Hachayim.)
Why does it mention that the men came to give jewelry with the women? (See Sforno 2, Kli Yakar.)
“And the Jewish community went out,” etc. Why is this mentioned here? (See Ohr Hachayim.)
“And the nesiyim brought,” etc. Who are these nesiyim according to the Gemora?
Was Betzalel related to Moshe? (See Rashi, Daas Zekenim.)
“And Moshe said: Look! Hashem called the name,” etc. (35:30) Why did he say that? (See Baal Haturim, Daas Zekenim.)
“And to teach He gave into his heart” etc. (35:34). Why is this emphasized? (See Ebn Ezra, Ohr Hachayim.)
“And Betzalel made the aron.” Is that the only thing he made? (See Daas Zekenim.)
Parshas Shekalim, Rosh Chodesh Adar, etc.
How many special parshiyos do we read between now and Pesach? What are their names?
Why do we read parshas Shekalim on this Shabbos? Which part do we read?
What is the source and reason for the saying, ‘Mi shenichnas Adar marbin b’simcha’?
How many Sifrei Torah will be used in shul this Shabbos? How many aliyos?
In the month of Adar the Beis Din in Eretz Yisroel was concerned with . Explain.
Certain kinds of disputes should be resolved this month. Which kind? Why?
Why must it be half a shekel? Do we give it today? What did Hashem show to Moshe?
Which things are being counted in this parsha? Why were they counted?
Why is the word ‘Mishkan’ mentioned twice in the first posuk?
How was the Mishkan a ‘testimony,’ proof, to the Jewish people?
“The work of Levi’im,” etc. How is this connected to the count?
Who was Issamar? What was his position?
Why does it say, “Betzalel did all that Hashem commanded him,” rather than saying he did all that Moshe commanded him?
Why did Moshe compliment Betzalel, saying, “You were in the shadow of Hashem”?
How many moneh does a regular kikar hold? A ‘holy’ kikar?
How do we get a number (count) of 100 kikar plus 1775 shekalim?
Which adonim were made of silver and which of copper?
“They made the bigdei serod,” etc. Prove that this does not refer to bigdei kehuna?
Where did the Kohein Gadol put on the head tefillin?
“And they brought the Mishkan to Moshe.” What for?
Why couldn’t ordinary people put up the Mishkan?
Why did Moshe get the special privilege to put up the Mishkan?
“And Moshe blessed them,” etc. What blessing did he give them?
When do we say Moshe’s blessing in davening?
On which day was the Mishkan put up (permanently)?
What was done with the shulchon, menorah, kiyor, and mizbeyach on that day?
What did Moshe have to do after the Mishkan and keilim were set up?
In what capacity did Moshe serve on the eighth day of dedication? Proof?
There is a contradiction (between two pesukim) about Moshe’s entrance into the Mishkan. What is it? How is it resolved?
Prove that resting for the purpose of travelling is called travelling.
How was the presence of Hashem seen by day? By night?
What were the signs to travel? To rest?
Why do we say ‘Chazak’ at the end of this parsha?
The Mishkan work was finished in the month of Kislev. Why was its dedication postponed for Nissan? Did Kislev ever get to celebrate this?
Is there any connection between parshas Pekudei and the month of Adar?
What special parsha do we read for maftir? Why? What are the other three parshiyos (from the set of ‘four parshiyos’)?
In what way was the Mishkan superior to the first and second Beis Hamikdash?
Why does it describe how the gold threads were made? (See Sforno 38:21-22, Rambam 39:3.)
The avneit (belt) had shatnez in it. Who wore it? (See Rashbam 39:29.)
“And Bnei Yisroel did,” etc. (39:42) But they didn’t all do it? Explain. (See Ohr Hachayim.)
Why is it repeated three times that the people did the work? (See Kli Yakar 39:42-43.)
“As Hashem commanded Moshe,” etc. Why is this repeated so many times? (See Baal Haturim at the end of the parsha.)
Chumash Vayikra
“And He called,” etc. Why did Hashem call Moshe before speaking to him?
How was the appearance of Hashem to Moshe different than to Bilam? Why?
Who else calls one another? Why? Where do we mention it in davening?
What were the breaks? Their purpose? Was Moshe called at these breaks? Why? What do we derive from this about our learning?
“And Hashem spoke in him.” Who is excluded here?
Was the voice of Hashem high? How far did it reach? Who didn’t hear it?
Why is Adam mentioned in connection with the korbanos?
There are six categories of pesulim in korbanos. Which?
If an Olah gets mixed in with other sheep, what happens?
If a person promises an Olah then refuses to give it, do we force him? Proof? How do we force him? (See Rambam, Laws of Gerushin 8:2.)
If we do force him, how can the korban be ‘according to his will’?
Can a non-Kohein slaughter the korban? Take the blood? Proof?
“They should put fire,” etc. But wasn’t there a fire sent from heaven?
if a Kohein is ‘too well dressed’ or ‘not so well dressed’ his avodah is posul. Explain and give proof.
What are the requirements for a korban of fowl (pigeons, doves) to be kosher?
Why are the insides (intestines) of fowl thrown out, and not those of sheep?
Why are the doves burned on the mizbeyach with their wings?
Regarding both sheep and fowl, it says, ‘Reyach nichoach laShem.’ What does this teach us?
Why does it say ‘Venefesh ki sakriv’ only in reference to a Korban Minchah?
Which parts of a Korban Minchah could be done by non-Kohanim? Which part must the Kohein do?
The fistful is called a reminder. For what?
Did the Kohein Gadol and regular Kohein get the same portions? Explain.
What are the two opinions concerning the application of oil on a Minchah?
What kind of oil is kosher for Menachos? Proof?
What two items cannot be brought with a Korban Minchah?
All korbanos required salt.Why is this called bris (covenant)?
Most Menachos are voluntary except one. Which?
The daily Tamid had to be the first korban of the day. Proof?
If a person writes part of a word on Shabbos, does he bring a korban Chatos? Proof?
When a Kohein Gadol sins, why is this called the ‘guilt of the nation’?
What kind of situation is described in posuk 4:13?
Prove that Hashem loves Am Yisroel (the Jewish nation) more than He loves the Kohein Gadol.
Which kind of korban do all those people (in question 36) bring?
If a person was rich when he sinned, and then became poor, which kind of korban is he required to bring? (And if vice versa?) Explain.
What kind of aveiro is described in posuk 5:15?
What kind of korban Asham is mentioned in posuk 5:18? Its purpose?
What kind of lessons do Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Yosai, Rabbi Yosai Haglili, and Rabbi Eliezer learn from here?
According to Rabbi Akiva, why is one who denies a deposit worse than one who denies a loan?
How many kinds of korbanos are mentioned in this Parsha?
There are two very famous maamorim in Likutei Torah on this Parsha on Chapter 1, posuk 2, and Chapter 2, posuk 13. See what it says there.
Which korbanos from this Parsha are mentioned in the daily korbanos portion of Tfilas Shacharis?
What do we have today instead of the korbanos (two general things)?
How does the maamar Bosi Legani of Yud Shvat explain the subject of [avodas-ha-korbonos-b-ruchnius]?
Why is aleph in the word 'Vayikra' a small one?
How many mitzvos asei and mitzvos lo ta’asei are mentioned here?
What other name is given to this Chumash? Why?
According to Rabbi Shimon, why does it say here ‘tzav’ (command) instead of ‘daber’ (speak)?
What does posuk 2 tell us about the fats and limbs?
If something became posul, does it still burn on the mizbeyach?
What was the avodah of terumas hadeshen? When did the Kohein change garments?
Where was the fire for the menorah lighting taken from? Proof?
There were two general kinds of Korban Minchah that the Israelites brought. Which?
If the kometz from the above Menachos was taken without kavana (intention), is it OK?
Can blemished Kohanim eat from the Menachos? Proof?
There was a certain korban that regular Kohanim brought during their dedication and the Kohein Gadol brought every day. Which was it?
Who ate the Korban Minchah that Kohanim brought? Proof?
What can we learn about koshering earthenware and metal dishes from that which is written regarding the korban Chatos?
Which of these are kedoshim kalim and which are kodshai kedoshim: Chatos, Olah, Asham, Shlomim, Minchah?
When is eating a korban punishable by koreis?
What is the punishment for eating cheilev (forbidden fats)? Blood?
On which commandments does Rashi comment: “There is not (necessarily) a chronological order in the Torah”? Why here?
“Take Aharon,” etc. How is Moshe supposed to take him?
“And gather the community at the door of the Ohel Moed.” What for?
What special miracle occurred at this gathering?
Why does Moshe repeat here: “This is the thing that I was commanded to do”?
On which activity does Rashi remark, “I don’t know where he was commanded on it.”
The mizbeyach was cleansed and sanctified. Why both things?
Besides the shemen hamishcho, what else was put on Aharon and his sons?
One part of a korban was burned on the mizbeyach only during the miluim. Which?
Where is there a hint here about the separation of the Kohein Gadol before Yom Kippur?
“And Aharon and his sons did all the things,” etc. What is the special compliment here?
What is the special name given to this Shabbos? Why? Special customs?
“And it was on the eighth day,” etc. Which day of the month was it?
What was happening during the seven previous days?
“That day took ten crowns,” etc. What kind of crowns?
Moshe called the elders of Israel. What for?
Why did Aharon have to offer a calf for a korban?
Why did Moshe have to urge Aharon, “Come to the mizbeyach!”?
After the korbanos were offered, what kind of blessing did Aharon give?
After that blessing Moshe and Aharon went into the ‘holy tent’ again. What for? (Two reasons.)
How did the people react after they saw the Heavenly fire come down?
What was the blessing that Moshe and Aharon gave to the people?
Why did the people feel embarrassed as long as the Shechina (Divine Presence) didn’t come?
How is the ‘wrong service’ of Nadav and Avihu described in the posuk?
What are the opinions of Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yishmael about the wrongdoing?
Hashem’s name was going to be sanctified in public on this great day. What did Moshe expect?
What did Moshe find out about his greatness (and Aharon’s) after the tragedy?
How did Aharon react to his sons’ death? How was he rewarded?
How does Hashem’s name become sanctified through the punishment of tzadikim?
Who were these people: Mishael, Eltzafan, Uziel? What were the first two asked to do?
The usual observances of mourners were prohibited to the survivors. What are they? Are these observances kept today?
Prove that the suffering of a Torah scholar must be shared by all.
Prove that when a Kohein drinks wine, his avodah becomes posul.
Who else was prohibited from drinking wine? What if he did? Proof?
How do we know that Aharon’s other two sons might have died too? What saved them?
Which korban was burnt? Why was Moshe upset about it?
What were the reasons for burning this korban? What reason did Moshe suggest?
To whom was Moshe complaining about the burning? Who answered him? Why him?
Moshe liked the answer he was given. What was that answer? What were Moshe’s comments?
How were Aharon’s sons Elazar and Issamar rewarded for accepting the tragedy properly?
Why did Hashem put restrictions on the Jewish nation but not on other nations?
How did Moshe explain to the people about the kosher and non kosher animals? Proof?
What are the two traits that identify the kosher animals?
How is a kal v’chomer used to determine the status of certain animals?
How does the Torah teach us about the obligation of cleansing ourselves before Yom Tov?
What are the signs of kosher fish? Kosher birds?
Are people allowed to feed non kosher meat to small children? Proof?
Carrying a sheretz (rodent) is worse than just touching it. How? (Difference between tumas magah and tumas masah.)
A person who has a sheretz for a pet, is he tomei (impure)? Proof?
A wooden dish that became tomei, how is it purified? And earthen vessels?
Prove following:
Food (grain, etc.) cannot become tomei unless it first becomes wet.
In addition to water, food can be made tomei by wine, oil, etc.
A vlad hatumah (second level tumah) cannot bring tumah to keilim, only to food.
Water causes food to absorb tumah only if it got wet after it was detached from the ground.
Why does it mention here that Hashem took us out from Mitzrayim?
What special parsha is read this Shabbos? Why at this time?
Why are the laws affecting humans written after the laws of animals?
How long is a woman tomei after the birth of a son? A daughter?
Why is her impure period stated as ‘in clear blood’?
What kind of korbanos does a woman have to bring when she is cleansed?
Which one of her korbanos actually causes her to become tahor (pure)?
Can any rabbi decide whether negayim are tomei or tahor? Proof?
How many hairs have to change to white in order to make the person tomei?
On which statement does Rashi comment, “I don’t know its meaning”? Why?
In which case is the person declared tomei immediately? When is he locked up?
When is a person locked up for a second time? For how long?
Sometimes the person is declared tahor yet must wash (towel) himself and his clothes. Why?
After being locked up what has to happen to his negah to make him tomei? tahor?
What is the general difference between these: s’ais, sapachas, baheres?
May a Kohein decide on a person with a negah by getting information about its condition? Proof?
Is it possible that a person could become tahor even while he has a regular tzoraas? Explain.
There are certain days and certain people that a Kohein should refuse to check. Which?
What are the signs of tumah for a negah on the skin? On the head?
If a Kohein mistakenly declares a person ‘tahor’ who is really tomei, is it OK?
Explain these: nesek, bohak, tzareves, keireiach, giveiach.
What is a Metzorah supposed to do to his clothes? To his hair? What does he announce?
What kind of clothes (materials) can develop negayim? What colors are they?
What is done with a garment that became tomei?
When is the negah supposed to be washed? If the negah’s coloring remains the same what is done to it? And if the negah darkened somewhat?
If after washing it, it reappears again what is done to the beged (garment)?
If the negah was removed after washing it, what is done to the beged?
Are there negayim today? Why? How is this connected to the Golus (Exile)?
Can the metzorah be cleansed at night? Proof?
The metzorah is put outside of the camp (or city). How does the Kohein see him?
Can you bring an example from the mivtzoyim which is similar to the above?
Why does the metzorah bring birds for his cleansing?
The species of the birds is not mentioned. Which birds are not acceptable?
Why does the metzorah bring the etz erez, shei, tolaas, ezov?
What is done with the two birds (with the items from the previous question)?
What does the metzorah do on the first day of his cleanliness? On the eighth day?
On which parts of the metzorah’s body do they put the blood? The oil?
From the ‘13 midos’ of Rabbi Yishmael (in Shacharis) we use three in this parsha. Which midos are used? How?
Rashi says he doesn’t know why a certain thing is called by its name. Which?
A metzorah who is poor, how are his korbanos different?
Why is it good news that some homes in Eretz Yisroel have negayim?
Why does the Torah command to empty the house before the Kohein comes?
What is done to the house when the negah is first seen?
What happens to the person who eats in or sleeps in or just enters the closed house?
If the negah grows bigger on the seventh day, what is done to the house?
What is done for the house after the ‘new stones’ remain clean?
An item which a zav touches, sits on, or sleeps on, what tumah does it get?
What kind of taharah is common in (almost) all cases?
What mashal does Rashi quote from Rabbi Elazar?
What is difficult in this posuk that made this mashal necessary?
“Because in the cloud,” etc. (posuk 2). Which cloud is meant here? (Two meanings.)
“With this Aharon may come in,” etc. With what? When may he come?
Which garments can’t Aharon wear when he goes into the holiest place? Why?
And which garments does he wear? Do we do anything similar?
How many times did Aharon use the mikvah on Yom Kippur? At which points?
What else did Aharon have to do at these intervals?
Who owned the Kohein Gadol’s Yom Kippur garments? Who owned Aharon’s korban?
What were the lots drawn for?
Twice it’s stated, “He should atone for his household.” Why?
What was done with the goat intended for Azazeil?
What was special about the ketores used on Yom Kippur?
What kind of sins are atoned for the Kohanim and the nation through the korban Chatos?
How do we know that His Presence is with us even when we’re tomei?
What was the order (sequence) of the Kohein Gadol’s avodah on Yom Kippur?
What is done with his garments after Yom Kippur?
Not all the Kohanim Gedolim were anointed. Which were not? Why?
Who is first in line to succeed the Kohein Gadol?
Why is Aharon specially praised that ‘he did as he was told’?
If one offers a korban outside of the Beis Hamikdash he is compared to a murderer. How?
Sometimes those who offered their korbanos outside had wrong intentions. Explain.
Why is the prohibition against sh’chutei chutz (outside offerings) repeated here?
What is the punishment for eating blood? What do we do to meat to get rid of the blood?
Why is an animal sacrifice able to atone for a human being?
To which animals does the mitzvoh of covering the blood apply?
If a person became tomei by eating from a dead animal, does he get punished?
Which sin that occurred in the time of Ezra (circa Second Temple) is hinted at here? Where?
“Don’t do like the activities of the Egyptians and Cnaanites.” Why are these two mentioned?
What is then meant by the addition, “and don’t follow their laws” (18:3)?
“And he shall live by them” (18:5). Which life is meant here? Why?
Which family member was not explicitly mentioned in the prohibitions?
What kind of sister is not specifically forbidden in the Torah?
Can an uncle marry a niece? Can an aunt marry a nephew?
When can one marry a sister-in-law?
Can one marry two sisters? How could Yaakov marry Rochel and Leah?
What does the land of Israel do to a sinful nation? Why?
When are portions of this parsha read besides on the Shabbos of this parsha?
How do we know that this parsha was said at the gathering of the nations? Why?
“You shall be holy,” etc. What kind of holiness is meant here?
Why does it say, “Each man should fear his mother and father”? Isn’t a woman also obligated to fear and honor parents? Why is mother mentioned here first?
How does one give kavod (honor) to parents? And how is yirah (fear, respect) expressed?
Why is the commandment to observe Shabbos written next to honoring parents?
Which laws concerning korbanos do we derive from pesukim 5-8?
Which gifts to the poor are mentioned in pesukim 9-10?
“You shall not steal,” etc. How does this prohibition differ from the one in the Ten Commandments?
What is a logical connection between the prohibitions in pesukim 11-12?
What is the warning given concerning the wages of a worker?
“Do not curse the deaf.” Are we allowed to curse others?
“Don’t put an obstacle in front of a blind person.” What kind of obstacle?
For which kinds of prohibitions does the Torah commonly add, “and you shall fear Hashem”?
What kind of warnings are judges given in posuk 15?
Which mitzvos and warnings are given about rebuking a friend?
What is the difference between the sins of loshon-horo and rechilus?
What else is forbidden along with the prohibition against revenge?
There is a prohibition here against being passive. In which situation?
Which three types of mixtures (shatnez) are prohibited here?
What are the three phases concerning the fruits of a newly planted tree?
What kinds of magic are prohibited in posuk 72 (Ch. 20 and 19:27)?
How many transgressions are committed when shaving with a razor?
What are the prohibitions concerning a person’s skin?
How does one show respect to an old person? To a scholar?
What warnings are given here concerning weights and measures?
What is the punishment for cursing parents? For adultery? For a homosexual act?
Why is the animal killed when a human commits a sin with it?
What moral lesson do we derive from it, according to Rashi?
“And separated you from the nations to be Mine.” What lesson of conduct does Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya derive from this?
Why does the instruction ‘say,’ ‘and you shall say,’ repeat itself here?
What do we derive from the repetition of ‘the Kohanim,’ ‘the sons of Aharon’?
Who are the seven relatives to whom a Kohein may become tomei?
What is added here in the prohibition of creating a bald spot for the dead?
What new fact is stated here about the prohibition of shaving?
What kind of woman may a Kohein not marry?
“You shall sanctify him.” How is this done?
What is the special treatment we give to Kohanim due to their holiness?
Is the punishment different for a daughter of a Kohein who commits adultery?
in what instance may a Kohein Gadol become tomei to a dead person?
Can any Kohein do his services in the Beis Hamikdash on the day his parents died?
May a regular Kohein marry a widow? A divorcee? May a Kohein Gadol marry these?
Give six examples of physical defects (blemishes) that disqualify a Kohein.
Prove that other blemishes (besides the listed ones) also disqualify a Kohein.
If and when the defect heals, does the Kohein become kosher for avodah? Proof?
Kohanim who have defects, can they eat terumah? korbanos? Proof?
When may a Kohein who becomes tomei eat from the above-mentioned things?
Prove your answer to question 19 from a Mishna text.
May the Kohein’s family members eat terumah? His workers? His cattle?
May a Kohein’s daughter who is married to a Levi eat terumah? When?
If a non-Kohein eats terumah, beshogeig or bemeizid, what happens to him? Can he atone for it in some way?
What kind of korban may be accepted even with blemishes? Proof?
Give five examples of blemishes that disqualify korbanos.
If a non-Jew brings a korban, is it accepted? With a blemish?
Which two animals cannot be slaughtered on the same day?
What must one think while slaughtering a korban?
“And I will be sanctified,” etc. (22:32) What mitzvoh do we get here?
What is the incorrect way of attempting martyrdom?
What proof does Rashi bring from the three greats, Chananya, Michoel, and Azarya?
What would be a good reason to make a leap year?
Why is Shabbos mentioned among the other holidays?
What does the word Pesach mean in the Torah?
What kind of work is permitted on Chol Hamoed but not on Yom Tov?
Why did the Kohein have to wave the Omer (up and down, etc.)?
“In all your settlements” (23:14). What are the differing opinions among the Sages concerning the interpretation of this phrase?
Why is it best to count Sefirah at the start of night not later?
What kind of an offering was the Omer? Why its name?
Which Yom Tov is not mentioned by name (or title)?
Why are the gifts of the poor mentioned in the midst of [yomim-tovim]?
Does Yom Kippur atone for those who don’t repent? Proof?
How do we sanctify Yom Kippur? And the other [yomim-tovim]?
Why is the name Atzeres given to the last day of Sukkos? The example for it?
Why is the esrog called pri eitz hadar?
Why was the western light of the menorah called ‘testimony’?
Who ate the lechem hapanim? What part was burnt on the altar?
Prove that through modesty a person is saved from indecent behavior.
All the Mitzvos were given at Sinai. Why then is Sinai mentioned specifically in relation to Shmittah?
Which types of agriculture (work) are forbidden during years of Shmittah?
There is a mitzvoh of counting (Sefira) mentioned here. Explain.
How is the year of Yovel announced? And sanctified? In which month does it begin?
What happens to fields and servants during Yovel? Are all servants alike?
Do we blow the shofar anywhere on Rosh Hashonoh that comes on Shabbos? Proof?
How many Shmittah years are there between two Yovel years?
Why is the prohibition against unfair pricing written near the Yovel?
Is there a mitzvoh to do business with a Jew? Proof? Even if it’s overpriced?
Twice it is mentioned not to be unfair to another person. Why?
What is the official punishment for violating the mitzvoh of Shmittah? The reward?
“If you shall say, ‘What will we eat on the seventh year?’” What are they asking here?
What promise does the Torah give them? Sometimes the promise is bigger. When?
Which reason is given to comfort the people for having to return the field to the owner?
Prove that a man should not sell his field except in poverty.
Do houses also return to the original owner during the year of Yovel?
When a field that was sold is redeemed by a friend, how is it done? And by the owner?
Can one redeem part of a field? Proof?
How long after it was sold may a field be redeemed?
A house within a walled city cannot always be redeemed. Explain.
What is the status (for redemption purposes) of a house in an open city?
How many cities belonged to the Levi’im? Were all their cities walled?
Are their rights to redeem fields and houses different than others’? Explain.
If a Levi donated his field to the Beis Hamikdash treasury, can he redeem it?
When no one redeems the Levi’s field, what happens at Yovel?
When is the best time to give a person a hand (tzedakah)? What is the example from a load on a donkey?
Why does it say “and you shall Fear Hashem,” regarding the prohibition against taking interest?
Why is the fact of redemption from Egypt mentioned in connection with interest?
What reason is mentioned here for giving us the land of Eretz Yisroel?
How does the Torah compare living in Eretz Yisroel to leaving the land?
What must we avoid in the employment of a Jewish servant?
What is prohibited when selling a Jewish servant?
What reason does the Torah give for the above prohibitions?
Then how can Jews in Eretz Yisroel get servants for heavy work?
Can a Jew employ a Canaanite person? Why? A son of a Canaanite?
In posuk 47 the Torah describes a rich person and a poor one. Why are they so?
Which kind of a Jewish servant is it a mitzvoh to redeem? Why?
What reason is given for the fact that a servant is freed in Yovel?
Why is there a prohibition against idolatry at the end of this parsha? (How is it connected here?)
Rashi tells us that the subjects here are arranged in a sequence. How?
What kind of activity is permitted only in the Beis Hamikdash?
What proof is there that the first posuk here refers to toiling in Torah?
How is the above connected to the next phrase, “You shall keep My mitzvos”?
The rain comes in the right (convenient) time if it comes… when?
What special blessing is given about certain trees? About eating bread?
Which blessing equals the goodness of all other blessings combined?
“And a sword will not cross your land,” etc. Isn’t this a repetition of the peace blessing?
The enemy will “fall by the sword,” in a special, miraculous way. How?
“Five will pursue 100, and 100 will chase 10,000.” What is the difficulty in this posuk? And the answer?
“And i shall turn to you,” etc. What kind of reward is promised here?
What kind of family and personal (physical) blessings are mentioned here?
“And I will establish my covenant with you.” Didn’t we already have one?
How does the Torah describe the large harvests that will come as a reward?
Name two spiritual blessings mentioned here.
Why does Hashem mention here the fact that He took us out from Mitzrayim?
There are seven aveiros which follow one another. Which are they?
Why do the punishments come in sets of seven? (See posuk 18.)
Lack of rain is a punishment. How is the one here worse than the one Moshe said in the punishments of Ki Savo?
What kinds of bad attitudes are described in posuk 21?
There is a specific punishment about baking bread. What is it?
In posuk 32 there is a punishment that is also a comfort. Explain.
Which sin is atoned for by the punishment of the land being desolate?
How many years after the exiling of the ten tribes did the total destruction come? Which were the last two tribes to be exiled? Where did they go?
Give the count which explains the reason for the 70 years of Galus Bavel (Babylonian Exile).
How do we see that the Torah holds each Jew responsible for his friend’s sins?
In posuk 37 there is a comforting promise made to the exiled Jews. What is it?
What kind of a ‘letter’ exchange is there between Yaakov and Eliyahu? What for?
“My covenant with Yaakov,” etc. Why are the names of the Avos mentioned in reverse order?
Why is the word ‘remembrance’ not mentioned in connection with Yitzchak’s name?
“And the Torahs which He gave,” etc. Why is it written in plural form?
How is the value of a person estimated for purposes of tzedakah (hekdesh)?
On which difficult word does Rashi say, “I don’t know where it comes from”?
How do we see that old age affects a man more negatively than it does a woman?
What is the saying brought from the Gemora, describing the above conditions?
What is done when a contributor cannot afford to pay the full value?
Can a person donate just the foot of an animal to the Beis Hamikdash? Explain.
How do we know that we may not exchange one animal (donated for a korban) for another, even one of equal value?
Can a donated animal that became blemished be redeemed? Explain.
How do we estimate the value of a field for redemption purposes?
What kind of donated (hekdesh) field returns to the owner in Yovel? Which doesn’t?
What kind of kosher and healthy animal cannot be donated to hekdesh? Why?
If a person donates a tomei (non-kosher) animal to hekdesh, what is done with it?
When a person donates his possessions without specifying to whom it is given, who gets them? (Two opinions.)
Sometimes donating the value of a human to hekdesh is ineffective. Why?
What kind of maaser must be eaten in Jerusalem? How is it stated in the posuk?
What difference is there whether one redeems his own maaser or someone else’s?
What kind of maaser is designated by using a whip? What is done with this maaser?
If the tenth animal has a blemish, what is done with it?
Where is there a hint in these pesukim about Yud Shevat?
Who gets the of aliyah of the Tochecha (curses, punishments)? Is he called up?
Why do we say ‘Chazak’ at the end of every Chumash?
Chumash Bamidbar
How many times were the Jews counted? 0n which occasions?
Why does Hashem count us so often?
By what method were Bnei Yisroel counted? Why not directly?
What was the occasion and the date in this parsha?
A man whose father is from a different sheivet than his mother, to which sheivet does he belong? In which cases does one follow the mother’s status?
Which age bracket was included in the count? Women? Why?
Who stood with Moshe and Aharon during this count?
How was it established (and verified) to which sheivet one belongs?
Which were the two largest tribes (in numbers)? Two smallest?
Why was sheivet Levi counted separately? (Two reasons.)
What was the special appointment (task) given to the Levi’im?
Why did their flags (in the camping arrangement) have different colors?
The camp was divided in four positions, three tribes in each. How were the sides selected? Who were the four head-tribes on each position?
How were the colors of the flags chosen? Did each flag have three colors or just one?
Why was the camp positioned a specific distance from the Mishkan?
What were the signals for the tribes to begin moving?
How do we derive that teaching someone’s son Torah makes him like your own son?
How were the Levi’im paid for their work in the Mishkan?
Which parts of Mishkan service were reserved for the Kohanim?
The Levi’im were drafted as substitutes for whom?
How was the counting sheivet Levi different from the general count?
sheivet Levi was used to being counted this way. Since when?
Moshe had difficulty in counting the Levi’im. Why? The solution?
Which parts are called ‘Mishkan,’ which ‘tent,’ and which ‘cover’?
Which tribes are described as “bad for the rasha and his neighbor”?
And which tribes are described as “good for the tzadik and his neighbor”?
Who was not counted with the Levi’im though he belonged to the tribe?
Which tribe provided the largest number of members for the Sanhedrin?
Which sheivet produced a large number of scribes?
There were 300 more Levi’im than the stated number. Why aren’t they mentioned?
There were 273 bechorim (firstborn) more than there were Levi’im. What happened to them?
How was it decided that these 273 were chosen from among the others?
Who received the money (how much?) from the 273 bechorim?
The firstborn animals belonging to the Levi’im redeemed the firstborn animals belonging to the other tribes. What kinds of animals were these two?
What proof is there that it was one kind rather than another (in question 34)?
Why was the sum of five Shekalim demanded from the bechorim?
What were the jobs of Bnei Gershon, Bnei Merori, Bnei Kehos?
Which age of Levi’im were accepted for work in the Mishkan? Why?
Which parts of the Mishkan are included in the category of ‘holy of holies’?
What service was rendered by Kohanim to the Bnei Kehos?
How did the lion-shaped Heavenly fire travel on the mizbeyach?
Eiazar and Issamar (Aharon’s sons) had special charges. What?
What was the special commandment given to Aharon about Bnei Kehos?
In what way is the ending of this parsha unusual?
Which age bracket of Levi’im were included in the count of Gershon, Kehos, Merori? Why?
Of the above three families, which was the largest? The smallest? What were their jobs?
There were three general categories of people who became tomei. What were they?
From which camps were the above sent out? Until when?
If a person stole, then swore falsely but later admitted his sin, how does he pay?
This subject (stealing and swearing) is repeated here for the second time. Why?
“And if the man has no relative,” etc. (5:8) Why must this refer to a ger?
In posuk 5:9, terumah is mentioned but Rashi interprets this as bikurim. Why?
Which important din do we learn here about bikurim? How does that prove the rule of our sages, “the words of Torah are poor in one place and rich in another”?
What kind of authority does the owner (Yisroel) have on his tithes that are given away?
One who withholds (doesn’t give) his tithes, what punishment does he get?
And what is the reward for the one who gives his tithes generously?
A woman who is unfaithful is being disloyal in a double way. How?
Our sages said: “A person does not sin unless he is overtaken by stupidity.” Prove it from this portion.
If this woman really committed adultery, why doesn’t she get her deserved punishment?
Why is the flour (for her korban) made of barley rather than wheat?
Prove from this parsha that it is shameful for a married woman to uncover her hair.
What are the ingredients in the water that the Sotah drinks?
Who else gets punished by her drinking if she is guilty?
What happens to her through the drinking if she is innocent?
How does one become a Nazir? What is a Nazir barred from?
Why is the subject of Nazir written next to the portion on Sotah? Can a woman be a Nazir?
“And he should atone on him from his sins on the Nefesh,” etc. What sin? (Two opinions.)
A Nazir who concluded his period properly, what does he do at the conclusion?
Regarding the Birkas Kohanim, why is ‘saying to them’ emphasized (6:23)?
In the first blessing there is a positive and a negative statement. What is their content?
How is Hashem’s gift different from that of a human being?
What is the content of the middle blessing? The third one?
Which word appears in all three blessings? Are all of the blessings equal in length?
Where do we say this blessing in cur prayers?
When do Kohanim perform this mitzvoh of blessing the Jewish people? Why?
“And I shall bless them.” Whom? (Two meanings.)
What was the Jewish nation compared to on the day the Mishkan was erected?
“When Moshe finished putting up the Mishkan.” But others also worked on it. Who were they? Why is only Moshe mentioned? What is the comparison with King David?
Those who were now the heads of tribes (nesiyim), what were they doing in Mitzrayim?
Why were the nesiyim the first ones to bring their gifts to this celebration?
Who got more wagons and oxen among the Levi’im? Why? Who got none? Why?
What were the two possible orders by which the nesiyim could have brought their gifts? Which one was chosen?
Find an example here to the saying of the Mishna, “One mitzvoh brings another one.”
Who paid for these gifts, the nasi or his tribe? Proof?
“He offered. . .he offered his korban,” etc. Why is ‘he offered’ repeated in connection with the tribe of Yissochor?
What complaint did the tribe of Reuven have? What was ‘Moshe’s’ reply?
What is the significance of these numbers: 930, 130, 500, 20, 7O, 10?
Which nasi brought his korban (gift) on Shabbos? (See Baal Haturim.)
Why is the weight of the utensils mentioned separately and also together?
There are two pesukim that seem to be contradictory, until a third posuk comes and resolves it. Which are they?
In what connection is the ‘Voice’ of Sinai mentioned here?
Why is this parsha written right next to the parsha of the nesiyim?
Rashi gives two reasons why the word behaaloscha is used. What are they?
What is the meaning of the mitzvoh, “toward the front of the menorah,” etc? The reason for it?
“And Aharon did so,” etc. What compliment is given to Aharon here?
Why was Moshe shown a model of the menorah? Haw was it made?
“Take the Levi’im,” etc. How was he supposed to take them?
Why were they supposed to sprinkle special water on the Levi’im? And why did they have to shave off all of their hair?
The Levi’im had to bring two oxen for korbanos. Why? What was unusual about it?
Why did the whole community have to gather at the dedication of the Levi’im?
Why is the word tenufah (lifting) mentioned here three times?
Why are there differences in words of the pesukim in connection with the lifting?
“Because the firstborn are Mine,” etc. How? Why is it mentioned here?
Why is ‘Bnei Yisroel’ mentioned five times in one posuk (8:19)?
Moshe, Aharon, and the tribes participated in the dedication of the Levi’im. How?
Different conditions disqualify Kohanim and Levi’im. What are these conditions?
In one place it says that Levi’im start from age 25, in another it says from 30. Which is it?
How long should a person study to see Whether he really has the potential? Proof?
At the age of 50 what can a Levi do? What can’t he do?
Prove that there is no chronological order in the Torah.
Why didn’t this Chumash (Bamidbar) start with the subject of Korban Pesach?
Can the Korban Pesach be brought on Shabbos? If most people are impure? Proof?
When did Moshe Rabeinu tell the people about the laws of the holidays?
What was the argument of the people who were tomei and wanted to bring the Korban Pesach?
What special praise of Moshe do we learn from the answer Moshe gave them?
Why wasn’t this parsha about the ‘Pesach Sheini’ given by Moshe to begin with?
What kind of people are obligated to bring the Pesach Sheini? Proof?
Which aspects of the two kinds of Korban Pesach are like and unlike each other?
What is the punishment for totally missing the Korban Pesach?
Which other transgression of a mitzvoh asei (positive mitzvoh) gets this punishment?
If a person converts to Judaism after Pesach, does he bring a Pesach Sheini?
What were the signals for the tribes to travel and to rest?
When were the two trumpets used and when was only one used?
How do we derive the need to recite malchiyos, zichronos, and shofros?
How much time did the people stay at Har Sinai?
At which point was the Mishkan taken apart for travelling?
Who travelled ahead, Gershon, Kehos, or Merori? Why?
What was the special task of sheivet Don? Where was their position?
What are the two opinions on the formation of the camp while travelling? Proof?
How many names did Yisro have? Give reasons for two of them.
What proposition did Moshe put to his father-in-law? Reason?
What was Yisro’s reply? What were his two reasons?
Which promises did Moshe offer to his father-in law?
The city of Yericho had a very fertile space of 500 x 590 amos. What was decided to do with it? Who got it meanwhile? But Yisro went home?
They travelled unusually fast this time. How fast? Why this miracle?
Which aron kodesh travelled ahead of them? What for?
How many clouds were with them? Proof? What purpose did they serve?
What did Moshe say whenever they travelled? Why? Where do we recite it?
There were two types of enemies. Which? What was Moshe’s request about them?
Why are they called ‘Hashem’s enemies’? Why is this prayer written here?
What number of Jews need there be for Hashem’s Presence to be among them? Proof?
What are the people called in the Torah when they misbehave? When they are good?
What was their complaint here? Its purpose? Who got burned for it? (Two opinions.)
Why did they cry out to Moshe and not to Hashem? What happened to the fire?
“Who will give us meat?” Prove that this request was not justified.
Did they really get fish from the Egyptians for free? Why? What did they mean?
The mon could taste like anything. Why, then, were they hungry for cucumbers, etc.?
What was their conflict about the mon? What was the response to them?
“Moshe heard the nation crying with their families,” etc. Why were they crying?
What ‘complaint’ did Moshe voice to Hashem about the people? What did he request?
“Hashem said to Moshe, ‘Gather up 70 Elders.’” But didn’t he already have 70 Elders?
Which 70 people was Moshe looking for now? Where should he take them to? Why?
When was Moshe compared to a woman (physical weakness)? When to a candle?
Explain the conversation between Hashem and Moshe concerning the slaughtering of meat and the providing of fish according to Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Shimon, and Rabbi Gamliel.
“They said prophecy,” etc. (11:25) What are the two opinions about it (according to Rashi)?
How did Moshe pick the 70 judges from the twelve tribes?
Why is this parsha (about the spies) written next to the previous parsha?
Who sent the spies (meraglim), Hashem or Moshe? Proof?
Was Hashem angry about it? Why? What did Hashem do?
Why does it say “according to Hashem’s consent,” etc. Did Hashem agree?
“They were all (important) men,” etc. But weren’t the spies bad people?
What was the purpose in Moshe changing Yehoshua’s name?
Why were the meraglim told to see the Negev (south) first?
“See what kind of land it is,” etc. What kinds of lands are there?
How could they recognize whether the nations there were strong?
“And… are there any trees?” How does Rashi interpret this question? Why?
Who went to the city of Chevron? Why? What was his reward?
Why can’t we say that Chevron was built seven years before Tzoan?
Then why does it say that it was built seven years before Tzoan?
How many people were needed to carry one cluster of grapes?
Which members of the spy group carried nothing? Why?
Why were they able to tour the whole country in 40 days?
There is an open contradiction between the Rashi for pesukim 3 and 26. What is it?
Why did they mention that Amalek is near the Jordan?
Why did the spies have to say, “It is a land of flowing milk and honey”?
What smart device did Kalev use to get their attention?
How did Kalev express his absolute confidence in Moshe?
What were the two main negative factors that the spies mentioned about the land?
How did the spies misinterpret a special kindness of Hashem?
How did the meraglim know that they seemed like ants in the eyes of the natives?
What was the crying complaint that the people voiced to Moshe and Aharon?
What were the people ready to do after complaining? According to our Sages?
How did Moshe and Aharon react to the people then? And Kalev and Yehoshua?
What were the last statements that Yehoshua and Kalev made to the people?
What did the people want to do to these two? What stopped them?
How was Hashem going to keep His oath to the Avos if He punished the whole nation?
What argument did Moshe bring up in defense of the community?
Can you find a passage in our prayers that uses the same argument? (Try Hallel.)
What discussions did Hashem and Moshe have about Hashem’s anger? How was Hashem proven right?
What ‘compromise punishment’ did Hashem give them?
How many times did the people test Hashem in the desert?
It is said that Kalev had two ‘spirits’ (ideas) in his mind. Which?
Why did Hashem mention that the Amalek and Canaanite are in the valley?
How do we know that a ‘community’ (minyan) consists of at least ten people?
The people were told by Hashem, “What you spoke to Me, will happen to you.” How?
Why were they supposed to be punished during 40 years? Which other sin was remembered and punished now?
“And Yehoshua and Kalev lived from those people,” etc. What does this tell us?
What did the people attempt to do against Hashem’s advice? Result?
Why is the subject of wine and oil offerings (nesochim) written here?
How much wine and oil must accompany an offering of a lamb? A ram? A bull?
The obligation to give challa starts at a different time than other gifts. How? Proof?
How much challa must be given? Who gets it? And today?
One who worships idols, what is he comparable to?
What was the atonement procedure for the community that mistakenly worshipped idols?
What if an individual did it mistakenly? And if he did it intentionally?
How is the story of the mekoshesh (wood gatherer) an embarrassment for the community?
Didn’t they know that there is capital punishment for desecration of the Shabbos?
Was the mekoshesh given a proper warning? Proof?
What was done to him while they were waiting for the answer?
What was Hashem’s answer to them? Did they obey?
Which part of the garment is called tzitzis?
Why is there a blue thread in the tzitzis (when available)?
“And you will remember all the mitzvos,” etc. How is this accomplished through tzitzis?
Who are the ‘spies’ and the ‘agents’ for the body to do sins?
Why does it repeat at the end of the last posuk the words from its beginning?
Why is the exodus from Mitzrayim mentioned here?
Why only on a garment of four corners? Is it related to four cups?
Why are these three subjects written next to each other: avodah zorah, Shabbos, and tzitzis? (According to Rabbi Moshe the Darshon.)
Which month is blessed this Shabbos? What are the special days of the month?
If sending spies wasn’t successful the first time, Why did Yehoshua send spies before entering the land?
“And Korach took,” etc. What did he take? (Two explanations.)
Whose name is not mentioned with Korach’s ancestors? Why?
Prove that Korach’s children survived.
Which tribe helped Korach most? Why? What is the saying about it?
Which appointment of leadership angered Korach the most? Why?
I Why does this parsha follow the (ending of the) previous one?
“And Moshe heard and fell on his face.” Why didn’t he pray?
Some ‘kal vachomer’ approaches are wrong. Korach had one. Which?
“The whole community is holy,” etc. What did Korach mean by this?
What other objection did Korach have Moshe’s appointments?
Why did Moshe suggest to wait until the morning?
Moshe suggested that they offer ketores. Why?
Why did Korach dare undertake such great risks?
Moshe saw something in the future which Korach didn’t. What?
Why did Moshe first speak softly to Korach, then spoke harshly to all Levi’im?
What did Moshe answer to Korach’s objection about positions?
What message did Moshe send to Dosson and Avirom? Their answers?
Why did Moshe try so hard to explain things to all these people?
“Do not turn to their gift (offering).” Which offering? (Two meanings.)
Did Moshe ever have an opportunity to benefit from the nation? Did he benefit?
How did Korach incite the people against Moshe that night?
Why did Moshe say to Hashem, “One man sins and You are angry at everybody”?
Why was everybody told to move away from Korach?
How do we prove that machlokes (discord) is punished more severely than other sins.
What test Moshe propose to see who is right?
What happened to Korach and his people?
And what happened to the 250 who brought ketores?
What did they do with fire-pans used for the ketores? Why?
After the above punishments, why did a plague come upon them?
How did Moshe know the method for stopping a plague?
By what power (besides ketores) did Aharon stop the plague from spreading?
What was the special message of using ketores to stop the plague?
What was the purpose of taking twelve kaves (sticks) from the tribes?
Why did Aharon’s stick grow almonds, not other fruit?
What kind of ‘guarding’ were the Kohanim and Levi’im told to do?
Why is the parsha of matanos kehuna (gifts) written here?
What kinds of gifts from produce are enumerated here?
And gifts from animals? How about human gifts?
Which of these gifts is still given today?
Which gifts are commanded to be given to Levi’im?
In what connection is salt mentioned here?
How is it seen here that this parsha (on gifts) is very beloved?
Did Levi’im give any gifts to Kohanim? Was it holy?
If a Levi took his maaser before terumah was given to the Kohein, what was he supposed to do? Why?
Which month did we bless this Shabbos? When is Rosh Chodesh? What’s special about this month in Chassidic history?
Which are the special tefillos for this Shabbos?
There are especially happy days that Chassidim celebrate in this month. What are they?
There are days in this month which will be happy ones as soon as Moshiach comes. Which days?
Why is the word chukah mentioned here? What are the two categories of mitzvos called?
How many black hairs disqualify a para adumah (red heifer)? Proof?
“And he shall slaughter it in front of him.” Who does it? In front of whom?
Why did Elazar do it (not Aharon)? Where was it slaughtered?
In which direction was the sprinkling of the blood done? Proof?
The ashes (mixed with water) of the para adumah were divided in three parts. How?
Which body (in death) contains the strongest impurity (tumah)? Why?
What else was burned along with the rest of the para adumah?
What is the paradox (contradictory case) in this mitzvoh?
Which people are said to be tomei until the evening?
For how long does a person who touches a dead body become tomei?
How does he become cleansed? Can one become tomei without touching a meis (dead body)?
One who touches the water (mixed with ashes) is tamei differently. How?
Who is called Avi Avos Hatumah? Av Hatumah? Rishon? Sheini?
According to Reb Moshe Hadarshon, what is the symbolism in the following:
Why did the Jews pay for the para adumah?
Why does it have to be a cow?
Why a red one?
Why unblemished?
Why shouldn’t it have had a yoke?
Why does it have to be done by one next-to-the-highest Kohein?
Why is it burned?
Why didn’t Aharon himself do it?
Why the three species?
Why take cedar wood?
Why a lowly bush?
Why is one third put away for safekeeping for later generations?
Why do those who work with it become tomei?
Why do its ashes bring cleanliness?
Why is Miriam’s death written here? Which year was it (of their stay in the desert)?
Prove that their water supply in the desert was in the merit of Miriam.
Prove that Hashem is concerned about the safety of our possessions.
What special neis happened around the ‘water-stone’?
Why couldn’t Moshe and Aharon find the stone which used to give water?
Why did Moshe and Aharon get angry at the people? What name did they call them?
Why did Moshe and Aharon hit the stone twice? Were they ever told to hit (a stone)?
The Torah states the reason for Moshe and Aharon’s loss of privilege to go to Eretz Yisroel. Why?
There was a bigger mistake that Moshe committed earlier. What was it?
Was Moshe punished for it? Why? Why was he punished for the smaller one?
Moshe and Aharon missed an opportunity for Kiddush Hashem. What was it?
“And He was sanctified by them.” How? Where else did this happen?
The Egyptians did foresee something like this. How? What was their error?
“So said your brother Yisroel,” etc. Why did they mention brotherhood here (to Edom)?
Why did Eisov leave Yaakov and go his own way? Where did Yaakov go?
Prove that deceased parents (the Avos) suffer in the grave when the children are in trouble.
What special blessing that Yaakov got from his father helps our prayers?
Why shouldn’t Edom be upset that the Jews (but not Edom) are getting Eretz Yisroel?
Moshe made an offer to Edom for letting the people pass through his land. Was it a good offer? How did Edom respond? Why?
What mode of proper conduct do we derive from Moshe’s offer to Edom?
How was Edom demonstrating the use of his blessing with confidence?
Aharon was buried on a double mountain. But weren’t all mountains levelled?
Who went up to the mountain together with Aharon and Moshe? Why?
“Take Aharon,” etc. How was Moshe supposed to do that?
What did Moshe wish upon observing Aharon’s passing?
“And the whole community saw,” etc. How was Aharon’s death seen by all?
Why was there a need to show it to everybody?
“The entire house of Israel cried,” etc. Why the whole house?
Find the saying of the Mishna, in Pirkei Avos, based on the above verse.
After Aharon’s passing, the Jews were attacked by a disguised enemy. Who?
Why was there a problem about praying for victory? How was it resolved?
Why were the people getting worried and impatient when circling the land of Edom?
What was their specific complaint about the mon? And about the Exodus?
Why were snakes sent upon them? How did the people react?
Prove that when asked, a person should forgive the wrongs done to him.
Which remedy did Hashem advise Moshe to prepare for them?
How did our Sages explain the workings of this remedy?
What were the miracles done at the streams of Arnon? What comparison is given?
Why is Hashem’s name not mentioned in ‘The Song of the Well’?
How was the water from the well delivered to each tribe? Why is the subject of the well mentioned here? Where can the well be seen today?
“And Israel sent messengers,” etc. (21:21) And somewhere else it says that Moshe sent (these) messengers. What do we learn from this change?
Why was Sichon, the King of Cheshbon, opposed to letting the Jews pass through?
What great miracle did Hashem arrange for the victory of Bnei Yisroel?
“Because the border of Amon is (too) strong,” etc. Why was it so strong?
Why is it mentioned here that Sichon fought with the King of Moav?
Who was the ‘team’ that helped Sichon conquer Moav? What life is given to them here?
The people that were sent to spy in the land of Yaazer were brave. How?
Why was Moshe afraid to fight a war with King Og of Boshon?
What can we learn from the above concerning our conduct?
Do you know what happened in Russia on the 12th and the 13th days of Tamuz, 1927?
“And Balak saw,” etc. What did he see that scared him?
We know that Moav and Midyan (nations) were enemies. Why were they at peace?
Even so, why did Moav decide to ask the elders of Midyan for advice?
Balak was said to be a temporary ruler. Why? Proof?
And why was a non-Jew given the power of prophecy?
What did this prophet (Bilam) accomplish for the nations?
How did Balak describe the Jewish nation and its threat to Bilam?
What was the praise that Balak gave Bilam at the outset?
Why did the elders of Moav and Midyan bring along tools for magic?
Prove that the elders of Midyan left early because Bilam failed their test.
To Bilam (and his kind) prophecy appears at night. Why? To whom else did it happen?
Prove that Bilam hated the Jewish people more strongly than Balak.
What example from a bee is used to explain the answer to Bilam?
What answer and reason did Bilam give to the elders of Moav? Proof?
How did Balak respond to this refusal of Bilam?
Why did Bilam think he deserved a full house of gold and silver?
Find the opinion of the Mishna in Pirkei Avos 5:19 on this subject.
What was Bilam told in prophecy the second night? Still he went. Why?
What kind of (similar) behavior is caused by either extreme of love or hate?
When did Bilam admit that he could not do anything on his own?
Was it an angry angel or a merciful one who stopped Bilam from going?
How many people must accompany an important person’s trip? Why?
Why did the donkey see the angel and Bilam didn’t?
Why did the angel carry a sword against Bilam?
What did the donkey do when she saw the angel the first, second, and third time? What happened to Bilam’s foot?
Why did the angel change his positions three times? (Two reasons.)
“If I had a sword,” etc. Why was this an embarrassing statement for Bilam?
What did the donkey say to Bilam when he hit her? What did he answer?
What did Bilam do when he was given permission to see the angel?
What did the angel do to the donkey? Why? Another example for it?
When Bilam apologized to the angel he admitted another embarrassing fact about himself. Which?
In Bilam’s offer to return, excuse, and complaint, he used an example from Avrohom Avinu. Which?
Finally the angel told him to go ahead. What do we learn from it concerning a person’s choice of behavior?
Why did Balak arranged to meet Bilam in his metropolis twice?
Why did Balak and Bilam offer seven sacrifices on seven altars?
Why did Balak get a daytime prophecy here (but never before)?
What is the need in mentioning Yaakov and Yisroel in the planned curses?
Bilam asked how he could curse if G-d didn’t curse them. What are the historic examples when the Jews were deserving of curses but didn’t get them?
What did Bilam mean when he said, “But Hashem didn’t get angry at them”?
What do we learn here about Bilam’s special power for cursing?
Why does he compare our early foundations to rocks and hills?
“And among the nations he is not counted.” What is meant here? (Two meanings.)
What did Bilam mean when he said, “Who counted Yaakov’s sand”?
Prove that Balak was better at certain types of magic than Bilam.
In posuk 23:18, what proves Bilam’s anger at Balak? Cause of anger?
Bilam explained to Balak that Hashem is not like a human, how?
How does Hashem relate to us when we do aveiros?
“Because there is no witchcraft in Yaakov,” etc. What is the reward for this?
A time will come, according to Bilam’s prophecy, that the Jewish nation will be superior to the angels. How?
Why is there no need for witchcraft among our nation?
In which one did Bilam compare us to lions? (AM and PM.)
What prophecy of doom did Bilam hint at about himself?
What qualities did Bilam notice by looking at their tents?
Both Balak and Bilam were greater than their fathers. How? Proof?
What were the three bad traits that Bilam had?
Why did Bilam fall down whenever Hashem appeared to him?
According to the Midrash which mishkanos was Bilam praising?
How did he praise them? And the praise for the (destroyed) Beis Hamikdash?
According to posuk 24:6 how did he describe the tents and tabernacles?
What did Bilam mean by saying, “His king will be higher than Agag,” etc.?
What will happen to those who bless the Jewish people? And the reverse?
What did Balak say to Bilam after he clapped his hands in anger?
What did Bilam reply, and what final advice did he give to Balak?
What did Bilam predict about King David? About Rome?
In what way was Amalek the first among the nations? What’s his end?
What was Bilam wondering about the Keini (Yisro’s descendants)?
With whom were the Keini exiled? What is their destiny?
Prove that through immoral relationships one may come to worship idols. What question did Pinchas ask Moshe? What did Moshe forget? Why?
By which rule did Moshe send Pinchas to do his mitzvoh?
Which posuk from Bilam’s prophecy is included in our daily davening?
Why is it mentioned here (again) that Pinchas is the grandson of Aharon?
In the words of the posuk, what did Pinchas do for Hashem? For the nation?
What reward did Pinchas get for his brave act? (Two things.)
Wasn’t Pinchas automatically a Kohein by being a grandson of Aharon? Why?
Why is it mentioned who Zimri’s father was and his position? (Two reasons.)
Why is the family and position of Kozbi (the Midyanite woman) mentioned here?
Only Midyan was to be punished and destroyed, not Moav. Why?
Why were Moshe and Aharon commanded here to count the people? (Two reasons.)
Why are the names of the families in each tribe written with the letters hai and yud?
When did Korach’s sons repent? What happened to them?
How many families are counted here (with Levi)? How is this number connected with the statement, “You are the smallest of all nations”?
There is a name mentioned here even though it is not connected with a family. Whose? Why is it mentioned?
Is the total number here the same as the number in parshas Bamidbor?
From what age did a person get a share in the land? When was this age supposed to be reached (before or after entering the land?)
By which estimates was the land partitioned into twelve sections?
How was it divided among the twelve tribes? (Two methods.)
How is this inheritance assigned differently than a usual inheritance?
Which people were not included in the lots for division (besides women)? Why?
Which person had the zechus (merit) to complete the number 70 for the Jewish people in Mitzrayim? Proof?
Who wasn’t counted among the rest of the nation (only separately)? Why?
Prove that there were many more women than men in the nation at this time.
Five smart girls had a complaint to Moshe. Who were they? What was their complaint?
Why is it mentioned that they were from the family of Yoseif? (Two reasons.)
Why does the order of the girls’ names change in two places?
How do we know that their case came up on the fortieth year?
What is the dispute between Rabbi Yashiya and Aba Chonon here?
Why did they have to say that their father was not among the sinners?
For what sin did he die? (Two opinions.)
What was the girls’ proof that they should be considered like sons?
Why didn’t Moshe have the answer for them? (Two reasons.)
How do we see that these girls saw something that Moshe didn’t see?
How many portions did they get? Proof?
Why is there a special expression (for transfer) regarding a daughter’s portion?
Why is the portion telling Moshe about his passing written here? (Two reasons.)
Why does it say, “As your brother Aharon passed away”?
What is the order of preference for inheritance?
Why does the Torah always mention the reason for Moshe and Aharon’s passing?
Moshe is asking about a successor. Why here?
What was the reason for Yehoshua’s choice?
Why does he mention that Hashem knows everyone’s mind?
“That will go out before them.” What does it mean here?
“That will take them out and bring them in.” How?
How should Moshe ‘take’ Yehoshua?
How should Moshe demonstrate (in front of the people) that Yehoshua was chosen?
What should Moshe tell Yehoshua about the people?
What did Moshe have to do to put his spirit on Yehoshua?
How do we learn that Moshe’s face was like the sun and Yehoshua’s face like the moon? What are the Hebrew words for these?
How was Moshe’s request about his own family having leadership fulfilled by this transfer?
How did Moshe convince Yehoshua about the greatness of this position?
Moshe did more for Yehoshua than he was asked. How?
Why is the subject of the sacrifices written here?
How do we know that not only Kohanim but also Levi’im and Yisroelim were to be present at the daily korban? How was their presence arranged?
How do we derive that the morning Tamid was to be done on the western side and the evening Tamid on the eastern side of the area designated for sacrifices?
Which part is called ‘My bread’? Which is ‘My korban’?
Which two kinds of wine are not kosher for nesochim? Proof?
If one Shabbos korban is missed, can it be made up the next Shabbos? Proof?
When is the proper time of day for the offering of the korban Musaf on Shabbos and Yom Tov?
What kinds of sins are atoned by the korban Musaf?
Which sin is atoned by the korban Musaf of Rosh Chodesh? (Two answers.) Proof?
What is the meaning of the three types they had to bring for the korbanos Musaf: porim, eilim, kevasim (bulls, rams, lambs)?
By what name is the holiday of Shavuos called here? Why?
What was the special order for the korbanos (bulks) on the holiday of Sukkos? How many were there in total?
On Sukkos, how many lambs did they bring in all? The significance of it?
Where is there a hint about the special ‘pouring of water’ on Sukkos? What do we call it, and how do we celebrate it nowadays?
What is the name for the 8th day of Succos? Reasons?
What the good advice does the Torah give us about the Korbonos that were donated during the year (nedorim, nedovos)?
What is the significance of the single ox and single ram that we must bring on the day of Shemini Atzeres?
Why does the Parsha end off with the statement that Moshe spoke to the Jews “I all that he was commanded”?
On which occasions do we read from this Parsha (other than on Shabbos)?
How many separate topics (subjects) can you find in this Parsha?
Moshe spoke to the leaders of the tribes first. Why?
Was this a one-time or a regular happening? Then why is it mentioned here?
“This is the thing,” etc. What is emphasized and excluded here?
How was Moshe’s prophecy similar to, and different from, the other prophets?
An expert nullifies vows with different language than a husband. How?
What kind of a neder (vow) cannot be made?
At what age is a girl considered under her father’s jurisdiction? Until when?
If a son makes a neder, can the father nullify it? Proof?
At what age do we have to check the maturity of the child? When do we not?
If her father cancelled her vows, why does the daughter need atonement? (See posuk 30:6.)
A woman who is engaged to be married, who can nullify her vows? At which age?
A woman who is divorced or widowed, who can cancel her vows?
A married woman’s vows could be cancelled by her husband. Which kind of vows?
If a husband consents to the wife’s vows, then changes his mind, are the vows cancelled? What if she goes and violates them; who is at fault?
When a person causes someone to sin, who is punished? Proof?
Why were the Midyanites punished, not the Moabites? (Two reasons.)
What kind of people were chosen to fight this war? How many? From how many tribes?
Did the soldiers volunteer for this war? Why? Why was Pinchas sent, not Elazar?
Why did they have to take along ‘holy vessels’ with them to the war? (Three reasons.)
What did Bilam try to do to save himself and his royal friends?
How came Bilam was there at that time? What happened to him? What ‘exchange’ took place between Bilam’s methods and the Jews’ method?
The war on Midyan was motivated as “a revenge for Hashem,” and also as a “revenge for Bnei Yisroel.” Who described it in these ways? Why? Is it contradictory?
Why did Moshe get angry at the officers when they returned from the war?
Who wanted to grab some of the spoils for themselves? How were they stopped?
Why did the soldiers have to stay out of the camp for seven days? Which camp?
There are differing opinions about the tumah of non-Jews. What are they?
Some of the soldiers did not have to stay out. Which? Why?
Why did Elazar, not Moshe, teach the laws of purifying vessels?
Still, Moshe got credit for these laws. How?
Where else did Moshe fail because he got angry?
Elazar started his lesson with the word ach (but, only). Why? (Two reasons.)
Koshering dishes is done according to a certain rule. What is it?
Besides koshering, what else must be done to dishes obtained from non-Jews?
Basically there are three methods of koshering by fire and water. What are they?
The soldiers and the rest of the Jews gave different portions for Hashem. How? Why? From which spoils were these ‘tax portions’ taken?
To whom were these tzedakah portions given?
A certain part of the spoils was not taxed at all. Which? Who got it?
The officers came up with a special proposition to Moshe. What?
How did Moshe react to their proposal? What did the regular soldiers do?
What was the special request of the tribes of Reuven and Gad?
What did Moshe answer to the request of these tribes?
What did Moshe fear might happen because of this request (as far as the nation’s reaction)?
What did the two tribes answer to Moshe’s objection?
What was wrong with the new proposition according to Moshe?
Moshe made a ‘double condition’ with them? What?
Another half-tribe entered the scene here. Who? Why?
Which countries did the above tribes get?
What did they do to cities that had idol names?
Who called the villages that he built after his own name? Why?
How do we find encouragement from this parsha during the ‘Three Weeks’?
“These are the travels,” etc. Why are they all written here? (Give the opinions of Rabbi Moshe Hadarshon and Rabbi Tanchuma.)
“On the morrow of Pesach the Jews went out” (33:3) But didn’t they leave on Pesach itself?
Why does it mention here that the Egyptians were “burying their dead,” etc.?
The original name of Midbar Paran is changed here to Risma (33:18). Why?
How old was Aharon when he passed away? How did he die?
“And the Cnaani King of Arad heard,” etc. Why is it mentioned here?
How many stations along their travels are mentioned here?
posuk 49 mentions the space occupied by the camping tribes. Why?
Why is the warning to drive out the nations from Eretz Yisroel repeated here?
Yehoshua repeated the same warning to Bnei Isroel. Where? Why?
What will happen if the Jews don’t drive out their enemies?
What is the purpose of describing the borders of Eretz Yisroel?
Why does it say, “This is the land that will fall to you,” etc?
At the time of the Exodus what could have been the shortest route from Mitzrayim to Eretz Yisroel? Why weren’t they taken along this route?
Into how many tribes was Eretz Yisroel divided? Why?
The Torah enumerates the heads of tribes that will parcel out the land for their tribe members. Which tribes are not mentioned?
The open spaces around the towns of the Levi’im were allowed to be used only for some purposes, but not for others. Which?
What purpose did these towns serve besides residences for Levi’im?
Even though Moshe set aside three cities of refuge (arei miklot), they didn’t function until later. When? Why then did Moshe set them up for this purpose?
The two-and-a-half tribes on the east side of Yarden (Jordan) got the same amount of cities of refuge (three) as the entire land of Israeli Why?
What might have happened if they didn’t set aside cities of refuge?
“And if he killed him with an iron tool,” etc. What kind of a murder is meant here?
Why is it not mentioned here how big the iron tool has to be, as it says for stones and wood?
In a case of unintentional killing, sometimes the killer is not exiled. When? Proof?
If the avenger of the blood (goel hadam) kills the murderer outside of the cities of refuge, is he punished? Why?
When can the murderer leave the city of refuge? Why? (Two reasons.)
What type of murderer has to wait until the death of two Kohanim Gedolim to get out? Proof?
Can a murderer be punished (killed) on circumstantial evidence? Proof?
In what connection is ransom mentioned in this subject?
Did they have a Sanhedrin outside of Eretz Yisroel? When?
Why is there such a strong warning against making the land impure?
The heads of the Gil’ad family approached Moshe with certain concerns. What were they?
What was Moshe’s response about Bnos Tzlafchad and other daughters that inherit parts of the land?
“And if the Yovel will come,” etc. What did Rabbi Yehuda learn from this?
According to Rashi, in what order are the daughters of Tzlafchad listed here and elsewhere?
Can you find a contradiction between this statement of Rashi and his comments in parshas Pinchas? How can it be resolved?
The prohibition that a daughter inheriting a share of the land may not to marry out of her tribe, was not a permanent one. Explain. (Check the Rashi in parshas Pinchas for this halacha.)
When is Rosh Chodesh? What special period starts then?
Chumash Devarim
Why doesn’t Moshe state his words of rebuke clearly instead of just hinting?
“To all the Jews,” etc. Why was it necessary to gather them all here?
Which words hint at the following sins of Bnei Yisroel:
Why did Moshe choose to rebuke them only when he was at the end of his life?
Who else before and after Moshe rebuked close to his last days?
“After he conquered Sichon and Og,” etc. Was this necessary for the rebuke? How?
On which date did Moshe begin his review of the Torah? For how long?
How did Moshe explain the Torah to them? (In what language?)
Why is the River Pross called the ‘Great River’?
“I cannot carry you by myself,” etc. Why? Who else said the same? For the same reason?
What is meant by, “And you are today like the stars”? That many?
“Come and inherit the land,” etc. But didn’t they have to prepare weapons and fight?
“He should add upon you a thousand fold.” Why does it then say, “and bless you”?
How were some Jews uncooperative in court cases? In their view of Moshe’s conduct?
What example from a banker is given to explain the two kinds of ‘wise men’?
Why did Moshe say get me judges (candidates) who are known to your tribes?
On whom are the nation’s failures blamed? Why? Is Moshe included?
What was Moshe’s complaint about Bnei Yisroel’s response on the appointment of judges?
“And I took the heads of your tribes,” etc. How did he take them?
There were seven qualities of good judges. How many were found? Which one is missing here?
Which precaution for judges is mentioned here that is also mentioned in Pirkei Avos, Ch. 1?
What kinds of honors are the people obligated to display for the judges?
To whom is this warning directed: “Don’t recognize faces (favorites) in judgment?”
“Listen to large and small alike,” etc. What are the three meanings here?
How does a wrong judgment affect Hashem? Why is it mentioned here?
Moshe and Shmuel were both punished for putting themselves above others. How?
In how many aspects do monetary and capital court cases differ?
Mention is made here of two episodes when a mass of people approached Moshe. One was done properly and one was not. When? How?
Moshe says he liked the idea of spying the land. Why then is he rebuking them?
The report of the spies is presented here differently than before. How?
Why did the people say that Hashem doesn’t like them? Was it true? How?
The fact that we got Eretz Yisroel was disliked by some people. Why? What example of two fields is used here?
Moshe said to them: “Don’t be afraid!” What proofs did he offer?
Where did Hashem clearly show that he treated us like a father?
What part of the land did Kalev receive? Why?
Moshe makes a point that the people were wrong about their children. How?
“And they pursued you like the bees do.” What’s the comparison?
“And Hashem, the Merciful One didn’t listen to you.” Why the emphasis here?
There was a place where the people dwelt as long as in all the others combined (during their travels in the desert). Where?
“I will not give you even a footstep of their land.” Whose land? Why is the expression ‘footstep’ used here?
Avrohom received ten lands from Hashem. Which now and which later?
Lot got two of these lands for now, because of a good deed. Which?
Moshe told them not to hide their riches in front of the nations. Why?
Two warnings were given to our nation against attacking two nations. How? Why?
Why was the removal of the old generation speeded up in the desert?
Prove that Hashem’s spirit rests on the prophet only in honor of Bnei Yisroel.
The people called Refayim (why?) lived in two lands. Which?
The people called Kaftorim destroyed the people called Avim. Why is this mentioned here?
Prove that the sun stopped in the sky for Moshe as it did for Yehoshua.
How did Moshe figure out that it is proper to offer peace to Sichon?
Hashem says to Moshe, “Look, I started giving you Sichon and his land.” How?
How did Hashem cause Sichon to reject Moshe’s peace offer? With which other king did Hashem do the same thing?
Why didn’t Sichon ask Og to help him in his battle against the Jews?
in both wars against Sichon and Og, the Jews took lots of spoils but they felt differently about them. Why?
In the war on Og, Moshe was told not to fear the enemy, but not in the war on Sichon. Why?
Mount Chermon (now in Israel’s hands) had four names. Why?
tzadikim could make a request in two ways. Which is the right one?
“At that time,” etc. What was that appropriate time?
This is one of three places where Moshe insisted. On what? Another place?
“You started showing your servant,” etc. What did He show? When? (Two answers.)
“And Your strong Hand,” etc. Which Hand? What strength is meant here?
Besides seeing that ‘good land,’ in general, which specific things did he crave to see?
Why was Moshe told ‘enough for you.’ in response to his request?
Was any part of Moshe’s request fulfilled? Which? How?
“And command Yehoshua, and strengthen him,” etc. Command to do what? And why did he need special strengthening? How was Moshe to strengthen him?
How was the problem in the battle of Ei a result of Yehoshua’s failure?
“And we sat in the valley across from Beis Peor,” “And how Israel observe the laws,” etc. What is the connection?
Give examples for the prohibition, “Don’t add nor subtract from the mitzvos.”
When the nations of the world will hear about our laws, what will they say about us?
“Watch yourself, lest you forget” etc. What may happen as a result?
What are the warnings about images? About the sun and the moon?
We were exiled two years prior to a certain time. Which time? Was it a favor?
How are the events of Tisha B’Av predicted here?
What is considered ‘like worshiping idols’ even though it isn’t? Why?
“Ask, please, about the early days,” etc. (4:32) What should we learn from history?
How tall was Adam? “Was there ever such a great thing”? Which thing?
What are the examples given for these deeds: masos, osos, mofsim, milchamah? (See posuk 4:34.)
“You have been shown to know that there is nothing besides G-d.” How was it shown?
In whose merit did we receive so many great favors? (Exodus from Egypt, Torah, Eretz Yisroel)?
“Then Moshe separated three cities” When did these cities separate?
Why did Moshe want to separate them now? What is the lesson here?
“Do not have other gods before me.” When? Where?
Try to notice and mark down the differences between the first and second giving of the Ten Commandments. Example: the reasons for keeping Shabbos.
Which one of Rashi’s comments on the Ten Commandments has been incorporated into the davening of Shabbos?
Which mitzvos were given to them before Matan Torah? Give two examples.
In posuk 5:19 it says “velo-yosof.” What are the two meanings here?
After the Jews heard the divine voice from Har Sinai, they got fearful. Why? What did they request from Moshe? What did Hashem say about it?
What ‘wish’ did Hashem express in connection with this request?
Was Moshe happy about the request? Why? The proof?
How does Rashi explain the great statement of “Shma Yisroel” (in posuk 1)?
“And you shall love Hashem,” etc. Why is it preferable to serve out of love rather than fear?
“With all your heart,” etc. What is this referring to? (Two meanings.)
What is meant by “all your soul”? “All your might”? (Two meanings.)
How does a person get to love Hashem (according to the context here)?
Why is the word veshinantam used here for the study and teaching of Torah?
How is the relationship between a rebbi (teacher) and talmid (student) described here?
“And you shall speak (in) them,” etc. What does this add after saying it in the earlier posuk?
“When you go to sleep and when you wake up.” What mitzvoh is meant here?
How does the word totafos mean tefillin?
Prove that we aren’t obligated to put mezuzos on both doorposts.
What kinds of gates require mezuzos? Proof?
What should the Jews expect to find when entering the Holy Land?
Why is there an immediate warning following the above goodies?
Was this kind of warning mentioned elsewhere in this parsha?
When may a man swear in Hashem’s name? Why only then?
“And you shall do the righteous and the good,” etc. (6:18) What is asked of us here?
Have our ancestors ever attempted to test Hashem? If yes, when? Why mention it here?
“If your son shall ask you,” etc. Which son (of the ’four sons’) is written about here?
What answer is given here? Is it the same as in the Haggadah?
Give three prohibitions about idol worship mentioned in the beginning of Chapter 7.
Hard question: Prove that a son of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father is considered Jewish, but not a son of a non-Jewish mother and Jewish father.
Explain the differences: mizbeyach, matzeivo, ashairo, pesilim. (See posuk 7:6.)
“Not because of your greatness (in population),” etc. What different traits of Jews and non-Jews are described here (according to the Midrash)? Examples?
Which two categories of tzadikim are mentioned in posuk 7:9?
How is His reward different for the above two kinds? Proof?
His enemies also get rewarded. Why? Is it good for them?
Twice in the parsha is the word hayom (today) emphasized (“That I command you today”). What are the two messages here?
What is the special name and mood for this Shabbos?
What special day occurs right in the middle of Av (its name, history and observance)?
Which kinds of mitzvos are meant here in the first posuk?
How do we know (from Rashi) that it means these kinds of mitzvos?
Can you give some examples of these kinds of mitzvos?
What reward is promised for keeping these mitzvos?
Name five blessings we will receive as rewards.
“if you’ll say … the nations are too many strong for me,” etc. What’s the reply?
“Remember the signs, the wonders, the strong hand, the outstretched arm.” Explain.
“Lest the animals become too many,” etc. Do we have to fear them?
What are the warnings concerning gold and silver idols?
According to the Midrash, who gets the credit for a mitzvoh done by two? Proof?
What lesson did the Jewish nation learn from the mon?
What nisim (miracles) occurred to the people’s clothing in the desert? To their feet?
Which qualities of Eretz Yisroel are mentioned here? What are the seven species?
How is the mitzvoh of bentching meals stated here?
What warning is given for those who say, “My power and the strength of my hand produced for me these riches”?
What reminder is given for those who settle down and enjoy the ‘good life’?
And if the people will start worshipping idols, what will happen?
Here, too, there is a statement which begins with ‘Shma Yisroel.’ What does it say?
“Don’t say, ‘Because of my righteousness and their Wickedness.’” Explain.
How many examples does Moshe bring to show our stiff-neckedness?
What did Moshe do on the mountain in the three periods of forty days?
How were the first and the last forty days similar? Proof? What were the middle ones like?
What are the dates for each of these forty-day periods?
What did Hashem want to do to Aharon? Did he do it? Why?
What did Moshe do with the golden calf? One act is not mentioned here. Which?
Moshe gave two big reasons why Hashem shouldn’t punish us. What were they?
Moshe didn’t do things in the exact order in which he was told. How? Why?
An ark was built for the Luchos. What was it used for later?
“And the Jews travelled to Masera… There Aharon died,” etc. Why is this travel mentioned here? Did Aharon really die in Masera? Where?
A certain thing is compared here to the breaking of the Luchos. What?
Which sin was equal in Hashem’s eyes to the sin of the golden calf?
A certain battle between the Levi’im and the other tribes is hinted at here. Which?
“At that time Hashem separated the tribe Levi,” etc. Which time?
“Therefore the tribe Levi got no share in the land,” etc. Why?
Prove that “everything is in the hands of Heaven except the fear of Heaven”.
“In the place of Hashem’s greatness you also find His humility.” Where?
Prove that food and clothing are considered important gifts.
Prove that “a fault that you have, don’t say it about your friend.”
Why does it say that Hashem is “The Master of all Masters”?
What is meant by saying, “Hashem does not accept a bribe”?
Prove that money “keeps a person standing on his feet.”
What are the opinions (and proofs) of Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Nechemiah concerning the swallowing up of Korach and his group?
Explain the statement, “Chevron was seven times better then Tzoan.”
What are the qualitative advantages of the land of Eretz Yisroel over Egypt?
In what ways are mountains superior to flat lands?
“Hashem is concerned with Eretz Yisroel,” etc. Isn’t He concerned with all lands?
“His eyes are always on it (Eretz Yisroel) from the beginning of the year.” What is He watching for? When is the beginning of the year?
“I am commanding you today,” etc. But weren’t they told that before?
“To love Hashem.” Could there be any other motives to do mitzvos?
“And to serve Him with all your heart,” etc. How may that be done?
Certain things are repeated here from the parsha of Ve’ahavta. Why?
“And I shall give your rain in time, yoreh and malkosh. What do these names mean? When is the right time for rain?
What are the special blessings promised here for the grass (for animals)? For food (for humans)?
“Watch yourself lest your hearts stray,” etc. Why may that happen?
“And you will turn away… and worship idols.” How does one lead to the other?
What example from a prince is given to explain the idea of exile?
The generation of the Flood got an extension. Why would we not get one?
‘Why does it speak about keeping mitzvos after mentioning the exile?
When is a father supposed to start teaching his child? Proof? And if he does not?
Where is there a hint in the Torah about techiyas hameisim?
“You must carefully watch the mitzvoh,” etc. (11:22) What special care is meant here?
“To walk in His ways.” Which ways? “And to cleave to Him.” How is that possible?
What is special about the 20th of Av?
“Look, I give before you,” etc. Is this written in the plural or in the singular?
Can you find a connection (according to the first posuk) between this parsha and. the month of Elul?
How are the two mountains, Grizim and Evol, connected with the first posuk?
Where is the description of the activities at these mountains? (Try Ki Savo.)
From the conditions upon which the blessing and the curse depend, could it be proven that Hashem rewards even the good thoughts and decisions?
Prove that one who worships idols, it’s as if he abandoned the Torah entirely.
At Mount Grizim and Evol, what was said first, the curses or the blessings? Proof?
In what connection is a current city in Eretz Yisroel (besides Jerusalem) mentioned here? (by a different name)?
When the people crossed the Yarden, what gave them the security for conquest?
What is (are) the first big action(s) the Jews must do after conquering the Land?
When a person uproots idols, how is he supposed to do it? Proof?
Not just the idols must be destroyed, but also the mizbeyach, matzeivo, the ashairo, and even the names of the idols. Explain.
“Don’t do such (things) to Hashem.” What is being prohibited here?
What question did Rabbi Yishmael ask here? His answer?
When were they permitted to bring sacrifices on private altars (bamah)? What kind of korbanos did they bring at the bamah?
What kind of places were Shiloh, Nov, Givon?
Eliyahu Hanavi brought a korban at Mount Karmel. Was it allowed?
The area where the Beis Hamikdash was built belonged to one tribe and to all. How?
What kind of cattle could be used for private consumption, but could not be used for milking or wool shearing?
Which (healthy) animals are kosher to eat but cannot be brought as a korban?
“But the blood do not eat,” etc. Why does it have to be mentioned here?
“Spill it on the ground like water,” Which laws about blood are stated here?
In Yehoshua’s time, the Jews weren’t able to conquer Jerusalem (fully). Why?
What are the three possible ways to benefit a Levi?
Is there an obligation for special treatment for a Levi outside of Eretz Yisroel? Proof? Can you think of a reason for this?
Prove that the Torah is opposed to straining one’s budget in order to eat meat.
Prove that during the time of Moshe Rabeinu, the laws of kosher slaughtering were already known. How do we know these laws today?
Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Shimon differ about the urgent prohibition against eating blood. How?
How do we learn about the reward for keeping difficult prohibitions (and easy ones)?
“Guard and listen,” etc. What is there to guard before listening?
What strange sight of idol worshipping did Rabbi Akiva see?
Give three examples for the prohibition against adding to mitzvos?
Compare the prohibition here (13:1) to one in parshas Vo’eschanan (4:2). (See Rashi’s comments and look out for differences.)
How can we explain the fact that a false prophet could perform miracles?
What does this prophet want people to do? What is done to him?
If it already mentioned the keeping of mitzvos, what is added by “listening to His voice?” What is meant by “and to cleave to Him”?
Why is it especially embarrassing for a Jew to abandon tradition?
“From the idols of the nations, which are close to you or far from you,” etc. Why mention both?
What are the six specific prohibitions against favorable treatment of a missionary?
How does a city turn into an ir hanidachas (a deviant city)?
How is that kind of city punished? And its wealth?
Which city can never become an ir hanidachas? Proof?
Why does it preface “You are children to Hashem” to the prohibition against making skin cuts and tearing out hair to mourn the dead?
We are said here to have two kinds of kedusha (sanctity). What are they?
What does the general caution of “Don’t eat anything abominable” include (14:3)?
Which are more numerous, the clean or the unclean animals? Proof?
What are the two general signs of kosher animals (for large animals)?
Which cattle product does not require kosher slaughtering in order to be eaten?
In parshas Shemini, the kosher and non-kosher animals are enumerated. Why are they repeated here?
“And don’t touch their carcasses.” Prove that this applies during Yom Tov only.
Which bird has three names? Why are all of the names listed? Which name has a reason to it?
Which are more numerous, kosher or non-kosher birds? Proof?
Are there any signs to recognize kosher birds? Kosher fish?
“Give it to the convert in your city,” etc. May a convert eat non-kosher?
When you are amongst people who restrict themselves from something permissible, how are you to act in their midst? Proof?
The prohibition against mixing meat and milk is mentioned three times. Why? (Compare Rashi’s comments here to his comments in Shemos 34:26.)
Why is the prohibition against cooking the goat in its mother’s milk mentioned near the mitzvoh of maaser?
What is the rule about eating maaser sheini (where, how, etc)?
Explain: leket, shikcha, pe’ah, hefker.
Why are all the above exempt from the obligation of maaser?
At the end of each three years, a person must clean out his maaser. How?
On the seventh year (Shmittah) some loans are cancelled. Which?
There are two opposing pesukim concerning the existence of poverty in the future. Explain the contradiction and the answer to it.
There are two prohibitions here concerning charity. What are they?
If we are not required to give charity to make the poor person rich, why is it that sometimes we must provide him with horses and servants? How about a shidduch?
Is there a mitzvoh to complain to Hashem against someone who refuses to be kind to you? Does the complaining make a difference?
How many times must you give charity to the same person (if asked again)?
What is the order of preference given here for giving out tzedakah?
If you know that someone really needs help but refuses charity, what should you do?
What item cannot be given as a farewell gift (ha’anakah) to a freed servant? Proof?
What reason is given to us for the above mitzvoh?
What uses are prohibited for a firstborn (bechor) kosher animal?
If the bechor develops a blemish, what can be done with him?
How do we make sure that Pesach falls in the spring, not the winter?
Did the Jews leave Mitzrayim by night or by day? Explain.
Which korban is added to the Korban Pesach? For what purpose?
Why is matzo called lechem oni (bread of poverty)?
There are three time-periods in connection with Korban Pesach. What are they?
When is this part of the parsha read besides this Shabbos?
There are two contradictory pesukim about eating matzoh. How is it resolved?
Why is the seventh day of Pesach called Atzeres? (Two reasons.)
On Yom Tov, Hashem tells us to take care of ‘His four’ and He will take care of ‘our four.’ How?
What do we derive from here concerning the s’chach covering for the Sukkah?
How many times a year do we have to come to the Beis Hamikdash. When?
Why is the month of Elul considered special?
Why do we blow the shofar during this month?
What do we add in the davening during Elul?
What items should be checked in this month?
What is the proper wish to be expressed in this month?
Which day is a holiday in this month?
Which kinds of appointments (positions) are mentioned in the first posuk? Why?
Where are the courts supposed to be set up?
How does bribery affect the judge that receives it?
“Don’t tilt (turn) the judgment and don’t show favoritism.” Why is there a need for both warnings?
What is the reward for appointing proper judges?
“Justice, justice you shall pursue,” etc. (16:20) What is commanded here?
What is forbidden to build or plant on the Temple Mount?
What type of structure was once beloved but then disliked by Hashem? Why?
“Don’t slaughter. ..any bad thing,” etc. What is meant here?
What is the punishment for a man or woman who serves idols (the sun or moon)?
How is their guilt proven? Who punishes them first?
“Through two or three witnesses.” If two are enough, why are three mentioned?
For which kinds of problems or arguments are judges advised to bring their questions to the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem?
“And to the judge that will be in those days,” etc. What does this teach us?
“Don’t deviate (turn)… left or right.” Why is it stated this way?
What is the punishment for the one who refuses to listen to the Sanhedrin?
What kind of person cannot be chosen for a king of our people?
A Jewish king has three prohibitions against increase. What are they? Reasons for two of these?
What is the special positive mitzvoh a king has? What reason is given for it?
What example is given from King Shaul on the results of ignoring the Prophets?
There is a special caution concerning the king’s heart. What is it?
How does Rashi explain the terms, “the inheritance of the five, and of the seven”?
A special gift (tax) was given to the Kohein from every cattle. What? Why?
How much terumah must one give to the Kohein? Shearings of wool?
How many lambs must one be shearing to be obligated in reishis hagez?
Can a Kohein work during a time which is not his mishmor (period)? Does he share in the korbanos if he did work? Explain.
“Do not learn to do their abomination,” etc. Can you sometimes learn it?
Explain the following: kosem, me’onen, menachesh, mechashef, chover.
Because the non-Jewish nations do all of the above, they’re punished. How?
What is the proper approach to life’s uncertainties, fitting for a Jew?
And yet Hashem gave us the Prophets. What for?
Hashem says we, the Jewish people, asked for Nevi’im. When?
There are six ways a Navi can violate his trust. For three of those violations he is punished by Hashem and for the other three by the court. What are they?
How can we tell that a Navi is saying a prophecy which he was not commanded to say?
Who was Chananya ben Azur? What was his dispute with Yirmiyahu?
What if a Navi comes to tell us to violate one of the mitzvos — do we listen?
“Don’t be afraid of him.” What is the meaning of this admonition?
How are the roads to the cities of refuge prepared?
What kind of act obligated a person to escape to the cities of refuge?
“If it happens in the course of chopping wood,” etc. What dispute is there about this among the Rabbis?
And in the future we will get three more cities of refuge. When? How many in all?
What is done if an intentional murderer escapes to the cities of refuge? Why?
“And if someone will hate his fellow,” etc. What lesson is taught here?
Is the Torah for capital punishment or against it?
If someone moves over a boundary separation, which sins does he commit?
In which cases is a single witness effective and in which not?
By what statement can a second pair of witnesses totally eliminate the first pair?
When giving testimony in the court, the Witnesses must not do it the wrong way. What are the wrong ways? (Three examples.)
“Yiftach in his generation is like Shmuel in his.” What is meant by this?
When are the contradicted witnesses (edim zomemin) punished? How? When not?
In which case is it said that the edim zomemin are punished like the man but not like the woman?
Are the witnesses punished privately or publicly? Proof?
“An eye for an eye,” etc. How is this done?
“When you go out to make war on your enemy,” etc. Why is this written here? And why emphasize ‘on your enemy’?
Before going to war, the Kohein gave them four warnings. What were they?
Which three categories are exempt from going to war?
Why does the Kohein begin his speech with the words, ‘Shma Yisroel’?
Why does he emphasize that they’re going to do battle with their enemies?
What gives the Jews the assurance that they will be victorious?
What is supposed to be done with a vineyard on the 4th year?
What is the dispute between Reb Akiva and Reb Yosi Ha’glili here?
Is there a fourth category of people who are exempt from the draft?
Why did they have to appoint special officers after the above warnings?
In an optional war (milchemes ho’rshus) what is done before attacking a city?
If an enemy city agrees to make peace, which are the conditions for it?
What is done with the women, children, and possessions of a city which resists?
The seven nations of Can’aan, could they ever be accepted in our midst?
When approaching an enemy city, we must keep Shabbos in mind. How?
What special prohibitions are stated concerning fruit trees?
What else does the above prohibitions include under the heading of baal tashcis?
If a dead body is found in the field, what is done about it?
Which judges get involved in this problem? What do they measure?
Which city must bring the egloh arufoh (the chopped-off calf)?
Why is this kind of a calf chosen for this purpose?
Where is the chopping-off (of the calf) being done? Why?
What statement do the Elders make at this ceremony?
What do the Kohanim say at this setting?
What if the murderer is found after all the above?
“Our hands didn’t spill this blood,” etc. Might we think they did it?
What promise does the Torah give them after everything is done right?
Ki Seitzei
How many types of war are discussed in the Torah? Which one is mentioned here?
If a person from the ‘seven nations’ is captured, can he be used as a servant?
“The Torah only spoke (here) against the yetzer horah.” Were is this applied?
Besides conversion, what are the other things the captured women must do to marry?
What will be the future of this kind of marriage according to the Torah?
What kind of children is this woman likely to have? Proof?
The oldest brother takes a double portion. But sometimes he doesn’t. When?
The rebellious son (ben sorer umoreh) gets the death penalty. Why?
Previously he got a lesser punishment. What was it? What crimes did he commit?
How is the next subject in the Torah connected to that of the ben sorer umoreh?
What reason is given for honoring the body of even a sinful person?
If one sees a lost item on the street may he just ignore it (look away)? Ever?
If a lost animal is found, should he be sold or kept (in order to be returned)? Why?
What if you find a wallet on yeshiva grounds - can you use it?
In what case can you be exempt from helping a Jew to lift a load?
What kind of prohibition is there on men’s and women’s garments?
If someone tells you the location of a bird nest, can you go there to do a mitzvoh of shiluach hakan? Reason?
Can one take (and use) the mother bird after sending her off? Proof?
What is the reward for this mitzvoh? How about ‘harder’ mitzvos?
What is the connection between the parshiyos of shiluach hakan, (mixing seeds), in plowing, in garments, and tzitzis?
If the man was destined to get hurt why should the house owner make a fence?
Which manner of planting grain and vines is forbidden by the Torah?
What is incorrect in this statement, “Only an ox with a donkey are forbidden to be used together, and only in planting.”
Why is the mitzvoh of tzitzis written following the prohibition of shatnez?
Prove that one aveiro leads to another. How is this stated in Pirkei Avos?
Prove that the Torah considers a child’s (even a grown child’s) behavior a reflection of his or her upbringing.
What are the two penalties for a motzi sheim rah?
Who is punished more severely, an engaged woman or a married woman who sinned?
“A break in the wall (of modesty) invites the criminal.” Where is this exempt?
Prove that forcing someone to sin is considered like killing him.
Prove that when you’re really forced into an aveiro, you are exempt from punishment. What is the Hebrew term for this kind of aveiro? Other kinds?
What kind of (Jewish) person may never marry a Jew (by birth)?
Two reasons are stated why men (only) from Amon and Moav may not marry Jewish women.
Edomite and Egyptian converts may marry Jews a little later. When?
Why is the Torah more strict with Amon and Moav than with the Egyptians?
Prove that the Torah wants us to be thankful for a favor eternally
Prove that the one who causes a person to sin is doing a bigger harm than if he had killed him. Give a reason for your answer.
Someone who did good things to you at first, but then became cruel to you — should you remember both, forget both, or remember one? Proof?
Nowadays, if an Egyptian convert wants to marry a Jew, may he (or she)?
Why is special care to avoid tumah necessary in war-time?
A person must keep the area around him clean even in hard times. Proof?
What is the right thing to do if a runaway slave comes to you?
Give a case where a good, healthy lamb is disqualified for a korban.
How many aveiros are done when one takes interest from a Jew?
When promising to bring a korban as a donation, how long may you delay it?
A person who is working in someone’s vineyard, may he eat lots of grapes?
How does a divorce (get) proceed? May the divorced couple remarry each other?
The first year of marriage, the exemption from the draft is bigger than other exemptions. How?
What kind of security (for a loan) may not be taken? Why?
If someone kidnaps a Jew and sells him, what is his punishment?
There was a great tragedy in our history that was connected to the above. Can you guess which?
Why is Miriam’s leprosy mentioned here?
In what manner are we forbidden to take security (mashkon) from the borrower?
Sometimes we must keep returning the security daily. Explain.
Is there a difference in the gravity of the aveiro of withholding wages from a rich worker or a poor one? Proof?
Is there a difference whether a verdict is tilted for a rich or a poor man?
Why is the exodus from Mitzrayim mentioned here?
There is one mitzvoh which can never be done with kavana! Which?
Do we give pe’ah from fruit trees? Proof?
What is incorrect in this statement: The prohibition against muzzling (closing the mouth) of animals is applicable only ‘for an ox while he threshes the grain’?
Why is the subject of malkos written next to the above prohibition?
Prove that it is against the Torah law to hit a person (even a bad person).
In what cases does the mitzvoh of yibum not apply?
And where does chalitzah apply? How is it done?
What is Amalek compared to?
Why is it written next to the section on correct weights?
Prove that cheating in business brings losses and honesty brings blessings.
Ki Savo
When did the people start to bring bikurim?
How many kinds of produce are obligated in bikurim? Which?
Fruits don’t ripen at the same time. How does a person know which to take?
Can a person read the parsha and bring bikurim twice a year? Proof?
What is the purpose of bringing bikurim? And reading the parsha?
Did Lavan actually harm Yaakov? How does the Torah say it? How does Hashem treat us differently than other nations?
Where are the bikurim brought? What is done with them?
Which of Hashem’s favors to us are listed here?
When else do we read this portion (pesukim 5-8) besides this Shabbos?
Which time of the year is the proper season to bring bikurim? After that? Proof?
Do the Levi’im bring bikurim? Converts? What about saying the parsha?
When is the time to clean out the tithes (maasros) and say Vidui (confession statement)?
What is the order for the giving of the various maasros? During the six years?
Why is the third year (in the six-year cycle) called ‘the maaser year’ (in the singular form)?
When the maasros are cleaned out of the house the owner must say Vidui. What are the two positive and two negative things he mentions?
“I did according to your commandment,” etc. (26:13) What specifically is mentioned here?
“I didn’t transgress your commandments,” etc. Which aveiros did he not do?
“Look out from your holy abode,” etc. What request is made here? The connection?
What message came by Heavenly voice (bas kol) to the Bikurim-bringer?
pesukim 17-19 tell of reciprocal actions between Hashem and us. What?
When they crossed the Yarden, they had to do two mitzvos with stones. How?
Which shevatim were on Mount Evol and which on Grizim?
Where were the Levi’im and the holy Ark? What were the Levi’im doing?
How many curses were pronounced? On which aveiros?
How is the tribe of Shimon singled out here? What are we to learn from it?
The last warning (curse) was of a general nature. Explain.
Divide the blessings (In 28:1-14) into four categories.
Which particular blessing among the above is particularly related to Rosh Hashonoh? (Hint: the customs of Rosh Hashonoh night)
What are the customs in reading the Tochecha in shul?
What curses were said concerning the donkey, the ox, and the sheep?
There is a curse about borrowing money. Explain.
The first set of curses appears in parshas Bechukosai (in sefer Vayikra). What is the difference between them and those in our parsha (in severity and number)?
Give one example to show that the curses here are more lenient.
There is one posuk that gives a reason for these curses. Which?
Someone (something) is compared to the swiftness of an eagle. Which?
These curses and punishments are compared to some that Bnei Yisroel saw. Which?
In what connection are boats mentioned here?
“A heart to understand and eyes to see until this day.” What reaction of Bnei Yisroel proved that now they truly appreciated the Torah?
Why will the responsibility of the Jewish nation become bigger and more serious from now on (referring to question 38)?
When does a talmid truly understand his Rebbe’s words? Proof?
What is the significance of reading this parsha at year’s end?
Prove that understanding Torah and seeing things right is a gift from Hashem.
What does the 18th of Elul mean to you? How does that make you feel proud?
Can you find a connection between this parsha and this month?
Do you know the story of how the Alter Rebbe used to read this parsha?
“You are standing today,” etc. Where was this? When?
In what order are all the groups of Jews mentioned here? How many categories are there?
Who were the ‘wood choppers’ and ‘water-carriers’ that are mentioned here?
What was the common manner of making a covenant?
Why is Hashem warning us so much and making strong covenants?
Why does parshas Nitzavim appear right after parshas Ki Savo?
How did the Jewish people react to hearing the 98 curses?
What reason for this gathering is connected with the appointment of Yehoshua?
Who was included in the covenant now who wasn’t present then?
They saw the wooden and stone idols but not the golden ones. Why?
Prove that the yetzer horah can make even the repulsive seem attractive.
The reason for this oath and covenant is that there might be someone who feels ‘differently’ than most people. Explain.
That person will pay even for the aveiros which were disregarded before. Explain.
What are the aveiros of shogeig called? Meizid?
What will that person think in his heart about the results of his actions?
What does Hashem promise to do to this kind of a person?
The last generation (why ‘last’?) and the stranger will ask a big question about the condition of our land. Which question?
What answer will be offered to them? Who answers it?
Will the many suffer for the hidden sins of the individual? Why?
And for his open sins, were they always responsible? Why? Explain.
What new condition and resolution developed in Mount Grizim and Evol is true today?
There is a prediction here that the nation will repent. When?
When He will gather us from exile, He Himself will also ‘return.’ Explain.
What is another reason why it is written about redemption in a special way?
“It is not in Heaven,” etc. What if the Torah were to be in Heaven?
“For it is close to you,” etc. What makes the Torah close to us?
How is the principle of ‘free choice’ stated here?
What parable is given to explain the need for telling us, “and you shall choose life?”
Does a person choose ‘good’ in order to have ‘life’, or does he choose ‘life’ and does the ‘good’ to deserve life? (Prove it from the pesukim.)
“Heaven and earth will be your witnesses,” etc. Why do we need witnesses?
What lesson can Jews learn from the earth and the Heaven?
“I cannot come and go any longer,” etc. Why? Could this be due to old age?
Again Hashem’s advice to Yehoshua on leadership, and Moshe’s, are mentioned. Tell the difference.
What did Moshe do with the Sefer Torah that he finished on his last day?
Which mitzvoh was done once in seven years? When is the next year?
When was the king the baal koreh? What did he read? On which spot?
Why did they bring infants to this event?
What is the meaning of the punishment, “I will hide My Presence on that day”?
“Write down this shira,” “This shira will testify,” etc. Which one?
What will be the testimony of this shira?
There is a special positive guarantee that we and Torah got together. What is it?
“Take this Sefer Torah and put it at the side of the Ark.” What is the dispute among the Sages concerning this placement?
One day when the Jews gathered, the trumpets were not used. Which day?
Why didn’t Yehoshua use these trumpets?
Which wise saying in Koheles (Ecclesiastes) is being applied here?
Why does he repeat here again the testimony of Heaven and earth?
Prove that to a Rebbi, his talmid is considered an extension of him (even physically). Why?
On which weekday of Elul do we not blow the shofar?
What’s special about this Shabbos? About the next?
Holiday Questions
Rosh HaShonoh
What is Rosh Hashonoh called in the Torah? Why? What was created on that day?
What are the special things we do (or say) on Erev Rosh Hashonoh?
How should we spend the rest of the time on Erev Rosh Hashonoh?
When Rosh Hashonoh comes out on a Thursday, what is done on Tuesday and Thursday but not on Wednesday? Why?
Must one stay awake Rosh Hashonoh night? Rosh Hashonoh day? Why?
What kinds of foods do we customarily eat Rosh Hashonoh night? Why?
On which food do we (Lubavitchers) say Yehi Ratzon? Why?
When do we say it (before or after the brocho)? Why?
What is the exact wish we use Rosh Hashonoh night (in Hebrew)?
Do we wish the same by day? Why? What is said?
What kinds of foods do we avoid eating on Rosh Hashonoh? Why?
May one eat on Rosh Hashonoh before davening? Drink? Go to the mikvah? Why?
What are the best things to do before the morning davening?
Which mistake in davening the Shmoneh Esrei requires repetition?
Is Hallel said on Rosh Hashonoh? Why?
What part is read in the Torah on Rosh Hashonoh (both days)?
Are the Rash Hashonoh laining ‘trop’ (cantillation/musical notes) the same as on Shabbos?
What are the titles of the person who blows the shofar and the one who points in the Machzor to the kinds of sounds that should be blown (or reads them) to him?
How many kinds of sounds do we blow with the shofar?
When else do we blow the shofar besides after krias haTorah?
How many sounds do we blow in all (before going home)?
What should the listeners say and not say when they hear the brochos on the shofar? What are the two brochos on the shofar?
What should listeners have in mind when they begin to listen (to the Tekiah)?
In connection with the shofar, from when and until when must we avoid talking?
What is the main ‘message’ of the sound of shofar? (See Rambam.)
There are at least ten reasons (from Reb Sadya Gaon) for the mitzvoh of shofar. How many do you know?
When do we bow down on the floor during the davening?
When a person wants to blow the shofar for others (for men or women), when and how is the best time and way to do it? (What are the problems in this activity?)
When do we do (and say) Tashlich? What are the reasons for it? (Give three or four.)
After Minchah, when Tashlich is done, what should one do till Maariv?
Why is there a need for a new fruit on the second night?
When is that fruit eaten? Must you eat a kezayis?
Which kinds of work are forbidden on Rosh Hashonoh?
Which kinds of work are permitted? Is smoking permitted?
Can a gas fire be put on? Put out? Made bigger? Smaller?
What is the eruv tavshillin? How is it done? When? Why?
What if a person forgot to do it? Does a bochur have to do it?
What kind of a mood is proper for Rosh Hashonoh (before and after davening)?
Do we make Kiddush Rosh Hashonoh by day? By night?
Do we make Havdala at the end of Yom Tov? (What if it’s Friday night?)
What is the name of the Shabbos following Rash Hashonoh? Why?
What is the Torah reading for this Shabbos?
Besides the Machzor, which book is used most on Rash Hashonoh?
When Rosh Hashonoh comes out on a Thursday, why is Sunday a fast day? Are Selichos said? Which?
When does the fast start and when does it finish?
Who is exempt from fasting? Do children fast?
What are the special additions in davening for Aseres Yemei Teshuvah (Ten Days of Repentance)? Do we say Selichos? Do other shuls say it?
Generally, what special precautions are there for these days?
What is the name (number) of the new year?
What is the proper wish to be expressed right after Rosh Hashonoh (in Hebrew)?
Tekiah, Teruah, Shevarim
tekias di’me’umad, tekias di’meyushav
me’ah kolos
kesivah vachasimah tovah
gemar chasimah tovah
sifron shel tzadikim, pidyon, ohel
le’alter lechayim
shonoh tovah umesukah
malchiyos, zichronos, shofros
hatoras nedarim
Yom Kippur
Why is kapores done (best) early in the morning?
Can one do kapores with things other than chickens? If yes, with what?
What mitzvoh is available at the time of the slaughtering?
What if the slaughtering went wrong, do you have to get another chicken?
What is the idea behind the custom of kapores?
What is done with the slaughtered kapores? (Two possibilities.)
What is the important mitzvoh on Erev Yom Kippur? Why?
Certain sins are not forgiven on Yom Kippur. Which? What can we do for it?
On Erev Yom Kippur we go to the mikvah three times (if possible). When are these done?
All men should get makos (floggings) on Erev Yom Kippur. How? When?
Lots of tzedakah is given on Erev Yom Kippur (according to your ability). Could you use maaser?
We ask for honey-cake (lekach) on Erev Yom Kippur. Why? From whom?
How much does one have to eat on Erev Yom Kippur? When is this done?
The meal before the fast has a special name. What? Why?
What is definitely avoided at this meal (though it’s important at the earlier meal)?
It is best to finish the late meal at least one half-hour before sunset. Why?
If is an important custom for parents to bless their children after candle-lighting (or close to it). Could you do it on the phone? Will you ask for it?
If you want to eat or drink or brush your teeth after that meal, can you?
Give two reasons for the custom or wearing (for married men) a kittel (white robe/coat) on Yom Kippur?
What is the content of Kol Nidrei? Why is it so important?
Before Kol Nidrei we quietly say the Vidui. This is the second time, When was the first?
The second posuk of Shma (‘Baruch Shem’) is said loudly on Yom Kippur. Why?
When we say the long Vidui we mention sins we might not personally have done. Why do we say them?
How many times of prayer do we have on Yom Kippur? What are their names?
What do we read in the Torah in the morning and at Minchah time on Yom Kippur? Why?
Maftir Yonah is very famous for being read at Minchah time; some people offer large sums for tzedakah to bid for it. What story is told there?
The number of aliyos is greater on Yom Kippur than other holidays. How many are there? Why?
We say Yizkor (after the first Torah reading) on Yom Kippur. Why?
In what ways is Yom Kippur like Shabbos (instead of like Yam Tov)?
What are the five personal physical needs that are forbidden on Yom Kippur? When is one allowed to wash (hands, etc.)?
Who is exempt from fasting?
Why isn’t Yom Kippur observed for two days as are the other [yomim-tovim]?
What is the main mitzvoh for the day of Yom Kippur?
What are the proper moods for us on Erev Yom Kippur and on Yom Kippur itself?
At the end of the day’s prayers we repeat some pesukim. Which one do we do three times?
What should we have in mind when we say Shma at day’s end? Why?
When do we blow the shofar (one Tekiah) at day’s end? Why?
When do we sing the joyous victory march and dance? Why?
At day’s end we say something about Jerusalem. What? What do they say in Jerusalem?
What is the proper greeting at the end of Yom Kippur? And in the days after?
May we eat after Maariv? Meat? When do we wash negel vasser?
Weather permitting, we do Kiddush Levana after Maariv. Why?
How is the Shmoneh Esrei of this Maariv different from the Shmoneh Esrei of the past ten days?
What is the most desirable activity after breaking the fast?
Explain these terms:
asara harugei malchus
chamisha inuyim
bigdei lavan
bigdei zahav
sei’ir la’azazel
What spirit pervades the four days between Yom Kippur and Sukkos?
Sukkos has more mitzvos in it than any other Yom Tov. How many?
The Torah tells what the sukkah reminds us of. What is it?
Therefore, when we sit in the sukkah, we must think of it. Why?
There are two opinions in the Gemora about what the sukkah symbolized. What are they?
Why was the mitzvoh of sukkah given for Tishrei and not for Nissan?
What is the other name given to Sukkos in the Torah? Why?
How is sitting in the sukkah a display of bitachon (trust) in Hashem?
Which materials are kosher for the walls of the sukkah? How many walls must it have? Could a sukkah be built on a truck?
What is the highest or the lowest (height) a sukkah can be? How about the width and length?
One may not put on the s’chach before the walls are completed. Why? What if one mistakenly did so?
How much s’chach is considered enough? What is our minhag (custom)?
Which materials are kosher for s’chach? Can you cut public trees for s’chach?
How is the obligation to sit in the sukkah different the first night from the second night (in case of rain)?
Which blessing is made when one eats in the sukkah? On which foods?
Is there an obligation to sleep in the sukkah? Why?
When do we have to make the eruv tavshillin? (Two times.)
Which things are permitted to be done on Chol Hamoed (intermediate days)?
Who is exempt from eating in the sukkah? Why? May they do so voluntarily?
In all, how many (‘official’) meals does one eat in the sukkah?
Which foods are permitted to be eaten outside of the sukkah? Our custom?
Which conditions make all the four species posul?
Which conditions make each of the four species mehudar (choicest)? Are three species enough?
Which people are basically exempt from this mitzvoh? Why?
Where is the best place to do the mitzvoh of lulov?
What is the daily blessing on the lulov? And on the first day? Afterwards?
What does one hold in one’s hand at the time of the blessing?
What is the proper order for shaking the lulov? When is it done?
How is the Iulov used during davening?
Which are the usual sources from where the esrogim are imported?
Our minhag is to use esrogim from a certain place. Where?
In your opinion, why are the prices of esrogim so high?
Where do the other three species originate from?
May one enjoy the good aroma of the esrog? Hadasim (myrtle)? Why?
It is said that the four species symbolize the unity of the four categories of Jews. How?
Why do we take these four species at this time of the year?
The last day of Chol Hamoed is called Hoshana Rabbah. Why is it special?
What is done the night before to mark the day?
What mitzvoh (minhag) is done the morning of Hoshana Rabbah?
How is the rest of that day observed? Any special foods?
The last day to bentch lulov is on Hoshana Rabbah. What does one do with the four species afterwards?
What special minhag is observed on Shemini Atzeret?
What are the Torah readings on the eight days of Sukkos?
Simchas Torah is the ninth day of Sukkos. What is the Torah reading then? What must everyone get on this day?
Do we sit in the sukkah on Shemini Atzeres? Why? Do we make a blessing in it? Why?
Someone said that we will not be putting on tefiliin for ten days in a row during Sukkos; but Sukkos is only nine days long. Explain.
How many times do we do Hakofos? When? What is the meaning of the name and the activity?
What special prayer (due to the forthcoming season) is said on Shemini Atzeres?
How does that prayer change something during Sukkos?
When do we say Yizkor?
How is one supposed to spend one’s time during Sukkos?
What is special about Simchas Beis Hashoevah? When is it?
Explain these terms:
noy sukkah
nisuch hamayim
tefilas geshem
isru chag
chassan torah
chassan bereishis
Which miracles are celebrated on Chanukah? When did they happen?
What are the meanings of the name Chanukah? Why eight days?
What are some of the differences between the celebrations of Chanukah and Purim? Reasons?
What activities are forbidden because of Chanukah?
What are the changes in the davening of Chanukah?
How important is the mitzvoh of lighting the menorah (in monetary terms)? Why is it unique?
According to the Gemora, there are three levels in doing this mitzvoh. What are they?
Do children light? Do women have to light?
If a person is not at home, does he have to light?
Which oils or candles may be used? Which are preferred?
Do we need new wicks every night? Which wicks are best?
Can one use gas or electricity to fulfill the mitzvoh? Why?
Must one have a menorah when using candles?
Can two people light the same menorah at the same time?
May one use a dish with oil and put several wicks into it?
May we derive benefit from the lights? Why?
How does the ending of the brochos for Shabbos and Chanukah candles differ?
May we one candle from another? What is the shamash for?
How is it possible that a thousand candles should become unusable for private use because of a Chanukah candle?
May one use the Chanukah lights for private use after they burned the proper time?
May oil or wicks left over after Chanukah be used for personal use?
Can the oil that is left over in the menorah be kept for next Chanukah?
What is the proper time for lighting? The earliest? The latest?
Which activities are forbidden once the time for lighting arrives?
Where was the menorah placed in the time of the Gemora? Why?
Where do we place if today? (State various customs.)
What is the proper height (from the floor) for the menorah?
Can oil be added while the lights are burning them give it more time?
If one forgot to say Shehecheyanu on the first night, can he say it the next night?
if one forgot to light all night what should he do?
What happens if a person lit too many or too few candles?
Can one light the menorah while holding it in his hand? Why?
If the candle was extinguished before its time, does it have to be refit? Should it be?
If a person eats in one place and sleeps in another, where should he light?
What about people who eat in a common dining room?
A person who is travelling on a bus, plane, or train during candle lighting time, what should he do?
If one is a guest at a home, how should he do the mitzvoh?
When do we light in shul? Why do we light in the morning?
When do we light on Motzei Shabbos, before or after Havdala? Why?
What do we read in the Torah on Chanukah? Why? How many aliyos?
On which Rosh Chodesh do we say the entire Hallel? Why?
What game is played on Chanukah? Why?
If one forgets Al Hanissim in davening what should he do? And if it happened in bentching? And if one forgot Haneiros Halalu?
Are the meals of Chanukah in the category of ‘seudas mitzvah’?
How many Torahs do we use on Shabbos Chanukah? Why?
It is said that on Chanukah, Sefardim and Ashkenazim reverse their custom. Why?
Yud Shevat and Tu b’Shevat
In what year was the previous Rebbe niftar? How old was he?
How many years did the Rebbe o.b.m. live in 770?
What are the special minhagim connected with Yud Shevat?
What was the occasion for the Rebbe to give out the maamar ‘Bosi Legani’?
Why did the Shechina ascend from earth to the first Heaven?
Who brought the Shechina back down to earth? Where did the Shechina want to be?
What was the main avodah in the Mishkan and Mikdash? How is this avodah reflected in the Jew?
It is said that the Rebbe o.b.m. hinted at his own histalkus (passing) in the maamar. Can you find where?
How are spiritual fire and water different than the physical types?
Why was the Mishkan built with sheetim wood?
What is the definition of shtus d’kedusha and shtus of klipah?
Which example of shtus d’kedusha is brought from the Gemora?
What causes the nefesh habahamis (animal soul) to be cold to ruchniyus (spirituality)?
What is the meaning of Yud Shevat for the Rebbe Shlita?
Shabbos Shira and Tu B’Shevat
Based on the ‘Kitzur’ Siman 141, 142.
How is the Fast of Esther different than the other fast days of the year in its reasons and observance?
Why is it named Taanis Esther?
If a person eats on this day does he have to make up the fast?
What is the reason for the machatzis ha’shekel? How many are given? Why?
What is the earliest time to read the Megillah at night? During the day? The latest? When is the right time for the other mitzvos of Purim?
Where is the best place to read the Megillah? Why? Second best?
What are the three blessings before the reading? And afterwards?
What should listeners have in mind when these blessings are said?
What shouldn’t you answer when you hear these blessings? Why?
In the morning reading, what should you have in mind during the third blessing?
How many words can you skip in listening and still be yotzei (exempt)?
What’s the surest way to listen to the reading in order to be yotzei?
Why does the reader (and everyone else) fold up the Megillah when reading?
if you listen from a Chumash, is it better to say the words quietly? Why?
If you already heard it and want to read for someone else, who makes the blessings? Why? Does it matter who the listeners are, men, or women, or children?
On Purim morning, does the davening start early or late? Why?
What part is read in the Torah? How many aliyos are there?
Which is read first, the Torah or the Megillah? Why?
How many food gifts must you send to do the mitzvoh of shalach manos?
How much money must you give (to how many poor people) to be yotzei?
Which mitzvos of Purim are women exempt from? Why?
Is there a mitzvoh to eat on the (first) night of Purim?
When is the proper time to give matanos la’evyonim and shalach manos?
Why is there a mitzvoh to drink more wine on Purim than on other holidays?
Why is it especially proper to learn some Torah before the Purim meal?
When is the right time to start the Purim seudah?
If one forgets Al Hanissim in davening or bentching, what should he do?
Where is Purim celebrated on the 15th of Adar? Why? What is this day to us?
The Megillah
In relation to the Beis Hamikdash period, when did the story of Purim take place?
The king Achashverosh was given to extreme mood changes. Give some examples from the story.
The fact that Mordechai was one of the 71 Sanhedrin members helped him greatly. How?
How do we know (according to our Sages) that Haman made decrees against observance of mitzvos?
Mordechai and Esther announced three days of fasting. Which time of the year were they in?
What are the reasons that Hashem’s name is not mentioned in the Megillah? (Two reasons.)
Which posuk tells us that Jews re-accepted the Torah upon themselves at that time?
There are five mitzvos performed during the Seder. Which are they?
Why is shmurah (hand-baked) matzo better than machine matzo?
Must everyone at the Seder table understand the whole Haggadah?
Why do we drink four cups of wine? How much of the cup must we drink?
Which other beverages may one drink (in special cases)? What is preferred?
How much should children drink? Women? How big is a ‘cup’?
How many portions of matzo must one eat through the Seder?
In how short a time-period should one eat each portion of matzo? Drink each cup?
Why do we eat marror at the Seder? How much must one eat?
What kinds of herbs are kosher for marror? Which is preferable?
Lettuce is not bitter; why is it kosher for marror?
How should one prepare the romaine lettuce for marror? When should it be prepared?
Are children required to eat manor? Could it be grated or chopped?
Why do we have to recline (lean) at the Seder? To which side?
For which activities must we recline? When is it optional?
How does a left-handed person recline? Does a son recline near a father? A student near a Torah teacher?
Which items are put on the Seder plate? In what formation?
Why do we take three matzos? What are their titles?
What do we take for zroah (according to the Lubavitcher custom)?
How is the charoses prepared? The salt water? Why do we eat less than a kezayis?
When one eats the korech (sandwich) can he swallow matzo and marror separately?
Why do we have to eat korech? What do we say when we eat it?
What should one’s kavana be when drinking the kiddush wine? The other three cups?
Why do we wash our hands for karpas? Why is there no brocho recited on this mitzvoh?
Why is the karpas dipped in salt water? Why do we eat less than a kezayis?
Why do we spill drops of wine when reciting the ten makes?
During which activities is it forbidden to talk during the Seder?
What general intention must one have when reciting the Haggadah?
May one dip the matzos in wine or soup? Drink while eating matzo?
When must we eat the Afikoman? How full must we be before it? How much of it do we eat?
What should one do after the Seder?
When do the bechorim fast if the first day of Pesach falls on a Sunday? When is a siyum made?
Which new mitzvoh do we start on the second night of Pesach?
What is changed in the Shmoneh Esrei beginning on Chol Hamoed? What is added?
What is the best activity during Chol Hamoed?
How is the Havdala on Sunday night different than on a regular Shabbos night?
Which portions of the Torah are read on Chol Hamoed? Is tefillin used on Chol Hamoed? Why?
How does the last day of Pesach differ in the eating of the matzo?
Why is Shabbos Hagadol called by that name? (See how many reasons you can give.)
How many times do we light candles during this Yom Tov? Do we make an eruv tavshillin?
The Prohibitions of Chametz
On Pesach, there are three positive mitzvos and five negative ones. What are they?
How are the prohibitions of chametz different from those of non-kosher foods?
From which time is chametz prohibited to eat? To keep? To benefit from?
If a Jew had chametz in his possession during Pesach what happens to that chametz?
What is gebrokts? Why do we avoid it? Why do some eat it?
In which foods is there a difference of customs between Sefardim and Ashkenazim?
Can we use regular soaps and detergents on Pesach? Why?
Can powders (talcum powder, baby powder, etc.) be used?
Are (medical) tablets or liquid permitted where there is no danger? Why?
What is the special problem of medicine capsules? How is it solved?
Which liquids should not be used on Pesach? Why?
Can we shop in a private grocery or in a supermarket (for items containing chametz) right after Pesach?
What special problem of chametz is there in ketchup, mayonnaise, etc?
Sugar, salt, tea and coffee — do they need a special hechsher?
What special care should be used in obtaining milk, butter and cheese?
Why do some people use only unwashed eggs? Why do some not use garlic? What about dried fruits?
Why do people have so many chumrahs (restrictions) on Pesach?
What did the Ari Zal say about the reward for extra care on Pesach?
What is the proper procedure for eating fresh fruit and vegetables?
Which are the two (general) methods for koshering dishes?
Not all metal dishes can be koshered. Which cannot be koshered?
Can you kosher dishes from milchigs to fleishigs?
Can dishes made of plastic, melmac, or teflon be koshered?
How about dishes made of Corningware, Pyrex or duralex? Glass?
Can dishes made of china, porcelain, or enamel be koshered?
Dish towels and tablecloths that were washed, can they be used?
Can spoons, forks and knives be koshered? Why?
What should one avoid 24 hours before koshering any dish?
How does one kosher a kitchen sink? A kitchen range?
What are the proper ways to kosher microwave, self-cleaning, gas, and electric ovens?
People who have false teeth, dentures, etc. — how do they prepare for Pesach?
Which kind of dishes must be immersed in a mikvah? What is the brocho?
When do we make a bitul chametz, biyur chametz, mechiras chametz?
What must be done in the home by the time bedikas chametz arrives?
What activities are prohibited within one half-hour prior to bedikas chametz? Why?
Which places must be searched for chametz? Which ‘tools’ are used for the bedikah?
Until when may we eat chametz on the morning of Erev Pesach?
If a person leaves his house before the bedikah night what must he do about bedikas chametz?
What is the difference between the bitul chametz at night and in the morning?
Sefiras Ha’Omer
What is the Korban Ha’Omer? How is it connected to the Sefira?
Why don’t we say Shehecheyanu on the mitzvoh of counting the Omer?
What was the dispute between the ‘Tzdukim’ and. the ‘Pmshim’ (Sages) concerning the time of Sefiras Ha’Omer?
Nowadays, is this mitzvoh mi-deoraisa (from the Torah) or mi-dirabonon (from the Rabbis)? Why?
Why do we say Horahamon right after each count?
Where else in davening do we say a similar prayer?
How many days and weeks do we count? Why?
What is meaning of the two small words under each count?
What is the meaning of the large letter next to each count? The words under it?
How many sefiros are there in all? How many do we mention here?
Why was psalm (kapitl, mizmor) 67 included here? (Two reasons.)
Where else do we recite this mizmor? Why?
What is the prayer Ana Bekoach asking for?
Why was this tefillah chosen for Sefiras Ha’Omer?
What are we supposed to do with the abbreviations of Ana Bekoach?
What is the purpose of Sefiras Ha’Omer, according to the words of the prayer Ribono Shel Olom?
What are we asking from Hashem in this tefillah?
Can you tell which day it is in the Sefira by looking at the midoh of the day?
If you forgot to count one night, what should you do?
How early in the evening may we count Sefira?
What are the five names of this Yom Tov and their reasons?
Why is there no specific date given in the Torah for this holiday? (How does the Torah describe the date for Shavuos?)
Each of the five days prior to Shavuos the Jews did something in preparation for Matan Torah. Can you describe them?
What are the five symbols connected to Matan Torah that are all connected with the number three?
Who was born on Shavuos? Who passed away on Shavuos?
What were the ‘two loaves,’ and what was done with them?
On which day (of which month) was the Torah given? (Two opinions.) On which day of the week?
bikurim are brought from the seven species of fruit. Can you name them?
What is the ‘Torah reading’ for the first day? For the second? Why?
Why is there a minhag to stay up the first night of Shavuos?
Many communities say Tikun Shavuos night (and some study). Why?
Why is there a minhag to daven Maariv late on Shavuos night?
Which Haftaros are read on the two days? Why?
How many days is Shavuos celebrated in Eretz Yisroel? In exile? Why?
We do not say Tachanun from Rosh Chodesh until the 12th of Sivan. Why?
How do we do the morning blessings (and negel vasser) after staying up all night?
Why is there a custom to decorate the home and the shul with greenery and/or flowers?
What are the reasons for the minhag of eating dairy foods on Shavuos?
Must we also eat meat on Shavuos? Why? How do we separate between the two?
Which special prayer do we say on the second day of Shavuos? (Hint: Most children leave then.)
What are two ways of reading the Ten Commandments in the Torah? Which one is used? Why? What is akdamus? Our custom?
The Ten Commandments contain an open hint to the 620 mitzvos. What is it?
Matan Torah
Who was offered the Torah before we were? What was their response? Why?
Our Sages said that the entire creation was waiting for the Torah and shaking. Why?
Who were offered by our nation as guarantors to Hashem for the observance of Torah and were rejected? Accepted?
Which creatures desired to get the Torah? Why were they rejected?
Why was the Torah given in the desert? Why on a low mountain?
Which secrets from the Heavenly angels did the Jews find out?
Why wasn’t the Torah given to us immediately after the Exodus?
When we said ‘Naaseh venishmah’ (we shall do and we shall listen) we were immediately rewarded. How?
What were the special miracles in the sights and sounds of Matan Torah?
Why were the Ten Commandments said in the singular (not plural) verb form?
What are some of the differences between the Ten Commandments that are written in parshas Yisro and those in parshas Vo’eschanan?
How was the Torah written down, at once or in stages? By whom? Where?
Who divided the Torah into pesukim? Into sedras? Into aliyos? Into chapters?
How many sedras are there? pesukim? Words? Letters?
There are several types of letters in the Torah. What are they?
The Book of Ruth
Why is Megillas Ruth read an Shavuos (in Tikum or in public)? Who wrote it? Why?
Who was the father of Ruth? Who was her mother-in-law?
Who was Boaz? How were he and Ruth related to King David?
There were great acts of kindness in this book. What are they?
Who was Orpah? Who was her grandchild? What can we learn from the difference between her and Ruth?
Who was Elimelech? Machlon? Kilyon? From which tribe were they?
Why were the above people punished? Why not Naomi?
Which kinds of dinim do we derive from Megillas Ruth?
How is Ruth related to Avrohom Avinu?
Since Ruth came from Moav, whose people were forbidden to intermarry with Jews, how was she permitted?
The ‘Nine Days’
Based on the Kitzur Shulchon Oruch, Chapters 122-125 and Rabbi Eider’s “Summary of Halachos of the Three Weeks”.
May engagements take place during the Nine Days? How?
Is it permissible to cut nails during the Nine Days?
“Mishenichnas Av memaatin besimcha.” Does this include Rosh Chodesh?
If one has a lawsuit in court, what should he try to do? Why?
May painting, building or decorating be done? Why?
Why can’t we eat meat or drink wine in the Nine Days? (Two reasons.)
May some people eat meat? Is chicken different in this halacha?
What is a siyum? When is it made? Who can participate? Why?
Why is it prohibited to launder clothes? Is wearing freshly laundered clothes permitted?
If one has no dean clothes, may he do some laundering?
Is there a difference between various kinds of garments concerning the prohibition of wearing freshly washed clothes?
How does one ‘prepare’ clean clothes for the ‘Nine Days’?
Are linen, towels, or tablecloths included in the issur (prohibition)?
Which of the above prohibitions are lifted for Shabbos?
May one purchase new sneakers for Tisha B’Av? Why?
Needlework and embroidery are prohibited. How about repairing and patching?
Usual washing and bathing for pleasure is prohibited even in cold water. In which cases would a man be permitted to wash?
When washing is permissible, can soap and shampoo be used?
May one wash one’s face, hands, or feet with cold or warm water?
From the seventh day of Av, restrictions are more serious. Why?
How is Havdala made on Motzei Shabbos (parshas Matos/Masei)?
The Shabbos prior to Tisha B’Av has a special name. What? Why?
Is singing permissible during the Nine Nays?
Tisha B’Av
When Tisha B’Av falls on a Sunday (Shabbos on Erev Tisha B’Av), which prayer is omitted at Minchah on Shabbos? Why?
in such a case, by which time must Shalosh Seudos (the third meal) be finished on Shabbos/Erev Tisha B’Av?
And are there restrictions in Torah study on Shabbos afternoon? Should one take a pleasure stroll?
And when are shoes removed on Motzei Shabbos? Why?
And are there any restrictions in the enjoyment of this Shabbos (Erev Tisha B’Av)?
And when is Havdala made? Do we recite any part of Havdala after Shabbos?
Finally, if someone forgot to say Atah Chonantanu what should he do?
What five tragic events happened on Tisha B’Av?
What five things are prohibited on Tisha B’Av?
On which other day are these five things prohibited?
Who is exempt from fasting on Tisha B’Av?
Do these people have any restrictions in eating?
Those who eat must first recite Havdala. Why?
May one take medications on Tisha B’Av?
Washing is prohibited. How do we wash negel vasser?
Is any washing (besides ‘mitzvoh washing’) permitted?
May one wash one’s eyes on Tisha B’Av?
May one wash foods when doing so causes the hands to be washed too?
Which activities are prohibited under the heading of ‘anointing’?
May one use creams, etc., for medical reasons?
May we wear any other leather garments besides shoes?
In certain cases a person is permitted to wear leather shoes. When?
Why is there a prohibition on learning Torah on Tisha B’Av?
Which parts of Torah may one study on Tisha B’Av?
May we greet someone or respond to a greeting on Tisha B’Av?
Which other activities are prohibited on Tisha B’Av because they divert one’s mind from mourning?
Until when is sitting on a chair (12 inches or higher) prohibited?
Is smoking permitted?
What type of work is permitted on Tisha B’Av?
What warning is given to one who engages in prohibited work on Tisha B’Av?
Why is the paroches (curtain in front of the Ark) removed?
Someone who is sitting shiva, may he go to shul on Tisha B’Av?
Why is the lighting in shul dimmed on Tisha B’Av?
Why do we skip Tiskabel in the Kaddish of Tisha B’Av?
What is the special way Eicha (Lamentations) is read?
How do we decrease comfort in sleeping on Tisha B’Av?
Why are tallis and tefillin not worn on the morning of Tisha B’Av?
Why don’t we say Tachanun or Avinu Malkeinu on Tisha B’Av (as on other fast days)?
What is the Torah reading on Tisha B’Av? How many aliyos? Who gets maftir?
What do we recite after krias haTorah (after davening)?
What is said during the when we put on tefillin in the evening?
What are the krias haTorah and maftir during Minchah?
What is the special additional prayer in the Shmoneh Esrei of Minchah?
If one forgot to say this prayer, when can he correct it?
Which special mitzvoh do we look forward to on Motzei Tisha B’Av? How do we prepare for it?
When do the prohibitions of the ‘Nine Days’ become permitted again?
- ach
but, only
- akdamus
- akeidah
- Al Hanissim
- aliyah
- aliyos
- amos
- Am Yisroel
the Jewish nation
- Ana Bekoach
- arbeh
- arei miklot
cities of refuge
- aron
- arov
wild animals
- Aseres Hadibros
Ten Commandments
- Aseres Yemei Teshuvah
Ten Days of Repentance
- Asham
- Atah Chonantanu
- Atzeres
- aveiro
- aveiros
- Av Hatumah
- Avi Avos Hatumah
- Avim
- Avinu Malkeinu
- avneit
- avodah
- avodah zorah
- avodim
- Avos
- Avraich
- baal koreh
- baal tashcis
- baalei teshuva
- bamah
private altars
- Baruch Shem
second posuk of Shma
- Bosi Legani
- bashert
- bas kol
Heavenly voice
- bechorah
- bechor
- bechorim
- bedikas chametz
- beged
- behaaloscha
- behasraah
- Beis Hamikdash
- beis medrash
- ben chameish lemikrah
- ben sorer umoreh
rebellious son
- bentching
- besomim
- bigdei kehuna
- bigdei serod
- bikurim
- bimah
- Birkas Kohanim
- bitachon
- bitul chametz
- Biurim L’peirush Rashi
- biyur chametz
- Bnei Yisroel
the Children of Israel
- bored
- brocho
- chametz
- charoses
- Chatos
- Chazal
our Sages
- cheilev
forbidden fats
- chesed
- chet ha’egel
sin of the calf
- Chitas
Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya
- Chol Hamoed
intermediate days
- choshen hamishpot
- Chossid
- Chumash
- chumrahs
- Damesek
- dever
- dor haflaga
generation of dispersion
- egloh arufoh
the chopped-off calf
- eilim
- Erev
- erev rav
Egyptian converts
- eruv tavshillin
- Esek
- esrog
- eved Ivri
Jewish slave
- Galus Bavel
Babylonian Exile
- garti
I lived
- gebrokts
- Gehinom
- goel hadam
avenger of the blood
- Golus
- ha’anakah
farewell gift
- hai
- Hakofos
- halacha
Jewish law
- Hallel
- Hanavi
- Haneiros Halalu
- Har Sinai
Mount Sinai
- hashgocha protis
divine providence
- hayom
- hechsher
- hekdesh
- hisgalus
- Horahamon
- Hoshana Rabbah
- histalkus
- ir hanidachas
a deviant city
- issur
- Kadaish
- Kaddish
- Kaftorim
- kal vachomer
- kapitl
- kapores
- kavana
- kaves
- kavod
- kedoshim kalim
- kedusha
- kehuna
- keilim
- kesones pasim
- ketores
- kevasim
- kezayis
- kfitzas haderech
a miracle to quicken his trip
- Kiddush Levana
- kikar
- Kiryas Arba
City of Four
- kittel
white robe/coat
- kodshai kedoshim
- Kohanim
- Kohein
- Kohein Gadol
High Priest
- Kol Nidrei
- korban
- Korban Ha’Omer
- Korban Minchah
- korbanos
- Korban Pesach
Passover sacrifice
- korech
- kos shel brocho
lit. ‘cup of blessing’
- krias haTorah
- krias Yam Suf
the parting of the Red Sea
- laining ‘trop’
cantillation/musical notes
- lechem
- lechem hapanim
- lechem oni
bread of poverty
- lekach
- Likutei Sichos
- Likutei Torah
- loshon horo
lit. evil tongue
- Luchos
- lulov
four species
- ma’acheles
- maamar
- maamorim
- Maariv
evening prayer
- maaser
- maaser sheini
- maasros
- mabul
- machatzis ha’shekel
- machlokes
- makah
- makas bechoros
slaying of the firstborn
- makos
floggings; plagues
- maloch
- malochim
- marror
- masach
- mashal
- mashkon
- mashpia
- masos
- matanos kehuna
- matanos la’evyonim
- Matan Torah
the Giving of the Torah
- mateh
- matzo
unleavened bread
- mechiras chametz
- mehudar
- meis
dead body
- mekushar
- mekoshesh
wood gatherer
- melacha
- Melech HaMoshiach
- menorah
- Meoros Hamachpeila
- meraglim
- merkava
chariot to Hashem
- midbar
- mi-deoraisa
from the Torah
- mi-dirabonon
from the Rabbis
- midoh
- midoh tovah
- midoh poranius
- mikvah
- milchamah
- milchemes ho’rshus
optional war
- Minchah
- minhag
- minyan
- Mishkan
- Mitzrayim
- Mitzri
- mitzvoh asei
positive mitzvoh
- mitzvos asei
positive mitzvos
- mitzvos lo ta’asei
negative mitzvos
- mivtzoyim
mitzvah campaigns
- mizbeyach
- mizmor
- mon
- Moshiach
- mussar
- naar
- Naaseh venishmah
we shall do and we shall listen
- nachas
- Nazir
- neder
- nedorim
- nedava
- nedovos
- Nefesh
- nefesh habahamis
animal soul
- negah
- negayim
- negel vasser
- neis
- nesiyim
heads of tribes; princes
- neshamah
- nesochim
wine and oil offerings
- Neviah
- Nevi’im
- niftar
- nisim
- Ohel Moed
- Olah
- Olom Haboh
the World to Come
- osos
- para adumah
red heifer
- parsha
- parnasah
- paroches
curtain in front of the Ark
- par
- parshiyos
- Pesach
- pesukim
- pidyon ha’ben
redemption of the first born
- Pirkei Avos
Ethics of our Fathers
- porim
- posuk
- posul
- pri eitz hadar
- pshat
- rasha
- Razal
our Sages
- rebbi
- Rechovos
- Refayim
- reishis hagez
- reshayim
- Ribono Shel Olom
- Rishon
- Risma
- ruach hakodesh
divine inspiration
- ruchniyus
- Satan
- s’chach
covering for the Sukkah
- seder
- sedra
- sefer
the book of
- Sefer Torah
- Sefira
- Sei’ir la’azazel
- Shabbos
- Shabbos Shabbaton
- Shacharis
morning prayer
- shalach manos
- Shalosh Seudos
- shamash
- shatnez
mixture of wool and linen
- Shavous
- sh’chin
- sh’chutei chutz
outside offerings
- Shechina
Divine Presence
- sheetim
- Shehecheyanu
- Sheini
- sheivet
the tribe of
- shemen hamishcho
- Shemini Atzeres
- Sheva Brachos
- shevatim
- shidduch
marriage partner; match
- shifcha Cnaanis
a gentile maidservant
- shiluach hakan
- shira
- shiva
- Shiveh
- shlichus
- Shlomim
- shloshim
- Shma Yisroel
- shmurah
hand-baked matzo
- Shnayim mikrah v’echad targum
- shoham
- shonoh
- shtus d’kedusha
- shulchon
- Shulchon Oruch
- Shvi’i shel Pesach
the seventh day of Pesach
- Simchas Beis Hashoevah
- Sitnah
- smicha
rabbinical ordination
- Sotah
- Sukkos
TODO 2 omonims
- Taanis Esther
Fast of Esther
- Tachanun
- taharah
- tahor
- taiva
- talmid
- tam
- Tamid
- tamid
- techiyas hameisim
resurrection of the dead
- teichef umiyad mamash
- Tekiah
- tenufah
- terumah
- terumos
- terumas hadeshen
- teshuvah
- Tfilas
- Tiskabel
- Tochecha
curses, punishments
- tomei
- Torah Shebe’al Peh
Oral Law
- totafos
- tumah
- tzadik
righteous person
- tzadikim
righteous persons
- tzav
- tzedakah
- tzefardeia
- tzitzis
- tzoraas
- uforatzto
- vayishokaihu
- Ve’ahavta
- Vehaya
- Vezos Habracha
- Vidui
confession statement
- vlad hatumah
second level tumah
- yad
- Yam Suf
the Red Sea
- Yarden
- Yehi Ratzon
- yetze’r horah
evil inclination
- yetzias Mitzmyim
the exodus from Egypt
- yirah
fear, respect
- yiras shamayim
fear of Heaven
- Yizkor
- Yom Tov aliyas haregel
going up to the Beis Hamikdash for the holidays
- yotzei
- Yovel
- yud
- Yud Shvat
- zav
- zavah
- zechus